A. Korichi
Identification of new transitions feeding the high-spin isomers in $^{139}$Nd and $^{140}$Nd nuclei
The population of the high-spin isomers in 139Nd and 140Nd was investigated using the 96Zr(48Ca,xn) reaction and the JUROGAM + RITU + GREAT setup employing the recoil decay tagging technique. Three transitions feeding the 23/2+ isomer in 139Nd and two transitions feeding the 20+ isomer in 140Nd were identified. The newly observed transitions allowed the excitation energy of the isomer to be established in 139Nd and to assign configurations to the states and bands deexcited by the observed transitions in both nuclei. peerReviewed
High-spin spectroscopy of 140Nd
The population of the high-spin states in 140Nd was investigated using the reaction 96Zr(48Ca,4n). The results from two experiments, one with the EUROBALL array and one with the JUROGAM II + RITU + GREAT setup employing the recoil decay tagging technique, have been combined to develop a very detailed level scheme for 140Nd. Twelve bands of quadrupole transitions and eleven bands of dipole transitions were identified and their connections to low-lying states were established. Calculations using the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and the tilted axis cranking models were used to interpret the observed structures. The overall good agreement between the experimental results and the calculations assu…
Spectroscopy of low-spin states in $^{157}\mathrm{Dy}$: Search for evidence of enhanced octupole correlations
Low-spin states of 157Dy have been studied using the JUROGAM II array, following the 155Gd ({\alpha}, 2n) reaction at a beam energy of 25 MeV. The level scheme of 157Dy has been expanded with four new bands. Rotational structures built on the [523]5/2- and [402]3/2+ neutron orbitals constitute new additions to the level scheme as do many of the inter- and intra-band transitions. This manuscript also reports the observation of cross I- to (I-1)- and I- to (I-1)+ E1 dipole transitions inter-linking structures built on the [523]5/2- (band 5) and [402]3/2+ (band 7) neutron orbitals. These interlacing band structures are interpreted as the bands of parity doublets with simplex quantum number s =…
First candidates for γ vibrational bands built on the [505]11/2⁻ neutron orbital in odd-A Dy isotopes
Rotational structures have been measured using the Jurogam II and GAMMASPHERE arrays at low spin following the 155Gd(α,2n)157Dy and 148Nd(12C,5n)155Dy reactions at 25 and 65 MeV, respectively. We report high-K bands, which are conjectured to be the first candidates of a Kπ=2+γ vibrational band, built on the [505]11/2− neutron orbital, in both odd-A155,157Dy isotopes. The coupling of the first excited K=0+ states or the so-called β vibrational bands at 661 and 676 keV in 154Dy and 156Dy to the [505]11/2− orbital, to produce a Kπ=11/2− band, was not observed in both 155Dy and 157Dy, respectively. The implication of these findings on the interpretation of the first excited 0+ states in the cor…
Octupole correlations in the structure of 0$_2^+$ bands in the N=88 nuclei 150Sm and 152Gd
Knowledge of the exact microscopic structure of the 01 + ground state and first excited 02 + state in 150Sm is required to understand the branching of double β decay to these states from 150Nd. The detailed spectroscopy of 150Sm and 152Gd has been studied using (α,xn) reactions and the γ -ray arrays AFRODITE and JUROGAM II. Consistently strong E1 transitions are observed between the excited Kπ = 02 + bands and the lowest negative parity bands in both nuclei. These results are discussed in terms of the possible permanent octupole deformation in the first excited Kπ = 02 + band and also in terms of the “tidal wave” model of Frauendorf. peerReviewed
Kr-96(36)60-Low-Z Boundary of the Island of Deformation at N=60
Prompt.-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich Kr-96, produced in transfer-and fusion-induced fission reactions, has been performed using the combination of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array and the VAMOS + +spectrometer. A second excited state, assigned to J pi = 4(+), is observed for the first time, and a previously reported level energy of the first 2+ excited state is confirmed. The measured energy ratio R-4/2 = E(4(+))/E(2(+)) = 2.12(1) indicates that this nucleus does not show a well-developed collectivity contrary to that seen in heavier N = 60 isotones. This new measurement highlights an abrupt transition of the degree of collectivity as a function of the proton number at Z = 36, of s…
Octupole correlations in the structure of02+bands in theN=88nuclei150Sm and152Gd
Knowledge of the exact microscopic structure of the 0${}_{1}$${}^{+}$ ground state and first excited 0${}_{2}$${}^{+}$ state in ${}^{150}$Sm is required to understand the branching of double \ensuremath{\beta} decay to these states from ${}^{150}$Nd. The detailed spectroscopy of ${}^{150}$Sm and ${}^{152}$Gd has been studied using (\ensuremath{\alpha},xn) reactions and the \ensuremath{\gamma}-ray arrays AFRODITE and JUROGAM II. Consistently strong $E$1 transitions are observed between the excited ${K}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}$ $=$ 0${}_{2}$${}^{+}$ bands and the lowest negative parity bands in both nuclei. These results are discussed in terms of the possible permanent octupole deformation in the …
Measurement of lifetimes in Fe-62,Fe-64, Co-61,Co-63, and Mn-59
Lifetimes of the 4(1)(+) states in Fe-62,Fe-64 and the 11/2(1)(-) states in Co-61,Co-63 and Mn-59 were measured at the Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) facility by using the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) and the large-acceptance variable mode spectrometer (VAMOS++). The states were populated through multinucleon transfer reactions with a U-238 beam impinging on a Ni-64 target, and lifetimes in the picosecond range were measured by using the recoil distance Doppler shift method. The data show an increase of collectivity in the iron isotopes approaching N = 40. The reduction of the subshell gap between the nu 2p(1/2) and nu 1g(9/2) orbitals leads to an increased popul…
Kr369660 –Low- Z Boundary of the Island of Deformation at N=60
Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich $^{96}$Kr, produced in transfer- and fusion-induced fission reactions, has been performed using the combination of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array and the VAMOS++ spectrometer. A second excited state, assigned to $J^π$ = $4^+$, is observed for the first time, and a previously reported level energy of the first 2+ excited state is confirmed. The measured energy ratio R4/2 = E($4^+$)/E($2^+$) = 2.12(1) indicates that this nucleus does not show a well-developed collectivity contrary to that seen in heavier N = 60 isotones. This new measurement highlights an abrupt transition of the degree of collectivity as a function of the proton number at Z = …
First candidates for $\gamma$ vibrational bands built on the $[505]11/{2}^{-}$ neutron orbital in odd-$A$ Dy isotopes
Rotational structures have been measured using the Jurogam II and GAMMASPHERE arrays at low spin following the 155Gd({\alpha},2n)157Dy and 148Nd(12C, 5n)155Dy reactions at 25 and 65 MeV, respectively. We report high-K bands, which are conjectured to be the first candidates of a K{\pi}= 2+ {\gamma} vibrational band, built on the [505]11/2- neutron orbital, in both odd-A 155, 157Dy isotopes. The coupling of the first excited K=0+ states or the so-called \b{eta} vibrational bands at 661 and 676 keV in 154Dy and 156Dy to the [505]11/2- orbital, to produce a K{\pi}=11/2- band, was not observed in both 155Dy and 157Dy, respectively. The implication of these findings on the interpretation of the f…
Lifetime measurement of neutron-rich even-even molybdenum isotopes
D. Ralet et al. -- 11 pags., 10 figs., 3 tabs.
Lifetime measurements in Ti52,54 to study shell evolution toward N=32
Lifetimes of the excited states in the neutron-rich Ti-52,Ti-54 nuclei, produced in a multinucleon-transfer reaction, were measured by employing the Cologne plunger device and the recoil-distance D ...
Performance of a gamma-ray tracking array: Characterizing the AGATA array using a 60Co source
International audience; The AGATA (Advanced GAmma Tracking Array) tracking detector is being designed to far surpass the performance of the previous generation, Compton-suppressed arrays. In this paper, a characterization of AGATA is provided based on data from the second GSI campaign. Emphasis is placed on the proper corrections required to extract the absolute photopeak efficiency and peak-to-total ratio. The performance after tracking is extracted and GEANT4 simulations are used both to understand the results and to scale the measurements up to predicted values for the full 4π implementation of the device.
Conceptual design of the AGATA 1$\pi$ array at GANIL
The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) has been installed at the GANIL facility, Caen-France. This setup exploits the stable and radioactive heavy-ions beams delivered by the cyclotron accelerator complex of GANIL. Additionally, it benefits from a large palette of ancillary detectors and spectrometers to address in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of exotic nuclei. The set-up has been designed to couple AGATA with a magnetic spectrometer, charged-particle and neutron detectors, scintillators for the detection of high-energy γ rays and other devices such as a plunger to measure nuclear lifetimes. In this paper, the design and the mechanical characteristics of the set-up are described. Based on sim…
Evidence of octupole-phonons at high spin in 207Pb
A lifetime measurement of the 19/2 state in Pb has been performed using the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift (RDDS) method. The nuclei of interest were produced in multi-nucleon transfer reactions induced by a Pb beam impinging on a Mo enriched target. The beam-like nuclei were detected and identified in terms of their atomic mass number in the VAMOS++ spectrometer while the prompt γ rays were detected by the AGATA tracking array. The measured large reduced transition probability B(E3,19/2→13/2)=40(8) W.u. is the first indication of the octupole phonon at high spin in Pb. An analysis in terms of a particle-octupole-vibration coupling model indicates that the measured B(E3) value in Pb is compa…
β and γ bands in N = 88, 90, and 92 isotones investigated with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian based on covariant density functional theory : Vibrations, shape coexistence, and superdeformation
A comprehensive systematic study is made for the collective β and γ bands in even-even isotopes with neutron numbers N=88 to 92 and proton numbers Z=62(Sm) to 70 (Yb). Data, including excitation energies, B(E0) and B(E2) values, and branching ratios from previously published experiments are collated with new data presented for the first time in this study. The experimental data are compared to calculations using a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian (5DCH) based on the covariant density functional theory (CDFT). A realistic potential in the quadrupole shape parameters V(β,γ) is determined from potential energy surfaces (PES) calculated using the CDFT. The parameters of the 5DCH are fixe…
Evidence of Partial Seniority Conservation in the pi g9/2 Shell for the N=50 Isotones
The reduced transition probabilities for the 4-> and 2->0 transitions in 92Mo and 94Ru and for the 4->2 and 6->4 transitions in 90Zr have been determined in this experiment making use of a multinucleon transfer reaction. These results have been interpreted on the basis of realistic shell-model calculations in the f5/2, p3/2, p1/2, and g9/2 proton valence space. Only the combination of extensive lifetime information and large scale shell-model calculations allowed the extent of the seniority conservation in the N=50 g9/2 orbital to be understood. The conclusion is that seniority is largely conserved in the first πg9/2 orbital.
Pseudospin Symmetry and Microscopic Origin of Shape Coexistence in the Ni78 Region: A Hint from Lifetime Measurements
Lifetime measurements of excited states of the light N = 52 isotones 88 Kr , 86 Se , and 84 Ge have been performed, using the recoil distance Doppler shift method and VAMOS and AGATA spectrometers for particle identification and gamma spectroscopy, respectively. The reduced electric quadrupole transition probabilities B ( E 2 ; 2 + → 0 + ) and B ( E 2 ; 4 + → 2 + ) were obtained for the first time for the hard-to-reach 84 Ge . While the B ( E 2 ; 2 + → 0 + ) values of 88 Kr , 86 Se saturate the maximum quadrupole collectivity offered by the natural valence ( 3 s , 2 d , 1 g 7 / 2 , 1 h 11 / 2 ) space of an inert 78 Ni core, the value obtained for 84 Ge largely exceeds it, suggesting that sh…
AGATA-Advanced GAmma Tracking Array
WOS: 000300864200005