Giuseppe Morana

A contribution to solve the problem of attributing harmonic distorsion disturbance responsability.

research product

A New Solution to Mitigate Voltage Dips on Electrical Distribution Systems: the Fault Decoupling Device.

research product

No-Load Energization of Very Long EHV Mixed Overhead-Cable Lines

research product

Transient behaviour of a “mixed” overhead-cable EHV line under lightning events

Recently, in many countries have been undergone or are planning links with AC extra-high voltage (EHV) underground cables. Cable lines offer the possibility of a reduced environment impact and for this reason they are often the only alternative for the reinforcement or the expansion of power system accepted by public opinion. The coexistence of overhead and cable line in the so called ¿mixed¿ lines, however, raises several questions regarding their behaviour both in steady state and in transient. The purpose of this work is to investigate the transient behaviour of a mixed overhead-cable EHV line under lightning events, describing the effects of the following overvoltages on the system. The…

research product

Ant Colony Search algorithm for optimal strategical planning of electrical distribution systems expansion

Strategical planning is one of many research fields in the design of electrical distribution systems. The problem of strategical planning is a multiobjective combinatorial problem and the search space may often be quite large concerning to the options. The aim is to identify a strategy of expansion of a given distribution system in a given timeframe. For this problem, the search space is created beforehand by running a multiobjective optimisation algorithm for the optimal design of distribution networks for different load levels related to different years. The sets of Pareto-optimal solutions obtained for each load level at each year are equivalent in terms of the considered objectives, the…

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research product

A Single-Point Strategy for the Harmonic Sources Detection in Power Systems.

research product

Performances of the Fault Decoupling Device when unbalanced and multiple faults occur on distribution systems.

Nowadays industrial processes are largely based on electronic devices such as programmable logic controllers and adjustable speed drives. Consequently, industrial equipments became less tolerant towards power supply disturbances. Voltage dips due to faults are surely among the worst disturbances for industrial equipments. A paper machine can be affected by disturbances of only 10% voltage drop lasting for 100 ms. A voltage dip of 75% (of the nominal voltage) with a duration shorter than 100 ms results in material loss in the range of thousands of US Dollars for semiconductors industry [1].

research product

Transient stability assessment of SMIB System with Mixed overhead-cable line – Sensitivity analysis

research product

Dispositivi risonanti per migliorare la qualità del servizio nelle reti di distribuzione passive e attive

research product

Thermal-hydraulic analysis on the cooling system of the target in the SPES plant

research product


Il progetto SPES prevede il bombardamento di un bersaglio in carburo di uranio con un fascio di protoni, in modo da generare, tramite reazione nucleare, specie radioattive all’interno del target. Le particelle radioattive generate vengono successivamente estratte, ionizzate, separate in massa ed accelerate come fascio di ioni radioattivo. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato lo studio di sicurezza di alcune unità dell'impianto SPES e si inserisce nell'ambito di una collaborazione di ricerca tra i Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro ed il Dipartimento dell'Energia, sezione Nucleare, dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo. Tale attività ha comportato l'analisi sui componenti del sistema di pr…

research product

Angle Stability Improvement by Switching Shunt Reactors in Mixed Overhead-Cable Lines

research product

An overview of a novel LC resonant device able to improve Power Quality in active and passive distribution networks

Nowadays power distribution systems are under a rapid evolution. The widespread penetration of distributed generation is bringing about new operating conflicts, which are adding to traditional power quality issues. The paper aims to analyse the performance of a new LC device able to improve power quality in electrical distribution systems, even in presence of distributed generation units. The different possible applications of the device are shown and the performances are proved by means of computer simulation. The first experimental results are also presented.

research product

Considering power quality in expansion planning of distribution systems. IEEE PES General Meeting 2004, June 6-10, Denver, Colorado USA.

research product

Applications of the Fault Decoupling Device to Improve the Operation of LV Distribution Networks

The aim of this paper is to present the operating principle of a new resonant device, called the fault decoupling device (FDD), able to improve power quality in electrical distribution systems. In low-voltage networks, this device can be employed in order to mitigate voltage dips due to faults or large induction motor startup. Moreover, in the presence of distributed-generation (DG) units, the FDD allows one to obtain various benefits such as a reduction of the fault current in each node of the network and an increase in the voltage at the DG unit node. In order to show the performances of the FDD, analytical studies and computer simulations were carried out which took into account various …

research product

RELAP5 simulation of two-phase flow experiments in vertical helical tubes

In the framework of the studies concerning the thermalfluid dynamic phenomena in helicoidal pipes of the innovative nuclear reactor IRIS steam generators, the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Palermo in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino Department of Energetics has been engaged in a work aimed to adapt, by implementing new suitable models, RELAP5/mod3.2.2β code to simulate the thermalfluid-dynamics and geometries such as the ones involved in helicoidal pipes. In fact this code is based on one-dimensional thermal-hydraulic relationships and presents limitations to model complicated geometry such as helicoidal pipes. Therefore the code was improved with additi…

research product

Analyses of single- and two-phase flow pressure drops in helical pipes using a modified RELAP5 code

Abstract Thermal fluid dynamics analyses on single- and two-phase flows in helical pipes of steam generators to be used in Generation III and IV nuclear reactors have been performed. The study concerned with experimental activities as well code simulations carried out in the framework of a collaboration between the Department of Energetics of the Polytechnic of Torino and the Department of Energy of the University of Palermo. The goal was the validation of models implemented in Relap5/Mod3.2β thermal–hydraulic advanced code to simulate the hydrodynamic behaviour of helical pipe components in spite of the one-dimensional nature of the code. It is shown that much of the experimental data obta…

research product

Modifiche del codice RELAP5/MOD3.2.b per lo studio delle perdite di carico e dello scambio termico in condotti elicoidali interessati da deflussi bifase: validazione attraverso gli esperimenti effettuati dal Politecnico di Milano presso l’impianto SIET di Piacenza

L’attività di ricerca svolta nell’ambito della linea progettuale LP2-B.2 del programma PAR 2008-09 (CERSE III) ha visto una prima fase in cui è stato ulteriormente sviluppato il lavoro svolto nel corso dei precedenti programmi CERSE [1, 2], riguardante la validazione del codice termoidraulico avanzato Relap5/Mod3.2.b, modificato per il calcolo delle cadute di pressione in tubi elicoidali interessati da deflussi monofase e bifase, ed una seconda fase che ha comportato l’implementazione di nuove procedure valide per lo studio dello scambio termico bifase in condotti elicoidali, in aggiunta a quelle relative al solo scambio termico monofase, in precedenza implementate. Per quanto riguarda ques…

research product

Contribution to solve the problem of attributing harmonic distorsion disturbance responsability

research product

Single-Point Strategies for the Detection of Harmonic Sources in Power Systems

research product

Flowblockage failures in the EFIT reactor

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Il giornale di viaggio dei Padri Teatini Giovanni e Giuseppe Maria Naselli (1723-1725)

research product

Impact of Wind Power on Power System design and on espected number of dips.

research product

Distraplan: a flexible tool for strategical planning of electrical distribution systems considering distributed generation.

The paper here presented describes and shows DISTRAPLAN (Distribution Strategical Planning), software tool for strategical planning of distribu tion networks at Medium and Low voltage. The software aims at the identification and comparison of network configur ations, optimized in the long term with identification of special features in relation to the main technical-economical-environmental aspects, such as: the number of HV/MV and MV/LV substations, total length of the MV and LV lines and relevant sections, maximum required energy and power, instal lation and losses costs, etc. DISTRAPLAN, in both the main procedures into which it is articulated (strategical planning and evaluation of the …

research product

A contribution to solve the problem of attributing harmonic distortion responsibility

Owing to the proliferation of loads which draw nonsinusoidal currents, the current and voltage distortion in distribution systems is ever increasing. The correct identification of the source of distortion is important for attributing the responsibility of disturbances to utility and customers. In this paper, a new classification of the possible classes of responsibility is proposed, defining some conditions, based on the improvement of the method of decomposition of the current into conforming and nonconforming components, and of the method based on the evaluation of the sign of harmonic active powers, which allows their identification.

research product

Alcune osservazioni sui principali metodi per l’attribuzione delle responsabilità della distorsione armonica nelle reti di distribuzione dell’energia elettrica

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