R. Rundans
Magnetic Field Gradiometer with Sub-Micron Spatial Resolution Based on Caesium Vapour in an Extremely Thin Cell
Abstract In this paper we present a device for measuring the magnetic field and its gradient with a spatial resolution of several hundred nanometres. This device is based on caesium metal vapour confined to an extremely thin cell (ETC). To measure magnetic signals, we use absorption and very low laser powers, which might be appealing for modern fabrication techniques. A portable, fully automated device was constructed.
Relaxation mechanisms affecting magneto-optical resonances in an extremely thin cell: Experiment and theory for the cesiumD1line
We have measured magneto-optical signals obtained by exciting the $D_1$ line of cesium atoms confined to an extremely thin cell (ETC), whose walls are separated by less than one micrometer, and developed an improved theoretical model to describe these signals with experimental precision. The theoretical model was based on the optical Bloch equations and included all neighboring hyperfine transitions, the mixing of the magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field, and the Doppler effect, as in previous studies. However, in order to model the extreme conditions in the ETC more realistically, the model was extended to include a unified treatment of transit relaxation and wall collisions wi…