S C Müller
Hypertension and Impotence
In a group of 472 impotent patients who were evaluated with pharmacologic duplex sonography, 117 patient (24.8%) had a history of hypertension, 26 of them (22.2%) for more than 10 years. Objective data about the changes in pulsation, diameter and blood flow velocity of the penile arteries after papaverine injection and the resulting erectile response allowed indirect assessment of the penile venous function. Varying degrees of impaired arterial function were diagnosed in 85% of the patients. The duration of hypertension had less deteriorating effects on the penile arterial system than second risk factors such as diabetes mellitus (n = 31) or smoking (n = 26). Patients on antihypertensive me…
Castration and Erection
Castrated dogs (n = 3) need a much higher threshold level of energy to induce erection by electrical stimulation of the cavernous nerve than noncastrated animals (n = 24). In addition the resulting quality of erection, measured as maximal intracavernous pressure (pCC) versus peak systolic blood pressure (BP), was weaker in castrated dogs (pCC = 57% of BP on average) than in noncastrated dogs (pCC = 80% of BP on average). A high venous outflow from the corpora cavernosa in castrated dogs can also explain the shorter duration of erection. This experimental model excludes the interference of subjective factors, such as erotic stimuli and libido on erection, and it seems that androgen deficienc…