Amelia Bucur
Fixed point problems for α-ψ-weakly contractive operators on KST spaces
Using the concept of w-distance we will investigate some existence, uniqueness and Ulam-Hyers stability results for fixed point problems concerning ?-?-weakly contractive operators. Starting at the results of P. Amiri, S. Rezapour, N. Shahzad [1] the presented theorems extend and generalize several results concerning a w-distance.
Aspects regarding the existence of fixed points of the iterates of Stancu operators
In the papers Iterates of Stancu Operators, via Contraction Principle (2002), respectively Iterates of Bernstein Operators, via Contraction Principle (2004), author I. A. Rus studied the existence of fixed points for Stancu operators Pn,α,β and Bernstein operators Bn. The aim of this paper is to find conditions for which the Stancu operators Pn,α,β are contractions on the graph, in order to demonstrate that the contraction principle can be applied for the study of the existence of fixed points for iterates of Stancu operators. The method used for this paper is the spectral method, which was also used in the paper Over-iterates of Bernstein-Stancu operators (2007), authors Gonska, Piţul and …
Discretionary vs nondiscretionary in fiscal mechanism – non-automatic fiscal stabilisers vs automatic fiscal stabilisers
The goal of the present study is to increase the intelligibility of macroeconomic phenomena triggered by governmental intervention in economy by means of fiscal policies. During cyclical movements, fiscal policy can play an important role in order to help stabilise the economy. But discretionary policy usually implies implementation lags and is not automatically reversed when economic conditions change. In contrast, automatic fiscal stabilisers (SFA) ensure a prompter, and self-correcting fiscal response. The present study aims to tackle the topic of discretionary vs nondiscretionary characteristic of fiscal stabilisers (SF). In this context, the scope of the research undertaking is to laun…
About Applications of the Fixed Point Theory
AbstractThe fixed point theory is essential to various theoretical and applied fields, such as variational and linear inequalities, the approximation theory, nonlinear analysis, integral and differential equations and inclusions, the dynamic systems theory, mathematics of fractals, mathematical economics (game theory, equilibrium problems, and optimisation problems) and mathematical modelling. This paper presents a few benchmarks regarding the applications of the fixed point theory. This paper also debates if the results of the fixed point theory can be applied to the mathematical modelling of quality.
In this paper we present an optimization problem solving, problem that is mathematically shaped as a linear programming problem. This is made with the purpose of finding an optimal solution which is also a sustainable one. In the present and future society, it is clear that nothing can be done honestly, but only in the sense of a professional and sustainable thinking (Konrad, C., 2011, pp.202-217, Petrescu, I., 2006, p.1). To think sustainable can also mean “to be calculated”, in popular language “to choose wisely”, all for achieving the proposed project, being careful to using non-renewable resources, to pollution, to protection for human resource, etc. Of course that the logical and preci…
Fixed Points for Multivalued Weighted Mean Contractions in a Symmetric Generalized Metric Space
This paper defines two new concepts: the concept of multivalued left-weighted mean contractions in the generalized sense of Nadler in a symmetric generalized metric space and the concept of multivalued right-weighted mean contractions in the generalized sense of Nadler in a symmetric generalized metric space, and demonstrates fixed-point theorems for them. For these, we demonstrated two fixed-point existence theorems and their corollaries, by using the properties of the regular-global-inf function and the properties of symmetric generalized metric spaces, respectively. Moreover, we demonstrated that the theorems can be applied in particular cases of inclusion systems. This article contains …
How can we apply the models of the quality of life and the quality of life management in an economy based on knowledge?
The scientific substantiations of quality have been applied to models that pertain to mathematical statistics, the probability theory, the information theory, fuzzy systems, graphic methods, time series, and algebraic and numerical methods. To these, this article aims to present a new method of applying mathematical modelling in an economy based on knowledge, by using the concept of the definite integral, the composite function, and mathematical optimisation. The research methods used in the realisation of this article are bibliographic research, creation of new models, and problem-solving. Mathematical modelling, the simulation of the quality of life, etc. are methods and techniques of bot…
Organizational Wellness Modeling
The aim of the present paper is to establish certain mathematical models for organizational wellness as well as to create some wellness optimization problems applicable to any type of organization (including universities) that might be mathematically solved resorting to aspects of operational research of mathematical analysis. The results obtained associated with a mathematical apparatus enable one to perform analyses, comparisons, interpretations, predictions. All of us have, consciously or not, a genuine curiosity in creating and shaping organizational wellness. This concept represents a highly topical issue since professional activity, irrespective of its field, holds a very significant …
Fixed Points for Multivalued Convex Contractions on Nadler Sense Types in a Geodesic Metric Space
In 1969, based on the concept of the Hausdorff metric, Nadler Jr. introduced the notion of multivalued contractions. He demonstrated that, in a complete metric space, a multivalued contraction possesses a fixed point. Later on, Nadler&rsquo
An Approach to the Quality of Drinking Water as a Matter of Multicriterial Decision
The aim of the present paper is to approach the matter of water quality by resorting to the metod of multicriterial mathematical programming. MicrosoftExcel enables the simulation of a mathematical model. Furthermore, we have also created a file in the C++ software, in view of the simulation process, applicable to numberless properties of water quality. The case study presents the simulation of a multicriterial analysis of water quality in Sibiu county. This particular study shows the means of obtaining more information about water quality, subsequent to the analysis of its characteristics resorting to statistical analysis-specific software, e.g. SPSS 16 software. Given the increase of drin…
The Fine Spectre of Some Cesàro Generalized Operators Defined onℓp(p> 1)
Abstract The aim of the paper is the study of the fine spectre for a class of Cesaro generalized operators, Rhaly operators, when those operators are defined on the spaces lp, p > 1.