Alexander M. Grishin
Modeling of Human Posturokinetic Movements by a Linear Feedback System: Relations among Feedback Coefficients
This study describes a method of modeling human trunk and whole body backward bending and suggests a possible neural control strategy. The hypothesis was that the control system can be modeled as a linear feedback system, in which the torque acting at a given joint is a function of the state variables (angular positions and angular velocities). The linear system enabled representation of the feedback system by a gain matrix. The matrix was computed from the kinematics recorded by a movement analysis system and from the joint torques calculated by inverse dynamics. To validate the control model, a comparison was made between the angular kinematics yielded by the model and the experimental d…
Functional Electrical Stimulation Alters the Postural Component of Locomotor Activity in Healthy Humans
International audience; Knowledge of the effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) of different intensity on postural stability during walking in healthy subjects is necessary before these relationships in patients with postural disorders can be assessed and understood. We examined healthy subjects in Control group walking on a treadmill for 40 min and in FES group provided with 30 min of stimulation, which intensity increased every 10 min. The main difference between Control and FES group was the progressive increase of trunk oscillations in sagittal, frontal, and horizontal planes and an increase of relative stance duration in parallel with FES intensity increase. Both Control an…
Does the coordination between posture and movement during human whole-body reaching ensure center of mass stabilization?
The whole-body center of mass (CoM) has been classically regarded as the stabilized reference value for human voluntary movements executed upon a fixed base of support. Axial synergies (opposing displacements of head and trunk with hip segments) are believed to minimize antero-posterior (A/P) CoM displacements during forward trunk movements. It is also widely accepted that anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) create forces of inertia that counteract disturbances arising from the moving segment(s). In the present study, we investigated CoM stabilization by axial synergies and APAs during a whole-body reaching task. Subjects reached towards an object placed on the ground in front of them …
The influence of intergranular interaction on the magnetization of the ensemble of oriented Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles
We consider the influence of interparticle interaction on the magnetization reversal in the oriented Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles ensemble. To do so, we solve a kinetic equation for the relaxation of the overall ensemble magnetization to its equilibrium value in some effective mean field. Latter field consists of external magnetic field and interaction mean field proportional to the instantaneous value of above magnetization. We show that the interparticle interaction influences the temperature dependence of a coercive field. This influence manifests itself in the noticeable coercivity at $T>T_{b}$ ($T_{b}$ is so-called blocking temperature). The above interaction can also lead to a forma…
The representation of gravitational force during drawing movements of the arm
The purpose of the present experiment was to study the way in which the central nervous system (CNS) represents gravitational force (GF) during vertical drawing movements of the arm. Movements in four different directions: (a) upward vertical (0 degrees), (b) upward oblique (45 degrees), (c) downward vertical (180 degrees) and (d) downward oblique (135 degrees), and at two different speeds, normal and fast, were executed by nine subjects. Data analysis focused upon arm movement kinematics in the frontal plane and gravitational torques (GTs) exerted around the shoulder joint. Regardless of movement direction, subjects showed straight-line paths for both speed conditions. In addition, movemen…
The role of anticipatory postural adjustments during whole body forward reaching movements
THE purpose of this study was to examine the role of anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) in the execution of forward oriented whole body reaching movements. From the standing position, eight healthy subjects were asked to reach an object placed at 45 cm from the feet, at both naturally paced and fast speeds. Electromyographic signals of six antagonistic muscles were analysed in conjunction with centre of mass (CM) displacements, centre of foot pressure displacements and resultant ground reaction forces. Results revealed that APAs created necessary angular momentum of body segments for effective task execution. These results suggest that APAs can initiate movements conducted from a fixe…
Investigating centre of mass stabilisation as the goal of posture and movement coordination during human whole body reaching
In the light of experimental results showing significant forward centre of mass (CoM) displacements within the base of support, this study investigated if whole body reaching movements can be executed whilst keeping the CoM fixed in the horizontal axis. Using kinematic simulation techniques, angular configurations were recreated from experimental data imposing two constraints: a constant horizontal position of the CoM and an identical trajectory of the hand to grasp an object. The comparison between recorded and simulated trials showed that stabilisation of the CoM was associated with greater backward hip displacements, which became more marked with increasing object distance. This was in c…
Standing up from a chair as a dynamic equilibrium task: a comparison between young and elderly subjects.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the features of center of mass (CoM) control along anterior/posterior axis in young and elderly subjects during sit-to-stand (STS). From a sitting position, seven healthy young subjects and seven healthy elderly subjects were asked to stand up from a chair under different experimental conditions (visual conditions: normal and blindfolded; speed: normal and as fast as possible). Analysis of results was based upon the concept of a “dynamic equilibrium area” (DEA), which in turn identified the dynamic limits of balance. The results showed that both the maximal CoM velocity in the horizontal axis and the CoM velocity at the instant of seat-of…