F. Andreux
Caractérisation et dynamique du carbone organique du sol
Rapport final des recherches engagées dans le cadre du GIP ECOFOR "Fonctionnement de l'écosystème forestier landais"*INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet Diffusion du document : INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet; National audience
Des mesures microbiologiques pour évaluer la fertilité des sols viticoles
National audience
A model for the formation and degradation of bound residues of the herbicide C-14-isoproturon in soil
δ pattern of dissolved inorganic carbon in a small granitic catchment: the Strengbach case study (Vosges mountains, France)
Abstract The transfers and origins of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were studied for a year in a soil–spring–stream system in the Strengbach catchment, Vosges mountains, France. This 80 ha experimental research basin is located on the eastern side of the mountains, at an altitude ranging from 883 to 1146 m.a.s.l. and is mainly covered by spruce (80%). Brown acid and podzolic soils developed on a granitic basement, and, as a result, the DIC originates solely from CO2 generated by oxidation of soil organic matter. The ( δ 13 C DIC ) in catchment waters is highly variable, from about −22‰ in the springs and piezometers to about −12‰ in the stream at the outlet of the catchment. In the sprin…
Clear-cutting effects on soil organic matter content and quality in a temperate maritime pine forest a spatial and temporal assessment
International audience
Frequency composition of traction and tillage forces on a mole plough
Field experiments were carried out in order to quantify the variations of the traction and tillage forces on a mole plough, in the case of four clayey soils of Eastern France. The same tractor-implement system, the same forward working speed (1 m s−1) and the same length of ploughing (20 m) were used. Specially designed strain gauge transducers applied to the system delivered a signal which was numerised and analysed in terms of power spectral density (PSD) function. The frequency composition of the traction and tillage forces consisted of interactions between soil and tool as well as vibrations of the tractor-implement system. Low frequencies (0–2 Hz range) were related to the random prope…
Faut-il craindre des effets secondaires du cuivre sur la biocoenose des sols viticoles?
National audience
Water-stable aggregates and organic matter pools in a calcareous vineyard soil under four soil-surface management systems
Organic carbon dynamics in soil particle-size separates of sandy spodosols when forest is cleared for maize cropping
21 ref.; International audience
Influence of grass cover on the leaching of herbicides in Burgundy vineyards.
International audience
Inoculation of an atrazine-degrading strain, Chelobacter heintzii Cit1, in four different soils : effects of different inoculum densities
International audience
La dégradation des herbicides est-elle influencée par le cuivre accumulé dans les sols ?
La fertilidad de los suelos viticolas: los indicadores microbiologicos
Delta C-13 pattern of dissolved inorganic carbon in a small granitic catchment: the Strengbach case study
International audience
The relationship between copper accumulated in vineyard calcareous soils and soil organic matter and iron
International audience; The intensive use for over 100 yr of copper sulfate (Bordeaux mixt.) to fight mildew in vineyards has led to a substantial accumulation of copper (Cu) in surface soils. To assess the effects of such large concns., the surface soils of 10 Burgundy vineyards were sampled and analyzed for total org. matter (carbon and nitrogen) and metal (copper and iron) contents. Phys. (i.e. size fractionation) and chem. (sequential extn.) methods were used to det. the distribution of these elements. The most Cu-contaminated plots showed the largest accumulation of org. carbon and Cu in the coarse sand and fine sand fractions. Copper was strongly correlated with org. carbon and org. …
Humus in World Soils
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the soil humus and total organic carbon (OC) content. It reviews the results concerning the changes in soil organic matter (SOM) chemical nature regardless of the technical methods used. Information about C cycling and storage in soils is also given. Soil humus is characterized by its amounts and properties such as water retention capacity, aggregation and cementing agent, and the ability to absorb both nutrients and contaminants. The uncontrolled decrease in soil humus content affects soil water regime, aeration, fertility, and purifying capacity. The chapter focuses on the main soil types and the areas of the world where they are found, and conside…