Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso
A Hybrid Energy Storage Sizing for a Vertical Take-off and Landing Electric Aircraft
The energy storage sizing procedure for an all-electric aircraft, characterised by vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), is presented in the paper. In order to define the energy consumption, the propulsion system model has been developed and simulated, referring to a specific configuration of VOLT obtained by the transformation of a very light twin-propeller aircraft named Tecnam P2012 T. Specifically, a flight mission-oriented to air city taxing has been considered. The simulation results highlight the presence of significant peak power during take-off and landing. At the aim of optimising the weight and the volume of the energy storage systems (ESSs), considered a critical issue in all-el…
High-Speed Machines: Typologies, Standards, and Operation under PWM Supply
This paper presents an overview of the most recent state of the art in the field of high-speed electric machines fed through high-frequency converters. This type of systems is rapidly wide spreading in aeronautical and automotive applications, as well as microturbines. Each typology has its own advantages and downsides, which are analytically presented in this paper. Some types of high-speed electric machines require high-frequency voltage supply, highly stressing the dielectric materials of the winding insulation system. For this reason, in high-speed electric drives, premature failure may occur and a reduction of the total system reliability has been observed in the past years. Such issue…
Computer-aided analysis and design procedure for rotating induction machine magnetic circuits and windings
The aim of this study is to present a new, accurate, and user-friendly software procedure for the analysis and rapid design of rotating induction machine windings, considering both the electric and the magnetic specifications of the machine itself. This procedure is a valid aid for quick first stage design without the necessity of using finite element method (FEM)-based design procedures. FEM can be used in a second design phase in order to refine the first stage results. The design procedure is hereafter outlined and some examples show its capability.
Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor: Simple Solutions to Deep Questions
Unified Field Theory was an expression first used by Einstein in his attempt to unify general relativity with electromagnetism. Unified Field Theory and Occam's Razor attempts to provide real answers to foundational questions related to this unification and should be of high interest to innovative scientists. A diverse group of contributing authors approach an old problem with an open-mindedness that presents a new and fresh perspective. The following topics are discussed in detail in the hope of a fruitful dialogue with all who are interested in this subject: The composition of electrons, photons, and neutrinos. The relationship of quantum mechanics to general relativity. The four-componen…
Master-Slave Control of Battery/Supercapacitor Based Hybrid Energy Storage System for E-Vehicle Application
In this paper, management and control problem of hybrid energy storage system (HESS) has been solved by master-slave control strategy. Heuristic fuzzy rules based algorithm is developed for optimal power sharing between different power sources. The master control is followed by a slave level controller, designed by using terminal synergetic control method for tracking. Moreover, the stability analysis of closed-loop system has been carried out by using lyapunov theory. Finally, the proposed method has been tested in MATLAB/Simulink environment under Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP).
A Rotor Flux and Speed Observer for Sensorless Single-Phase Induction Motor Applications
It is usual to find single-phase induction motor (SPIM) in several house, office, shopping, farm, and industry applications, which are become each time more sophisticated and requiring the development of efficient alternatives to improve the operational performance of this machine. Although the rotor flux and rotational speed are essential variables in order to optimize the operation of a SPIM, the use of conventional sensors to measure them is not a viable option. Thus, the adoption of sensorless strategies is the more reasonable proposal for these cases. This paper presents a rotor flux and rotational speed observer for sensorless applications involving SPIMs. Computer simulations and the…
New Design Parameters Introduction in the Adoption of the Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development
The electron and Occam's razor
This paper introduces a Zitterbewegung (ZBW) model of the electron by applying the principle of Occam’s razor to Maxwell’s equations and by introducing a scalar component in the electromagnetic field. The aim is to explain, by using simple and intuitive concepts, the origin of the electric charge and the electromagnetic nature of mass and inertia. A ZBW model of the electron is also proposed as the best suited theoretical framework to study the structure of Ultra-Dense Deuterium (UDD), the origin of anomalous heat in metal–hydrogen systems and the possibility of existence of “super-chemical” aggregates at Compton scale.
Comparison between 3-ph and 6-ph PMSM drives for the electric propulsion of unmanned aerial vehicles
The full electric aircraft concept requires accurate design and suitable choice and integration of all the used components. Obviously, the electric propulsion drive is one of the most important on-board equipment. Both power converters and electric motors must have low weight, suitable overload capacity and high reliability. In this paper, two possible solutions of electric propulsion motor for unmanned aerial vehicle are investigated. Sizes, weight and some features of a three-phase PMSM motor are compared to those of a six-phase motor obtained by an appropriate rewinding of the armature, with fixed stator and rotor magnetic circuits. The losses obtained from the numerical analyzes are com…
The use of slightly asymmetrical windings for rotating electrical machines
Historically, asymmetrical windings in electrical machines have been rarely used and only for specified needs, because the adoption of symmetrical configurations has always been considered the only solution during the design stage of electrical machines. The aim of this work is to demonstrate with several examples that the use of slightly asymmetrical windings can be a reasonable choice and, in certain cases, a favorable option during the machine design stage, allowing the possibility of selecting a wider range of slot/pole number combinations, without affecting the performances of the machines. More in detail, an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine equipped with a symmetrical 3-p…
Experimental Characterization of a Double Receiver Dynamic Wireless Charging System
The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prototype and the validation of a simplified mathematical model of the employed double D coils. The difference between a single receiver and a dual receiver system is also shown, highlighting how the last one can significantly reduce the costs of the charging infrastructure.
A DSP-Based Resolver-To-Digital Converter for High-Performance Electrical Drive Applications
This paper presents a low cost, simple, and highly accurate resolver-to-digital converter (RDC) for electrical drive applications based on an integrated software approach, thus allowing a significant reduction of hardware components count with significant improvements in terms of reliability, reduction of fault rate, and susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Particular attention has been addressed to cost which is 25% off over conventional RDC. Simulations and experimental tests confirm the high quality of the proposed system.
Control and design for efficiency improvement of permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives in household appliances
This paper deals with some aspects of efficiency improvement of PMSMD (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives). Particularly two aspects are focused: the control algorithm for the PMSMD, which allows to reduce the power losses of the electric drive without penalty on its dynamic performances and the optimization of an IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) rotor configuration capable to increase the performances in terms of shaft torque production, limiting at the same time the rotor leakage flux. The loss minimization algorithm is here briefly analyzed, a test bed for experimental validation is presented and the data are analyzed. Experimental tests have been performed aimi…
Switching Frequency Effects on the Efficiency and Harmonic Distortion in a Three-Phase Five-Level CHBMI Prototype with Multicarrier PWM Schemes: Experimental Analysis
The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Multilevel Power Inverters are a promising solution to improve the penetration of renewable energy sources into the electrical grid. Moreover, the performance of MPIs is a function of the modulation strategy employed and of its features (modulation index and switching frequency). This paper presents an extended and experimental analysis of three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter performance in terms of efficiency and harmonic content considering several MC PWM modulation strategies. In detail, the CHBMI performance is analyzed …
Field Oriented Control of IPMSM Fed by Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridges Inverter with NI-SOM sbRIO-9651 FPGA controller
Electrical drives fed by Multilevel Inverters (MIs) are of considerable interest for traction and e-mobility applications. In detail, Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter (CHBMI) is a promising solution for electrical drive optimization purposes in terms of efficiency, safety, integration and flexible use of energy sources. The aim of this paper is the experimental implementation of the field-oriented control strategy of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (IPMSM) fed by CHBMI by use of NI-SOM sbrRIO-9651 FPGA controller. This FPGA controller can be programmable in the LabVIEW programming environment with the consequent benefits of graphical programming. The paper address the acq…
Experimental investigation on a cascode-based three-phase inverter for AC drives
High speed electrical drives and machines represent a promising solution to cope with the increasing electrification in several fields, e.g. industrial electronics and mobility. According to that, power electronics is going more and more towards innovative technologies of semiconductor devices, such as Gallium-Nitride (GaN) and Silicon-Carbide (SiC), providing the opportunity of faster switching transients and therefore of higher switching frequencies. A challenging perspective is represented by gaining higher and higher switching frequencies while keeping high voltage and low power losses. In this scenario, the Cascode (CC) configuration can represent a reliable solution in order to reach …
Dead-time impact on the harmonic distortion and conversion efficiency in a three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter: mathematical formulation and experimental analysis
To avoid leg short-circuit in inverters, dead time must be introduced on leg gate signals. Dead time affects the inverter output voltage fundamental harmonic amplitude, voltage harmonic distortion and inverter efficiency by introducing additional voltage drops. In this regard, dead time effects have been widely investigated for traditional two-level three-phase voltage source inverters in the literature but not extensively for multilevel topology structures. This paper provides a detailed analysis of dead time impact on the harmonic distortion and efficiency of Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverters (CHBMIs). For this purpose, a general mathematical formulation to determine voltage drop du…
Il Laboratorio per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e il Risparmio Energetico (SDESLab) nell’ambito industriale siciliano
L’articolo presenta le attività del Laboratorio per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile ed il Risparmio Energetico (SDESLAB) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo nei confronti dell’ambito industriale, con particolare riguardo a quello siciliano. Vengono illustrati gli ambiti di intervento del Laboratorio: ricerca scientifica di base, consulenza alle industrie e alle imprese, formazione, informazione e divulgazione nei vari campi dello sviluppo sostenibile con particolare riguardo a energie rinnov- abili, azionamenti elettrici, automazione industriale e gestione automatizzata dell’energia. Vengono descritte le attrezzature di cui il Laboratorio si avvale per le proprie attività, i progetti di ricerca i…
A General Mathematical Formulation for the Determination of Differential Leakage Factors in Electrical Machines with Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Full or Dead-Coil Multiphase Windings
This paper presents a simple and general mathematical formulation for the determination of the differential leakage factor for both symmetrical and asymmetrical full and dead-coil windings of electrical machines. The method can be applied to all multiphase windings and considers Gorges polygons in conjunction with masses geometry in order to find an easy and affordable way to compute the differential leakage factor, avoiding the adoption of traditional methods that refer to the Ossanna's infinite series, which has to be obviously truncated under the bound of a predetermined accuracy. Moreover, the method described in this paper allows the easy determination of both the minimum and maximum v…
Fault Tolerant Ancillary Function of Power Converters in Distributed Generation Power System within a Microgrid Structure
Distributed generation (DG) is deeply changing the existing distribution networks which become very sophisticated and complex incorporating both active and passive equipment. The simplification of their management can be obtained assuming a structure with small networks, namely, microgrids, reproducing, in a smaller scale, the structure of large networks including production, transmission, and distribution of the electrical energy. Power converters in distributed generation systems carry on some different ancillary functions as, for example, grid synchronization, islanding detection, fault ride through, and so on. In view of an optimal utilization of the generated electrical power, fault to…
A New Software Tool for Design, Optimization, and Complete Analysis of Rotating Electrical Machines Windings
In this paper, a new software tool developed by the authors for ac winding design, optimization, and complete analysis is presented. In particular, this software can be used as a valid aid in design and analysis for a wide variety of motor and generator windings with generic number of phases (including the case of those machines in which some slots are left empty), pole pairs, slot number, and so on. The calculation of winding factors and the evaluation of their harmonic distribution is also accomplished. The software is implemented in the MATLAB programming environment. By means of some examples, covering the most relevant winding types, the capabilities of this software will be shown. In …
Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam's Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions
We introduce and use the space-time Clifford algebra, showing that only one fundamental physical entity is sufficient to describe the origin of electromagnetic fields, charges and currents: the electromagnetic four-potential. This simplified electromagnetic model turns out to be an improved understanding of electromagnetism. The obtained electromagnetic Lagrangian is the simplest possible relativistic Lagrangian formulation. Quantum mechanical relations follow naturally from this model, and we derive the electromagnetic formulation of the Dirac equation. The spinor field is shown to correspond to electromagnetic energy-momentum, and the complex-valued probability density is shown to corresp…
Differential Leakage Factor in Electrical Machines Equipped with Asymmetrical Multiphase Windings: a General Investigation
This paper presents an investigation in terms of degree of unbalance and leakage factor of electrical machines equipped with multiphase windings. The analysis has been carried out through 4800 combinations between slots/poles/phases/layers, analyzing the variability of the leakage factor for each condition and determining the optimal region for its minimization. The obtained results demonstrate that the leakage factor could be considerably reduced with the adoption of slightly asymmetrical windings, which represent a favorable option during the early design stage of electrical machines.
Comprehensive Modeling and Experimental Testing of Fault Detection and Management of a Nonredundant Fault-Tolerant VSI
This paper presents an investigation and a comprehensive analysis on fault operations in a conventional three-phase voltage source inverter. After an introductory section dealing with power converter reliability and fault analysis issues in power electronics, a generalized switching function accounting for both healthy and faulty conditions and an easy and feasible method to embed fault diagnosis and reconfiguration within the control algorithm are introduced. The proposed system has simple and compact implementation. Experimental results operating both at open- and closed-loop current control, obtained using a test bench realized using a dSPACE system and the fault-tolerant inverter protot…
An exact method for the determination of differential leakage factors in electrical machines with non-symmetrical windings
An exact and simple method for the determination of differential leakage factors in polyphase ac electrical machines with non-symmetrical windings is presented in this paper. The method relies on the properties of Gorges polygons that are used to transform an infinite series expressing the differential leakage factor into a finite sum in order to significantly simplify the calculations. Some examples are shown and discussed in order to practically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Comprehensive Analytical Investigation for PV Plants and Their Control System with Reduced Power Electronics Equipments
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of a power generation system from PV source and it control system with a reduced power equipments connected with a power AC grid. The absence of the boost chopper as an actuator for Maximum Power Point Tracking concurs to make the system more reliable, affordable and moreover cheaper respect to a traditional one in which the boost chopper is used. The mathematical analysis exposed in the paper shows as a three phase inverter has two degrees of freedom allowing the simultaneous MPPT control and the synchronization with the power grid. The analysis also shows the way to determine the duty cycle of the inverter to deliver active power, and eventuall…
Practical Implementation of a Synchronous PWM Strategy for Low Switching Frequency FOC of im Drives with ATSAM3X8E Microcontroller
This paper presents a practical implementation of synchronous PWM modulation algorithm for an induction motor field oriented control powered by a DC/AC inverter and implemented on a low-cost microcontroller, the ATSAM3X8E. In particular, a simple algorithm, capable to calculate automatically an optimized set of frequency modulation indexes will be presented. Hysteresis bands are also introduced in the algorithm in order to avoid multiple changeovers during modulation index transitions. Experimental tests and their results will be shown and discussed, highlighting the benefits of the present algorithm, such as reduction of current harmonic content, reduction of current ripple and, consequent…
Analytical Investigation and Control System Set-up of Medium Scale PV Plants for Power Flow Management
In the field of photovoltaic (PV) plants and energy conversion from renewable sources, a large part of the technical literature is more devoted to practical aspects (new solar cells, electrically driven PV panels, safety, reduction of parasitic currents, etc.) than to theoretical investigations. Despite this tendency, this paper presents a mathematical analysis of a medium scale photovoltaic power generation system connected to the distribution network and of its control system. In such a system, the conversion stage is unique due to the absence of a boost chopper. The conducted analysis leads to the interesting conclusion that the inverter used in the plant presents two degrees of freedom,…
The zitterbewegung interpretation of quantum mechanics as theoretical framework for ultra-dense deuterium and low energy nuclear reactions
This paper introduces a Zitterbewegung model of the electron by applying the principle of Occam's razor to the Maxwell's equations and by introducing a scalar component in the electromagnetic field. The aim is to explain, by using simple and intuitive concepts, the origin of the electric charge and the electromagnetic nature of mass and inertia. The Zitterbewegung model of the electron is also proposed as the best suited theoretical framework to study the structure of Ultra-Dense Deuterium (UDD), the origin of anomalous heat in metal-hydrogen systems and the possibility of existence of "super-chemical" aggregates at Compton scale.
Experimental Comparison of Efficiency Enhancement Algorithms for Three-Phase Induction Motors
This paper presents an experimental comparison of two efficiency improvement algorithms for three-phase induction motors by adopting Loss Model Algorithms (LMAs). The efficiency enhancement is evaluated starting from several simulations for different conditions of load and speed and, then, validated by comparing the experimental results obtained by applying the two control strategies and the traditional Field Oriented Control (FOC). Significant results in terms of efficiency enhancement are presented and discussed.
Efficiency Improvement of Permanent-magnet Synchronous Motor Drives for Household Appliances
This paper deals with some aspects of efficiency improvement of PMSMD (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives). Particularly two aspects are focused: the control algorithm for the PMSMD, which allows to reduce the power losses of the electric drive without penalty on its dynamic performances and the optimization of an IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) rotor configuration capable to increase the performances in terms of shaft torque production, limiting at the same time the rotor leakage flux. The loss minimization algorithm is here briefly analysed, a test bed for experimental validation is presented and the data are analysed. Experimental tests have been performed aimi…
Validazione sperimentale di un nuovo algoritmo di controllo a minime perdite di azionamenti elettrici con motori sincroni a magneti permanenti per veicoli elettrici
Reducing DC Link Voltage Unbalance in a Fault-Tolerant Inverter
Today, continuous working of power inverter drives is mandatory for several applications. Damages to materials, machines or even risks to human life have to be absolutely avoided. In the literature, fault-tolerant algorithms and architectures to achieve a successful fault handling are investigated. Researchers aim at reducing the number and cost of additional components, improving at the same time the inverter performances under postfault conditions. Cost, post-fault power derating and increasing distortion are usually conflicting requirements. In this paper, a fault-tolerant three phase inverter is presented. A reconfigurable architecture and a novel fault-tolerant algorithm is designed to…
Stability of Microgrids: An Application of Virtual Synchronous Generator
The objective of this paper is to illustrate an alternative control algorithm for power converters which have the task of introducing the energy generated by systems based on the use of renewable sources such as, photovoltaic or wind power, in to small-sized networks, microgrids. Virtual Synchronous Generator can operate both in parallel to the main network as well as in isolated and autonomous conditions (islanding-mode). The contribute of this work is to drive a consolidate approach, made in time domain, in a more flexible and less time-consuming approach based on Park transformation.
Determination of differential leakage factors in electrical machines with non-symmetrical full and dead-coil windings
In this paper Gorges polygons are used in conjunction with masses geometry to find an easy and affordable way to compute the differential leakage factor of non symmetrical full and dead coil winding. By following the traditional way, the use of the Ossanna's infinite series which has to be obviously truncated under the bound of a predetermined accuracy is mandatory. In the presented method no infinite series is instead required. An example is then shown and discussed to demonstrate practically the effectiveness of the proposed method.
High Performance Field Oriented Rotor Control of Induction Generators
Recursive Selective Harmonic Elimination for Multilevel Inverters: Mathematical Formulation and Experimental Validation
A recursive method that eliminates +1 harmonics and their respective multiples from the output voltage of a cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters with = 2 dc sources ( = 1, 2, 3,...) is proposed. It solves 2×2 linear systems with not singular matrices and always gives an exact solution with very low computational effort. Simulated results in three-phase five, nine, seventeen and thirty three level CHB inverters, and experimental results in five-level inverter demonstrate the validity of the method.
Enhanced flexible algorithm for the optimization of slot filling factors in electrical machines †
The continuous development in the field of industrial automation and electric mobility has led to the need for more efficient electrical machines with a high power density. The improvement of electrical machines’ slot filling factors is one of the measures to satisfy these requirements. In recent years, this topic has aroused greater interest in the industrial sector, since the evolution of the winding technological manufacturing processes allows an economically sustainable realization of ordered winding arrangements, rather than random ones. Moreover, the manufacture of electrical machines’ windings must be preceded by an accurate design phase in which it is possible to evaluate the maximu…
A Small Power Transmission Prototype for Electric Vehicle Wireless Battery Charge Applications
In this paper a low cost prototype of wireless power transfer system based on air coupling is presented. The system here proposed can be useful for electric vehicle (EV) battery charging systems. It consists mainly of two copper wire coils, placed one in front of the other on the same axis. The inductor coil can easily be placed under the road surface (in a parking), while the other (the receiver coil) in the lower side of the vehicle. By exploiting the coils resonance coupling effect, electric energy can be transferred from the inductor coil to the receiver in order to charge the batteries. Low cost experimental tests carried out at DIEETCAM - University of Palermo, demonstrated the effect…
Batteries for Aerospace: A Brief Review
This paper presents a brief overview on batteries for aerospace application. In particular, More Electric Aircraft (MEA) and All Electric Aircraft (AEA) concepts are introduced at first, together with their main advantages and drawbacks. Subsequently, opportunities and issues related to the employment of batteries on aircrafts are presented and briefly discussed. Reference is then made to aircraft power system architectures and battery technologies, as well as on the state-of-the-art of battery management systems, state-of-charge and state-of-health estimations, and thermal management.
Experimental Validation of a Novel Method for Harmonic Mitigation for a Three-Phase Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridges Inverter
In modern high-power electrical drives, the efficiency of the system is a crucial constraint. Moreover, the efficiency of power converters plays a fundamental role in modern applications requiring also a limited weight, such as the electric vehicles and novel more electric aircraft. The reduction of losses pushes for systems with a dc bus and a high number of dc/ac converters, widespread in the vehicle, not burdened by a too expensive data processing system. The purpose of this article is to concur to reduce losses by proposing an innovative selective harmonic mitigation method based on the identification of the working areas where the reference harmonics present lower amplitudes. In partic…
A General Mathematical Model for the Simulation of Common Faults in Three‐ phase Voltage Source Inverters
In the last years the fault problem in power electronics has been more and more investigated both from theoretical and practical point of view. This paper analyzes the problem of faults modeling in a three phase voltage source inverter(VSI) and presents a model of a VSI able to simulate both unfaulty and faulty conditions when one or more devices go broken. In the past the fault problem was faced step by step considering the fault on each single device building a model for each case. The model hereafter presented solves this drawback through the introduction of the concept of the Healthy Device Binary Variable (HDBV) and the more general Healthy Leg Binary Variable (HLBV) showing also as th…
Simple and Flexible Power Loss Minimizer With Low-Cost MCU Implementation for High-Efficiency Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives
This paper presents a simple, practical and low-cost implementation of a power losses minimization algorithm for three-phase induction motors taking also into account both iron core losses and magnetic saturation. The algorithm evaluates, in real-time, the optimal direct axis magnetizing flux component for efficiency enhancement of the drive. A further advantage of the proposed technique is represented by a flexible and low-cost implementation by means of an ATMEL ATSAM3X8E microcontroller. The power loss minimization algorithm is tested preliminarily by means of several simulations, then, experimentally validated by applying the proposed control strategy on a 5.5 kW Field Oriented Control …
A General and Accurate Measurement Procedure for the Detection of Power Losses Variations in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives
The research of innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of electric drives is of considerable interest to challenges related to energy savings and sustainable development. In order to successfully validate the adoption of new and innovative software or hardware solutions in the field of electric drives, accurate measurement procedures for either efficiency or power losses are needed. Moreover, high accuracy and expensive measurement equipment are required to satisfy international standard prescriptions. In this scenario, this paper describes an accurate measurement procedure, which is independent of the accuracy of the adopted instrumentation, for the power losses variations involved…
Approccio allo Sviluppo di Sistemi Diagnostici per il Funzionamento Fault Tolerant delle Micro-grid
Il progressivo aumento del livello di penetrazione della generazione distribuita(GD) è destinato a provocare un profondo mutamento nelle esistenti reti di distribuzione che non sono più considerate come terminazioni passive del sistema elettrico complessivo. Una soluzione possibile è quella relativa alla realizzazione di piccole reti, le micro-grid, che riproducono, al loro interno, la struttura del sistema di produzione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. Per ottenere una adeguata affidabilità della micro-grid risulta importante la individuazione e la gestione dei guasti ai fini del perseguimento dell’esercizio "fault tolerant" della micro-grid stessa. Nel presente lavoro, dopo aver in…
A General Design Procedure for Symmetrical Windings of Electrical Machines
Winding design methods have been a subject of research for many years of the past century. Many methods have been developed, each one characterized by some advantages and some drawbacks. Nowadays, the star of slots is the most widespread design tool for electrical machine windings. In this context, this paper presents a simple and effective procedure to determine the distribution of the EMF stars and of the winding configuration in all possible typologies of electrical machines equipped with symmetrical windings. Moreover, this procedure can also be easily implemented in a computer program in order to perform automated winding designs for rotating electrical machines. Several examples are p…
Advanced Monitoring of Rotor Broken Bar in Double Squirrel Cage Induction Machines Based on Wavelet Analysis
The diagnosis of induction machine faults is commonly realized through Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA), i.e. by classical spectrum analysis of the input currents. In case of large or double cage induction motors, rotor broken bars fault detection based on sideband current components may fail due to the presence of inter bar currents that reduce the degree of rotor asymmetry, leading to reduced relevance of these spectral components. But inter bar currents produce core vibrations in the axial direction, which can be detected using vibration analysis techniques, in order to overcome the limits of the classical MCSA for these purposes. In this paper, an advanced use of the Discrete wav…
A Cogging Torque Minimization Procedure for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on a Progressive Modification of the Rotor Lamination Geometry
This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs), consisting of a progressive modification of the rotor lamination geometry. This procedure can be generalized for the main topologies of PMSM, independently of the number of stator slots or the location of the permanent magnets. For this purpose, a basic IPMSM structure is analyzed by means of the FEM (finite element method) approach, and then, several other IPMSM geometries, obtained by adequately modifying the rotor lamination geometry of the basic IPMSM model without changing its stator configuration, are proposed and discussed. The trends of the cogging torqu…
A General Mathematical Formulation for Winding Layout Arrangement of Electrical Machines
Winding design methods have been a subject of research for many years of the past century. Many methods have been developed, each one characterized by some advantages and drawbacks. Nowadays, the star of slots is the most widespread design tool for electrical machine windings. In this context, this paper presents a simple and effective procedure to determine the distribution of the slot EMFs over the phases and of the winding configuration in all possible typologies of electrical machines equipped with symmetrical windings. The result of this procedure gives a Winding Distribution Table (WDT), which can be used to define coils and coil groups connections and also to simply implement winding…
Preliminary test on a cascode switch for high-frequency applications
Nowadays, an increasing electrification level is being addressed towards different sectors, such as transportation and industrial electronics. To bear that, high speed electrical machines represent a mature technology in different application fields, e.g. avionics, automotive, compressors and spindles. In order to guarantee high speed while keeping high power quality without adopting bulky filtering circuits, DC-AC converters shall be controlled by means of high Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequencies. In addition to the emerging switching device technologies, such as those based on Silicon-Carbide (SiC) and Gallium-Nitride (GaN), alternative circuital topologies are crucial in order to co…
Simulations of Experimentations for a New Teaching-Learning Methode: two Examples by means of Applications in Electrical Machines and in Fluid Dynamics
Simulation and experimental validation of multicarrier PWM techniques for three-phase five-level cascaded H-bridge with FPGA controller
The FPGA represents a valid solution for the design and implementation of control systems for inverters adopted in many fields of power electronics because of its high flexibility of use. This paper presents an overview and an experimental validation of the MC SPWM techniques for a three-phase, five-level, cascaded H-Bridge inverter with FPGA controller-based. Several control algorithms are here implemented by means of the VHDL programming language and the output voltage waveforms obtained from the main PWM techniques are compared in terms of THD%. Simulation and experimental results are analyzed, compared and discussed.
Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications
In the energy storage field, supercapacitors (SCs) are gaining more and more attention thanks to features such as high-power density, high life cycles and lack of maintenance. In this article, an improved SC three-branches model which considers the residual charge phenomenon is presented. The procedure to estimate the model parameters and the related experimental set-up are presented. The parameter estimation procedure is repeated for several SCs of the same type. The average parameters are then obtained and used as initial guesses for a recursive least square optimization algorithm, to increase the accuracy of the model. The model of a single SC is then extended to SC banks, testing differ…
A Micro Wind Generation System for Local DoS Applications
In this paper a wind electrical power generation system for Distributed on Site (DoS) applications is proposed. This system was developed and conceived in order to guarantee simple installation, use and service, obtaining a product that can be easily industrialized and put into the market with limited costs. The field of application of such an electrical generation system is addressed towards domestic or at the most toward condominium applications concerning moreover the opportunity of working in addition to combined photovoltaic and solar-thermal systems to enhance the renewable energy generation at house level (DoS). The proposed system has its hot spot in the blades shape, in the wind fl…
Performance Comparison of Electrical Motors equipped with slightly Asymmetrical Windings
This paper presents a comparison between the performances of electrical machines equipped with slightly asymmetrical windings. More in detail, by modifying the stator geometry of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine equipped with a symmetrical winding configuration, other two slightly asymmetrical winding topologies are obtained. The three models are, then, analyzed by means of a finite element method (FEM) and the related results are compared in terms of cogging torque, static characteristics and leakage factor. The obtained results demonstrate that the adoption of slightly asymmetrical windings could be an interesting alternative solution during the design stage of electrical …
Efficiency Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators
In this paper a control algorithm for the efficiency improvement of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) is presented. The proposed algorithm reduces the losses of the generator without affecting its performances. In details, after a description of a dynamic model of the PMSG, which has been purposely modified in order to take into account the iron losses, the basic equations and the constraints to obtain the loss minimization are presented and discussed. Some simulations of a specific PMSG employing the proposed algorithm are performed. The results of these simulations show that enhancement of the efficiency up to 3 % can be reached in comparison to a PMSG using a traditional con…
Un Sistema di Generazione di Energia Elettrica da Fonte Eolica Mosso da una Nuova Turbina Eolica Modulare del Tipo a Passo Fisso
A Small Scale Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transmission Prototype for EV Applications
In this paper a low cost prototype of wireless power transfer system based on resonant coupling is presented. The system here proposed can be useful for electric vehicle (EV) battery charging systems: as a matter of fact, it consists mainly of two copper wire coils or windings, placed one in front of the other on the same axis. The inductor coil can easily be placed under the road surface (in a parking), while the other (the receiver coil) in the lower side of the vehicle. By exploiting the coils resonance coupling effect, electric energy can be transferred from the inductor coil to the receiver in order to charge the batteries. Low cost experimental tests carried out at DIEETCAM – Universi…
A reexamination of voltage distortion for classical carrier-based vs B-Spline modulation of three-phase Voltage Sources Inverters
Voltage waveform improvement has been the object of several investigations for many years and a manifold of different solutions have been proposed to reduce the harmonic content in Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) power application. In many cases this improvements have been obtained by modifying the reference voltage modulating signal. The recent introduction of cardinal B-spline functions, used as carrier signals, has given rise to a new modulation technique whose main characteristic is a lower value of the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). After the discussion on the B-Spline modulation principle and on its computational effort, a performance comparisons is carried out by means of Total Harm…
A General Investigation on the Differential Leakage Factor for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Multiphase Winding Design
This work provides an investigation based on a fast estimation of the degree of unbalance (D.U.%) and the differential leakage factor (&sigma
Investigation on Cascode Devices for High Frequency Electrical Drives Applications
In the last years a widespread development in the market of electrical drives employing high-speed electrical machines has occurred in various industrial fields, due to the extremely high power density that can be reached. Nevertheless, to maintain output power quality without using bulky filtering networks, DC-AC converters should be controlled by means of higher PWM switching frequencies. New switching device technologies, such as Field Effect Transistors based on SiC and GaN, are therefore gathering momentum in order to comply with the higher working frequencies. To operate under high frequencies and at the same time at high voltage levels, alternative circuital configurations for switch…
Impact Evaluation of Innovative Selective Harmonic Mitigation Algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter on IPMSM Drive Application
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in electrical drives for the transportation field. For this purpose, an enhanced mathematical model of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM), that takes into account simultaneously saturation, cross-coupling, spatial harmonics, and iron loss effects, has been used. In detail, this model allows estimating accurately the efficiency and the torque ripple of the IPMSM, crucial parameters for transportation applications. Moreover, two traditional pulse width modulation strategies, Sinusoidal Phase-Shifted and Switching Frequency Optimal Phase-Shifted…
Vibration signature analysis for monitoring rotor broken bar in double squirrel cage induction motors based on wavelet analysis
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a diagnosis technique, for rotor broken bar in double cage induction motor, based on advanced use of wavelet transform analysis. The proposed technique is experimentally validated. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed approach is based on a combined use of frequency sliding and wavelet transform analysis, to isolate the contribution of the rotor fault components issued from vibration signals in a single frequency band. Findings – The proposed technique is reliable for tracking the rotor fault components over time-frequency domain. The quantitative analysis results based on this technique are the proof of its robustness. Research limit…
Wind Electrical Energy Generating Systems EMC. A Dedicated Experimental Simulator for Tests
In wind electrical energy generating systems, due to fast voltage and current fluctuations, the power converter represents a source of electromagnetic disturbances. EMI problems of stand alone wind generators are here analysed in order to take into account many different power quality problems which result in voltage fluctuations and harmonics in the net. This paper, moreover, presents a wind turbine experimental simulator (WTES) that moves a wind electrical energy generating system (WEEGS) to carry out EMI measurements and the relative experimental results. The WEEGS here taken into account comprises a wound rotor induction generator (WRIG) in which the frequency transformation from the ro…
Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive Powered by Fuel Cell for Automotive Applications
Electric vehicles represent an optimal solution for the reduction of pollution in urban areas. In particular, the Fuel Cell (FC) technology is a promising solution especially for its charging times and zero CO2 direct emissions. The paper addresses the design and performance study of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (IPMSM) drive powered by fuel cell for automotive applications. The IPMSM drive is powered by the use of 5,5 kW FC unit and it is composed of two DC-DC power converters and one inverter. In detail, a test bench has been carried out for the evaluation of the performances of each IPMSM drive conversion stage. Moreover, in order to simulate automotive working condit…
Algorithmic Approach for Slot Filling Factors Determination in Electrical Machines
In several industrial sectors, such as electric and hybrid traction, the demand for increasingly efficient and high power density electrical machines has grown considerably over the last few years. The improvement of slot filling factor of the electrical machines is an useful provision to satisfy this request. In particular, this topic has been the subject of interest for the industrial sector in recent years, since the technology of winding processes have evolved and allow an economically sustainable realization of windings with an ordered structure rather than randomly. The winding phase must be supported by an accurate design process in which it is possible to evaluate the maximum slot f…