Francisco Bonilla

Morphological assessment of the umbilical cord with three-dimensional ultrasonography

ABSTRACTThe long cylindrical cord covered by a layer of amnion that extends from the umbilicus of the fetus to the fetal surface of the placenta is known as the umbilical cord, or, in older medical textbooks, as funiculis umbilicalis. The two umbilical arteries extend as branches of the internal iliac arteries that emerge from the fetal body at the umbilicus, and run a helical course through the umbilical cord carrying venous blood to the placenta. In most normal placentas, the umbilical arteries anastomose within 2 cm of insertion into the placenta. The fetal umbilical vein emerges from the placenta and carries oxygenated blood to the fetus. The cord vessels are supported by a matrix of my…

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Umbilical cord cysts: evaluation with different 3-dimensional sonographic modes.

Objective. The purpose of this series was to determine whether the use of different 3-dimensional (3D) sonographic modes allows better definition of umbilical cord cysts and pseudocysts in utero. Methods. Two cases of umbilical cord cysts and 1 of a pseudocyst were analyzed and compared with 2-dimensional (2D), 3D, angiopower Doppler, tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI), virtual organ computer-aided analysis (VOCAL), and automatic volume calculation (AVC) sonographic modes. All cases were followed during pregnancy. A karyotype analysis was also obtained. Results. Three-dimensional sonography, TUI, and VOCAL allowed clear visualization and evaluation of the sizes, locations, and numbers of …

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Alta definición ecográfica en tiempo real (HDLive US) en Obstetricia y Ginecología / High real time ultrasound definition (HDLive US) in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Los ultrasonidos de alta definición en tiempo real (HDLive US) incorporan un software que calcula la propagación de la luz a través de superficies y en relación con la dirección de la misma. Esta fuente de luz puede ser posicionada libremente con el fin de iluminar las áreas de interés deseadas, permitiendo así imágenes de mejor calidad, una mayor sensación de profundidad y una visión más sencilla de superficies fetales. Mostramos casos de embriones y fetos normales, así como algunas malformaciones para señalar las posibilidades de esta nueva tecnología. El auténtico potencial de esta nueva tecnología esta aún por revelar. La HDLive representa, en nuestra opinión, una verdadera innovación y…

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Recombinant follicle stimulating hormone stimulation in poor responders with normal basal concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone and oestradiol: improved reproductive outcome

A total of 30 young infertile patients who exhibited a poor response in two previous consecutive cycles, despite having normal basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestradiol concentrations, were invited to participate in a prospective randomized study comparing the clinical efficacy of recombinant (rFSH) and urinary (uFSH) follicle stimulating hormone. An evaluation of the total dose used (3800 IU versus 4600 IU, P < 0.05) and duration of treatment (10.2 days versus 13.2 days, P < 0.05) showed a significantly shorter treatment period as well as a significantly lower total dose of FSH required to induce ovulation successfully in the group of patients treated with rFSH. Significantly…

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Three-dimensional inversion mode rendering in molar pregnancy

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Útero septo con duplicación cervical: una anomalía mülleriana infrecuente

Resumen En el presente caso hemos descrito una variante mulleriana infrecuente (utero septo y cervix doble), que resulta inconsistente con la embriologia clasica. Asimismo, hemos realizado un diagnostico correcto mediante el empleo de ecografia tridimensional, que representa el primer caso de la bibliografia mundial descrito mediante esta tecnica ecografica. Por ultimo, hemos repasado las opciones terapeuticas y discutido su inclusion futura en la clasificacion de las malformaciones uterinas

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Endometrial receptivity: evaluation with ultrasound.

An adequate endometrial receptivity is a crucial factor for embryo implantation. We describe endometrial morphology (endometrial appearance or pattern, endometrial thickness, volume, and delimitation), based on the concepts and possibilities of the new ultrasound modalities (3-dimensional/4-dimensional ultrasound, automatic volume calculation, virtual organ computer-aided analysis, tomographic ultrasound image, inverse mode, and 3-dimensional Doppler angiography) as markers of endometrial receptivity.

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Two-dimensional and three-dimensional sonography of conjoined twins.

Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the diagnostic capabilities of 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) sonography for the study of conjoined twins. Methods Four pregnant women with an initial 2D sonographic diagnosis of conjoined twins were examined with color Doppler sonography, 3D multiplanar sonography, and orthogonal plane imaging and 3D surface rendering. Results All 4 cases of conjoined twins were initially diagnosed with either transvaginal or transabdominal 2D sonography. 3D sonography afforded more realistic views and demonstrated more clearly the linking areas and surface anomalies, but 2D and color Doppler sonography provided more definitive and specif…

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Assessment of endometrial volume by three-dimensional ultrasound prior to embryo transfer: clues to endometrial receptivity

The aim of the present prospective study was to obtain quantitative data on endometrial volume by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound at the time of embryo transfer in an in-vitro fertilization programme and to assess its value in predicting endometrial receptivity. The cycles (n = 72) were classified according to endometrial volume: group A2 ml, group B 2-4 ml, and group C4 ml. Comparisons of the groups showed that pregnancy and implantation rates were significantly lower (P0.05) in the group of patients with an endometrial volume2 ml. Furthermore, no pregnancy was achieved with an endometrial volume1 ml. It is concluded that endometrial volume by 3D transvaginal ultrasound may become a new …

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Empleo prenatal de esteroides: riesgos y beneficios

Resumen El empleo de corticoides ante la posibilidad de un parto prematuro ha disminuido la incidencia de distress respiratorio, hemorragia intraventricular y muerte neonatal. En aquellas mujeres en que el parto se pospone mas alla de una semana, el empleo de nuevas dosis semanales ha sido empleado en la practica obstetrica pese a que hay poca evidencia de su eficacia. Nuevos estudios sugieren en estas pautas repetidas ocos beneficios y riesgos potenciales, por lo que sugieren las dosis unicas.

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Prenatal diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratomas by two- and three-dimensional ultrasound

We suspected two fetuses of having sacrococcygeal teratomas following initial two-dimensional ultrasound scanning at 18 and 22 weeks' gestation. The fetuses were then scanned with three-dimensional multiplanar surface and three-dimensional orthogonal planar ultrasound to establish a definitive diagnosis. Although we made a presumptive diagnosis in both cases after initial two-dimensional scanning, with three-dimensional ultrasound we were better able to define the degree of involvement of the sacrum and other pelvic structures of prognostic importance. Copyright © 2002 ISUOG

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Congenital Müllerian anomalies: a review of currently available imaging modalities

Congenital uterine anomalies are associated with infertility and adverse obstetric outcomes. The sensitivity of transvaginal sonography in diagnosing these anomalies ranges from 42% to 87%. More re...

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HDlive imaging of cystic uterine leiomyoma degeneration

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Multimodality 3-dimensional volumetric ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology with an emphasis in HDlive technique.

HDlive (high-definition live or real-time US), a new ultrasound software, combines a movable virtual adjustable light source in a software that calculates the proportion of light reflecting through surface structures, depending on light direction. The light source can be manually positioned to illuminate the desired area of interest. The ultrasound technician can control light intensity to create shadows that enhance image quality. HDlive is an innovation that will render even more realistic images of fetal anatomy and of gynecologic lesions. The full potential of this new technology is yet to be determined and deserves scientific evaluation.

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HDlive ultrasound images in assisted reproduction treatment.

Abstract The volume ultrasound technology software known as the HDlive technique represents an innovative tool, a step towards an even more realistic anatomical visualization of pelvic organ structures. HDlive can help improve physician–patient communication with the aid of life-like images and might prove useful in the field of assisted reproduction treatment. The clinical application of this novel ultrasound technology in assisted reproduction treatment deserves scientific evaluation.

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Tumor de Krukenberg secundario a adenocarcinoide apendicular

Resumen Las metastasis ovaricas de tumores apendiculares son excepcionales. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 38 anos con una tumoracion ovarica bilateral sometida a histerectomia total con salpingo-ooforectomia bilateral, apendicectomia y omentectomia. El estudio anatomopatologico revelo la presencia de un tumor de Krukenberg secundario a un adenocarcinoide oculto de apendice. Asimismo, se realiza una actualizacion de estos casos.

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