Development-dependent changes in the tight DNA-protein complexes of barley on chromosome and gene level
Abstract Background The tightly bound to DNA proteins (TBPs) is a protein group that remains attached to DNA with covalent or non-covalent bonds after its deproteinisation. The functional role of this group is as yet not completely understood. The main goal of this study was to evaluate tissue specific changes in the TBP distribution in barley genes and chromosomes in different phases of shoot and seed development. We have: 1. investigated the TBP distribution along Amy32b and Bmy1 genes encoding low pI α-amylase A and endosperm specific β-amylase correspondingly using oligonucleotide DNA arrays; 2. characterized the polypeptide spectrum of TBP and proteins with affinity to TBP-associated D…
Metal ions modify DNA-protecting and mutagen-scavenging capacities of the AV-153 1,4-dihydropyridine.
Abstract 1,4-Dihydropyridines (1,4-DHP) possess important biochemical and pharmacological properties, including antioxidant and antimutagenic activities. AV-153-Na, an antimutagenic and DNA-repair enhancing compound was shown to interact with DNA by intercalation. Here we studied DNA binding of several AV-153 salts to evaluate the impact of AV-153 modifications on its DNA binding capacity, the ability to scavenge the peroxynitrite, to protect HeLa and B-cells cells against DNA damage. Affinity of the AV-153 salts to DNA measured by a fluorescence assay was dependent on the metal ion forming a salt in position 4 of the 1,4-DHP, and it decreased as follows: Mg > Na > Ca > Li > Rb > K. AV-153-…
Chromatin Domains and Regulation of Transcription
Compartmentalization and compaction of DNA in the nucleus is the characteristic feature of eukaryotic cells. A fully extended DNA molecule has to be compacted 100,000 times to fit within the nucleus. At the same time it is critical that various DNA regions remain accessible for interaction with regulatory factors and transcription/replication factories. This puzzle is solved at the level of DNA packaging in chromatin that occurs in several steps: rolling of DNA onto nucleosomes, compaction of nucleosome fiber with formation of the so-called 30 nm fiber, and folding of the latter into the giant (50-200 kbp) loops, fixed onto the protein skeleton, the nuclear matrix. The general assumption is…
Tightly bound to DNA proteins: possible universal substrates for intranuclear processes.
Tightly bound to DNA proteins (TBPs) are a protein group that remains attached to DNA after its deproteinization by phenol, chloroform or salting-out. TBP are bound to DNA with covalent phosphotriester or non-covalent ion and hydrogen bonds. They appear to be a vast protein group involved in numerous intranuclear processes. The TBPs fraction co-purified with DNA deproteinized by mild procedures is extremely heterogeneous, tissue and species-specific. The protein fraction co-purified with DNA after harsh deproteinization procedures appears to be formed from few polypeptides common to different species and tissues. Interaction sites between DNA and TBPs depend on the physiological status of t…
A Comparison of Techniques to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Genome Editing
Genome editing using engineered nucleases (meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effector nucleases) has created many recent breakthroughs. Prescreening for efficiency and specificity is a critical step prior to using any newly designed genome editing tool for experimental purposes. The current standard screening methods of evaluation are based on DNA sequencing or use mismatch-sensitive endonucleases. They can be time-consuming and costly or lack reproducibility. Here, we review and critically compare standard techniques with those more recently developed in terms of reliability, time, cost, and ease of use.
Transcription- and apoptosis-dependent long-range distribution of tight DNA-protein complexes in the chicken alpha-globin gene.
The proteins tightly bound to DNA (TBP) are a group of proteins that remain attached to DNA with covalent or noncovalent bonds after its deproteinization, and have been hypothesized to be involved in regulation of gene expression. To investigate this question further, oligonucleotide DNA arrays were used to determine the distribution of tightly bound proteins along a 100-kb DNA fragment surrounding the chicken alpha-globin gene domain in DNA from chicken erythrocytes, liver, and AEV-transformed HD3 (erythroblast) cells in different physiological conditions. DNA was fractionated into TBP-free (F) and TBP-enriched (R) fractions by separation on nitrocellulose, and these fractions were used as…