Francesca Benanti

Polynomial identities on superalgebras and exponential growth

Abstract Let A be a finitely generated superalgebra over a field F of characteristic 0. To the graded polynomial identities of A one associates a numerical sequence {cnsup(A)}n⩾1 called the sequence of graded codimensions of A. In case A satisfies an ordinary polynomial identity, such sequence is exponentially bounded and we capture its exponential growth by proving that for any such algebra lim n→∞ c n sup (A) n exists and is a non-negative integer; we denote such integer by supexp(A) and we give an effective way for computing it. As an application, we construct eight superalgebras Ai, i=1,…,8, characterizing the identities of any finitely generated superalgebra A with supexp(A)>2 in the f…

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Computing with Rational Symmetric Functions and Applications to Invariant Theory and PI-algebras

The research of the first named author was partially supported by INdAM. The research of the second, third, and fourth named authors was partially supported by Grant for Bilateral Scientific Cooperation between Bulgaria and Ukraine. The research of the fifth named author was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1016086.

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Asymptotics for Graded Capelli Polynomials

The finite dimensional simple superalgebras play an important role in the theory of PI-algebras in characteristic zero. The main goal of this paper is to characterize the T 2-ideal of graded identities of any such algebra by considering the growth of the corresponding supervariety. We consider the T 2-ideal Γ M+1,L+1 generated by the graded Capelli polynomials C a p M+1[Y,X] and C a p L+1[Z,X] alternanting on M+1 even variables and L+1 odd variables, respectively. We prove that the graded codimensions of a simple finite dimensional superalgebra are asymptotically equal to the graded codimensions of the T 2-ideal Γ M+1,L+1, for some fixed natural numbers M and L. In particular csupn(Γk2+l2+1…

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On the Asymptotics of Capelli Polynomials

We present old and new results about Capelli polynomials, \(\mathbb {Z}_2\)-graded Capelli polynomials, Capelli polynomials with involution and their asymptotics.

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On the asymptotics for $ast$-Capelli identities

Let Fbe the free associative algebra with involution ∗ over a field of characteristic zero. If L and M are two natural numbers let Γ∗_M+1,L+1 denote theT∗-idealofFgenerated by the∗-capellipolynomialsCap+M+1,Cap−L+1 alternanting on M+1 symmetric variables and L+1skew variables,respectively.It is well known that, if F is an algebraic closed field, every finite dimensional ∗-simple algebra is isomorphic to one of the following algebras (see [4], [2]):· (Mk(F),t) with the transpose involution; · (M2m(F),s) with the symplectic involution; · (Mk(F)⊕Mk(F)op,∗) with the exchange involution. The aim of this talk is to show a relation among the asymptotics of the∗-codimensions of the finite dimensional ∗…

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Asymptotics for Capelli polynomials with involution

Let F be the free associative algebra with involution ∗ over a field F of characteristic zero. We study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of ∗- codimensions of the T-∗-ideal Γ∗ M+1,L+1 of F generated by the ∗-Capelli polynomials Cap∗ M+1[Y, X] and Cap∗ L+1[Z, X] alternanting on M + 1 symmetric variables and L + 1 skew variables, respectively. It is well known that, if F is an algebraic closed field of characteristic zero, every finite dimensional ∗-simple algebra is isomorphic to one of the following algebras: · (Mk(F ), t) the algebra of k × k matrices with the transpose involution; · (M2m(F ), s) the algebra of 2m × 2m matrices with the symplectic involution; · (Mh(F ) ⊕ Mh(F )op, e…

research product

Defining relations of minimal degree of the trace algebra of 3×3 matrices

Abstract The trace algebra C n d over a field of characteristic 0 is generated by all traces of products of d generic n × n matrices, n , d ⩾ 2 . Minimal sets of generators of C n d are known for n = 2 and n = 3 for any d as well as for n = 4 and n = 5 and d = 2 . The defining relations between the generators are found for n = 2 and any d and for n = 3 , d = 2 only. Starting with the generating set of C 3 d given by Abeasis and Pittaluga in 1989, we have shown that the minimal degree of the set of defining relations of C 3 d is equal to 7 for any d ⩾ 3 . We have determined all relations of minimal degree. For d = 3 we have also found the defining relations of degree 8. The proofs are based …

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Asymptotics for the multiplicities in the cocharacters of some PI-algebras

We consider associative PI-algebras over a field of characteristic zero. We study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of multiplicities of the cocharacters for some significant classes of algebras. We also give a characterization of finitely generated algebras for which this behavior is linear or quadratic.

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Defining relations of the noncommutative trace algebra of two 3×3 matrices

The noncommutative (or mixed) trace algebra $T_{nd}$ is generated by $d$ generic $n\times n$ matrices and by the algebra $C_{nd}$ generated by all traces of products of generic matrices, $n,d\geq 2$. It is known that over a field of characteristic 0 this algebra is a finitely generated free module over a polynomial subalgebra $S$ of the center $C_{nd}$. For $n=3$ and $d=2$ we have found explicitly such a subalgebra $S$ and a set of free generators of the $S$-module $T_{32}$. We give also a set of defining relations of $T_{32}$ as an algebra and a Groebner basis of the corresponding ideal. The proofs are based on easy computer calculations with standard functions of Maple, the explicit prese…

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On the exponential growth of graded Capelli polynomials

In a free superalgebra over a field of characteristic zero we consider the graded Capelli polynomials Cap M+1[Y,X] and Cap L+1[Z,X] alternating on M+1 even variables and L+1 odd variables, respectively. Here we compute the superexponent of the variety of superalgebras determinated by Cap M+1[Y,X] and Cap L+1[Z,X]. An essential tool in our computation is the generalized-six-square theorem proved in [3].

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Asymptotics for the Amitsur's Capelli - Type Polynomials and Verbally Prime PI-Algebras

We consider associativePI-algebras over a field of characteristic zero. The main goal of the paper is to prove that the codimensions of a verbally prime algebra [11] are asymptotically equal to the codimensions of theT-ideal generated by some Amitsur's Capelli-type polynomialsEM,L* [1]. We recall that two sequencesan,bnare asymptotically equal, and we writean≃bn,if and only if limn→∞(an/bn)=1.In this paper we prove that\(c_n \left( {M_k \left( G \right)} \right) \simeq c_n \left( {E_{k^2 ,k^2 }^ * } \right) and c_n \left( {M_{k,l} \left( G \right)} \right) \simeq c_n \left( {E_{k^2 + l^2 ,2kl}^ * } \right) \)% MathType!End!2!1!, whereG is the Grassmann algebra. These results extend to all v…

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On the consequences of the standard polynomial

The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on the polynomial identities of low degree for the n × n matrix algebra over a field of characteristic 0.Our main result is that we have found all the consequences of degree n + 2 of the standard polynomial have calculated the S n+2-character of the T-ideal generated by this polynomial.

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