Luis-antonio Aguirre-zorzano
Current understanding of genetic polymorphisms as biomarkers for risk of biological complications in implantology
Background In the last decade, multiple studies have been published that analyze the relationship between the risk of experiencing biological complications with implants and the presence of certain types of genetic polymorphisms. In the present report, we analyze the controversies that have arisen from this important area of investigation and synthesize the most prominent aspects of knowledge related to this possible etiopathogenic relationship. Material and methods For this review, the biomedical databases PubMed-Medline, SciELO, and DOAJ were used. Different search strategies were employed, from which 298 articles initially emerged. After refinement of the search, 55 articles published be…
Supportive periodontal therapy and periodontal biotype as prognostic factors in implants placed in patients with a history of periodontitis
Objectives: To evaluate bone loss around implants placed in patients with a history of treated chronic periodontitis and who did or did not attend supportive periodontal therapy, after one year in function. Furthermore, the influence of periodontal biotype and level of plaque was also evaluated. Material and Methods: Forty-nine patients participated voluntarily in the study. All subjects had a history of chronic periodontitis, which had been previously treated. After the active treatment, 27 patients attended supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) and the rest did not (No SPT). The O’Leary plaque index and periodontal biotype were recorded for each subject and 246 Astra Tech® OsseospeedTM imp…
Complications of harvesting a connective tissue graft from the palate. A retrospective study and description of a new technique
Background Connective tissue graft (CTG) is considered as the gold standard for the treatment of gingival recessions (GR). There are few studies assessing the complications that can arise in the donor site when harvesting a connective tissue graft (CTG) and how the harvesting technique can influence those complications. Material and methods A retrospective clinical study was carried out in order to compare the complications observed in 40 patients with Miller class I, II and III GR ≥ 3 mm, after using the trap-door technique (TD) in the control group and a newly described technique, the "UPV/EHU technique", in the test group. Patients were consecutively allocated to each treatment group. Pa…
Immediate temporary restoration of single-tooth implants : prospective clinical study
Purpose: The goal of this study is to assess the survival, marginal bone loss and complications around sing le-tooth implants on which immediate provisionalization was carried out. Patients and Methods: 78 implant were placed in 57 patients: 56 after extraction and 22 in healed sockets. Immediately after surgery provisional crowns were delivered without contacts in both centric and excursive jaw movements. The final crowns were inserted between 3 to 6 months later. During the study there were 3 x-rays taken per patient. The marginal bone loss was measured and complications were recorded. The statistical analys is of the data was carried out with the STATA 10® software. Results: The mean dur…