G Augello
Compliance with the clinical practice guidelines for the management of hepatitis B and C virus-related chronic liver disease: a survey based on hospitalized cirrhotic patients
Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and elderly population: prognostic evaluation in acute secondary peritonitis
Introduction. Acute Secondary Peritonitis due to abdominal visceral perforation is characterized by high mortality and morbidity risk. Risk stratification allows prognosis prediction to adopt the best surgical treatment and clinical care support therapy. In Western countries elderly people represent a significant percentage of population Aim. Evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and consideration upon old people. Patients and methods. Retrospective study on 104 patients admitted and operated for âAcute Secondary Peritonitis due to visceral perforationâ. MPI was scored. In our study we want to demonstrate efficacy of MPI and the possibility to consider older age an independent …
23-hour observation endocrine neck surgery: lessons learned from a case series of over 1700 patients
Although the surgical procedures concerning the thyroid and the parathyroid glands are considered safe, the possible occurrence of complications (mainly hematoma and hypocalcemia) limit the short stay surgery. At our institution a 23-hour-surgery with overnight hospital stay for endocrine neck surgical procedures was introduced since 2004. The present case series analyses the institutional results. Over 1913 endocrine neck surgery procedures, 1730 patients (90,2%) were managed according to this model. Among these patients, 92 suffered from hypocalcemia, 12 from airways obstruction due to the hematoma, 5 from bilateral nerve palsy. 15 more patients had unpredictable general disease compromis…
Acute appendicitis: should the laparoscopic approach be proposed as the gold standard? Six-year experience in an Emergency Surgery Unit
Acute appendicitis is common in an Emergency Surgery Unit. Although the laparoscopic approach is a method accepted for its treatment, no strong data are available for determining how many procedures must an experienced surgeon carry out for obtaining all the advantages of this technique and if this approach can become the gold standard in the activity of a general emergency unit with senior surgeons variously skilled on the basic laparoscopy. 142 patients that underwent appendectomy (90 laparoscopic, 52 conventional) for acute appendicitis were enrolled in this institutional retrospective cohort study. The surgeons were classified with a descriptor-based grading and divided in two groups re…
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. In the United States, the incidence of HCC has almost tripled during the past two decades and HCC has become one of the fastest growing cancers. While surgical removal of tumor tissues is an effective approach to protect relatively healthy liver tissue, it is only applicable to a small subset of HCC patients with specific pathological conditions, such as confined tumor mass without portal hypertension. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop novel therapeutic strategies to treat this deadly disease. Systemic tumor-targeted gene delivery is attracting increasin…
Karyotypic Complexity and Chromosomal Aberrations In Human Embryonic Cancer Stem Cells 3AB-OS.
Deep SSI after mesh-mediated groin hernia repair: Management and outcome in an Emergency Surgery Department
Aim. Mesh-mediated groin hernia repair is considered the goldstandard procedure. It has low recurrence rate. Rarely a deep Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is seen when a synthetic prosthesis is used. Case report. We describe a rare case of bilateral deep SSI after mesh- mediated groin hernia repair. Diagnosis was performed through the physical examination and radiological exams. Microbiological samples identified a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus responsible of the infection. Target therapy was performed and re-operation performed in order to remove the infected prosthesis and to apply a biological one to create the fibrous scaffold. During follow-up time, right side recurrence wa…
Nucleic Acid Extraction. Quaderni del Dottorato di Ricerca in Oncobiologia Sperimentale: Tecniche e Procedure di Ricerca.
Non-occlusive mesenteric Ischemia (NOMI) in Parkinsonâs disease: Case report
Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) is a severe pathological condition characterized by signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction, intestinal necrosis resulting from acute and/or chronic inadequate blood perfusion, in the absence of an organic vascular obstruction detectable by imaging techniques. A 64 years old man case with a history of Parkinsonâs disease in high-functioning levodopa treatment is presented. Clinical and radiological signs of intestinal obstruction were observed. He underwent surgical operation with total colectomy and terminal ileostomy for generalized secondary peritonitis due to perforation of sigmoid colon. Ischemic pancolitis was first suspected. In third post-o…