J. Reyes

Nonperturbative renormalization in coordinate space

We present an exploratory study of a gauge-invariant non-perturbative renormalization technique. The renormalization conditions are imposed on correlation functions of composite operators in coordinate space on the lattice. Numerical results for bilinears obtained with overlap and O(a)-improved Wilson fermions are presented. The measurement of the quark condensate is also discussed.

research product

B parameters of the complete set of matrix elements of delta B = 2 operators from the lattice

We compute on the lattice the ``bag'' parameters of the five (Delta B = 2) operators of the supersymmetric basis, by combining their values determined in full QCD and in the static limit of HQET. The extrapolation of the QCD results from the accessible heavy-light meson masses to the B-meson mass is constrained by the static result. The matching of the corresponding results in HQET and in QCD is for the first time made at NLO accuracy in the MSbar(NDR) renormalization scheme. All results are obtained in the quenched approximation.

research product

Non-perturbative renormalisation of four fermion operators and B0 −B0 bar mixing with Wilson fermions

We present new results for the renormalisation and subtraction constants for the four fermion DeltaF = 2 operators, computed non-perturbatively in the RI-MOM scheme (in the Landau gauge). From our preliminary analysis of the lattice data at beta = 6.45, for the B-0 - B-0,mixing bag-parameter we obtain B-B(RGI) = 1.46(7)(1).

research product

Combined relativistic and static analysis for all DB = 2 operators

We analyse matrix elements of Delta B=2 operators by combining QCD results with the ones obtained in the static limit of HQET. The matching of all the QCD operators to HQET is made at NLO order. To do that we have to include the anomalous dimension matrix up to two loops, both in QCD and HQET, and the one loop matching for all the Delta B=2 operators. The matrix elements of these operators are relevant for the prediction of the B-\bar B mixing, B_s meson width difference and supersymmetric effects in Delta B=2 transitions.

research product

Non-perturbative renormalization of lattice operators in coordinate space

We present the first numerical implementation of a non-perturbative renormalization method for lattice operators, based on the study of correlation functions in coordinate space at short Euclidean distance. The method is applied to compute the renormalization constants of bilinear quark operators for the non-perturbative O(a)-improved Wilson action in the quenched approximation. The matching with perturbative schemes, such as MS-bar, is computed at the next-to-leading order in continuum perturbation theory. A feasibility study of this technique with Neuberger fermions is also presented.

research product

Nonperturbative renormalization constants and light quark masses

We present the results of an extensive non-perturbative calculation of the renormalization constants of bilinear quark operators for the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action. The results are obtained at four values of the lattice coupling, by using the RI/MOM and the Ward identities methods. A new non-perturbative renormalization technique, which is based on the study of the lattice correlation functions at short distance in x-space, is also numerically investigated. We then use our non-perturbative determination of the quark mass renormalization constants to compute the values of the strange and the average up/down quark masses. After performing an extrapolation to the continuum …

research product

Renormalization Constants of Quark Operators for the Non-Perturbatively Improved Wilson Action

We present the results of an extensive lattice calculation of the renormalization constants of bilinear and four-quark operators for the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson action. The results are obtained in the quenched approximation at four values of the lattice coupling by using the non-perturbative RI/MOM renormalization method. Several sources of systematic uncertainties, including discretization errors and final volume effects, are examined. The contribution of the Goldstone pole, which in some cases may affect the extrapolation of the renormalization constants to the chiral limit, is non-perturbatively subtracted. The scale independent renormalization constants of bilinear quark…

research product

Quenched and first unquenched lattice HQET determination of the B-s-meson width difference

We present recent results for the prediction of the Bs lifetime difference from lattice Heavy Quark Effective Theory simulations. In order to get a next-to-leading order result we have calculated the matching between QCD and HQET and the two-loop anomalous dimensions in the HQET for all the \Delta B=2 operators, in particular for the operators which enter the width difference. We present results from quenched and, for the first time, from unquenched simulations. We obtain for the Bs lifetime difference, (\Delta\Gamma_Bs/\Gamma_Bs)^{(que.)}=(5.1+/- 1.9+/- 1.7)10^(-2) and (\Delta\Gamma_Bs/\Gamma_Bs)^{(unq.)}=(4.3+/- 2.0+/- 1.9)10^(-2) from the quenched and unquenched simulations respectively

research product

Operator product expansion and quark condensate from Lattice QCD in coordinate space

We present a lattice QCD determination of the chiral quark condensate based on a new method. We extract the quark condensate from the operator product expansion of the quark propagator at short euclidean distances, where it represents the leading contribution in the chiral limit. From this study we obtain MS( 2 GeV) = -( 265 +/- 5 +/- 22MeV)(3), in good agreement with determinations of this quantity based on different approaches. The simulation is performed by using the O( a)- improved Wilson action at beta = 6.45 on a volume 32(3) x 70 in the quenched approximation.

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