Genotoxic potential of by-products in drinking water in relation to water disinfection: Survey of pre-ozonated and post-chlorinated drinking water by Ames-test
Mutagenic potential of drinking water samples derived from ranneywells was studied. 100-100 l of untreated (rough) and ozone-treated as well as chlorinated-disinfected water were dropped on and adsorbed by macroreticular resin columns (Serdolit PAD-III and Amberlite XAD-2). The adsorbed material was desorbed by methanol and dichloromethane. After elimination of the solvents by vacuum distillation the adsorbed material was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide. The mutagenic activity was tested in the Ames-Salmonella/rat liver microsome system. The tester strains were TA-98 and TA-100. The material adsorbed to Serdolit PAD-III from rough and also disinfected water did not induce mutagenicity in cas…