Lindell Anssi


Project Based Teacher Education to Develop Materials, Instruction and Culture for Phenomenon-Based Steam Projects with Pupils in Schools

In Finland, the most radical ongoing school reform is fading out the borders around school subjects to better prepare young people for future challenges. The new National curricular guidelines include phenomenon - based learning (PhBL) at all school levels. In teacher education, we have adopted a project - based approach for accustoming teachers to this change. Communities of learners with diverse areas of expertize are called together to accomplish projects, along with student teachers. The driving questions are directing the development of materials and guidance to realize cross - subject educational projects with pupils in schools. We are applying Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour to e…

research product

Heat capacity of small superconducting disks

Abstract The superconducting state of small samples in a magnetic field is strongly dependent on the sample dimensions and geometry. We have initiated measurements of heat capacity of small superconducting disks. Our method, extensively used in many of our related experiments, is to measure the thermal time constant as a function of temperature of disks on a thin silicon nitride membrane. Theoretical results on heat capacity of the disks based on the Ginzburg–Landau theory will be presented.

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Finnish Secondary Students’ Mental Models of Magnetism

We examined Finnish lower secondary students’ mental models of magnetism through their drawings, written explanations and interviews. Secondary students in Finland (N=12) engaged in six lessons designed specifically to target three key concepts in understanding magnetism: structure and organization (magnetic domains), magnetic fields and magnetic interactions. We describe how, with a finite number of key concepts introduced, students reflected upon and revised their mental models of magnetism and magnetic interactions towards more sophisticated and normative scientific views. We found two new categories of students’ models: the pole model and pole/field model. The critical moments in evolvi…

research product

Pupils’ Understanding about Responsible Research and Innovation

Educating a responsible and ethically sensitive citizen is a challenging task, and pupils should be offered the opportunity to exercise these qualities such as evaluating the ethical issues of nanotechnology. In the European Union, the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) was developed to connect both the scientific and industrial processes and their outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. RRI helps teachers and pupils engage with scientists, educators, museum workers and the public in doing research and innovations as part of school projects. The aim of the study was to examine how RRI dimensions were understood by Finnish pupils grade five and seven (a…

research product

Näkymätön näkyväksi : opettajaopiskelijoiden uskomuksia ja aikomuksia luonnontieteen ja kuvataiteen ilmiölähtöisestä oppimisprojektista

Oppiminen ei muutu ilmiölähtöiseksi pelkästään kirjaamalla tällainen tavoite opetussuunnitelmiin. Lisäksi vaaditaan ainakin, että opettajat ymmärtävät opetussuunnitelman ilmiölähtöisyyttä ja toimivat sen mukaisesti. Tässä artikkelissa paneudumme opettajaopiskelijoiden ilmiölähtöiseen opettamiseen liittyviin uskomuksiin ja niiden vaikutukseen aikomukseen opettaa ilmiölähtöisesti. Kontekstina on Jyväskylän yliopiston Opettajankoulutuslaitoksella toimiva Checkpoint Leonardo -hanke. Aineisto kerättiin suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoriaan pohjautuvalla kyselyllä (n = 14) ilmiölähtöiseen oppimiseen ja opettamiseen liittyvistä opiskelijoiden asenteista, säännöistä ja normeista sekä kontrolleista. …

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Käypä perusteos ympäristökasvattajille

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The intellectual demands of the intended chemistry curriculum in Czechia, Finland, and Turkey: a comparative analysis based on the revised Bloom's taxonomy

Understanding the intellectual demands of an intended curriculum is crucial as it defines the frames for teaching and learning processes and practice during lessons. In this study, upper-secondary school chemistry curricula contents in Czechia, Finland, and Turkey were analysed, and their objectives were compared using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). The intellectual demands were examined analysing the action verbs in the three curricula objectives based on their association with the intended cognitive process dimensions in the RBT. The Turkish upper-secondary chemistry curriculum was found to be more structured, detailed, and containing more objectives than the Czech and Finnish curric…

research product

Interdisciplinary Nature of Nanoscience: Implications for Education

A lot of expectations rest on the interdisciplinarity of nanoscience, and it has even been proposed as the deciding factor in the progress of the field [1]. What opportunities and challenges does the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience bring to science education at different levels? This chapter first analyzes the much‐discussed interdisciplinarity of nanoscience today, and then discusses how and why those features should be addressed in education. peerReviewed

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Themes of nanoscience for the introductory physics course

We present three experimental themes and one discussion theme that proved to be suitable for introducing nanoscience through topics that can be integrated into the existing introductory physics or teacher training courses. The experimental themes include two teaching models of an atomic force microscope (AFM) and an experiment with an elastic optical grating. They are all based on simple experiments that give also quantitative results and can be explained using basic physics theory.

research product

Checkpoint Leonardo – combining informal science and art education to primary and science teacher education

Both artists and scientists want to make the invisible world visible. Checkpoint Leonardo (CPL) is a project for teaching and learning the art and science ways to gain knowledge of the world in informal museum and school education simultaneously. It consists of a series of art exhibitions with tailored workshops based on the scientific and artistic perspectives of the exhibit artworks. The first four workshops were designed and instructed for the conceptual level of 6th grade pupils by interdisciplinary groups of physics student teachers and elementary school student teachers. These workshops studied different ways of perceiving (related to cubism), infrared imaging, oxidation as a source o…

research product

Projektioppimisen mallin kehittäminen kuvataiteen ja ympäristöopin monialaiseen ohjaamiseen

Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden 2014 yhtenä tavoitteena on eheyttää opetusta. Checkpoint Leonardo, muuttuva energia -oppimisprojektissa (CPLME) yhdistimme luonnontieteen sisältöjä muihin kouluaineisiin, erityisesti kuvataiteeseen. Samalla pyrimme kehittämään projektioppimisen mallin, joka eheyttää opettajan- ja täydennyskoulutusketjun hyödyntäen koulun ulkopuolisia ja virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä ja -yhteisöjä. Tutkimme opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä oppiaineiden rooleista ja oppimisympäristöjen hyödyntämisestä. Kaikki kyselyyn osallistuneet 27 opiskelijaa pitivät projektissa luonnontiedettä tietämiseen liittyvänä ja 23 heistä piti kuvataidetta tekemiseen liittyvänä oppi…

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