Mourad Benabdesselam

Use of aluminum nitride for UV radiation dosimetry

Abstract An investigation of AlN ceramics for applications in UV radiation detection shows the advantages of using the 480 nm emission band for optically stimulated luminescence signal detection instead of the previously used 400 nm emission band since the rate of decrease of the response signal at room temperature is lower than that of the 400 nm band, and its excitation region falls in the UV-B range.

research product

Radiation induced luminescence processes in c-BN

Abstract Spectral properties of cubic boron nitride have been studied using methods of photoluminescence (PL), X-ray excited luminescence (XL), thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence. It is found that emission of cubic boron nitride is presented by 4 subbands, their relative yield is determined by the excitation type: blue, green (dominant) and red bands are observed in PL, ultraviolet, blue (dominant), green and red bands—in XL. Three thermal peaks are found in TL curves in the 0–700°C temperature range, their presence and intensity depend on radiation type used. A tentative correspondence between thermal peaks and emission bands is found.

research product

Potential application of some wide band gap materials for UV dosimetry

Properties of some wide band gap materials–natural and CVD diamonds – have been studied for their potential application in UV dosimetry, using methods of optically stimulated luminescence and thermoluminescence. The observed properties are compared with those of the previously studied AlN ceramics. From the OSL excitation spectra, it follows that spectral sensitivity of the studied materials falls mainly into the UVC range, OSL and TL emission spectra are located within the visible light region, thus suitable for usual photodetectors. OSL stimulation spectra of the studied materials have a continuous character and are located in a broad visible/near infrared spectral region implying that th…

research product

UV light energy storage and thermoluminescence in AlN ceramics

AlN ceramics, untreated and subjected to oxygen ion implantation, are studied for potential application in TL dosimetry of UV light. Based on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence measurements there are shown advantages of the selection of the 480 emission band for TL signal recording instead of the previously used 400 nm band: higher intensity of the TL signal, lower fading rate of the accumulated TL signal, excitation region (270-340 nm) corresponding to UV-B range, monitoring of which is actual in UV dosimetry. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

research product

<title>Use of AlN ceramics in ultraviolet radiation dosimetry</title>

AlN-Y2O3 ceramics is studied as a material for application in the area of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) dosimetry. The properties of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermally stimulated luminescence (TL) revealed by AlN ceramics are characterized and considered for practical application. A special attention is devoted to studies of the spectral properties of the material, including stimulated luminescence. Spectral properties of the material make it potentially suitable for dosimetric application both in UV-C region (200-290 nm), where it has the maximum sensitivity, and in UV-B+UV-A (290-350 nm) region, where the spectral behavior of its sensitivity coincides rather well with tha…

research product