Richard C. Thompson
Chapter 7 HITRAP: A Facility at GSI for Highly Charged Ions
Abstract An overview and status report of the new trapping facility for highly charged ions at the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung is presented. The construction of this facility started in 2005 and is expected to be completed in 2008. Once operational, highly charged ions will be loaded from the experimental storage ring ESR into the HITRAP facility, where they are decelerated and cooled. The kinetic energy of the initially fast ions is reduced by more than fourteen orders of magnitude and their thermal energy is cooled to cryogenic temperatures. The cold ions are then delivered to a broad range of atomic physics experiments.
Laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine structure in H-like and Li-like bismuth
The LIBELLE experiment performed at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at the GSI Helmholtz Center in Darmstadt aims for the determination of the ground state hyperfine (HFS) transitions and lifetimes in hydrogen-like (209Bi82+) and lithium-like (209Bi80+) bismuth. The study of HFS transitions in highly charged ions enables precision tests of QED in extreme electric and magnetic fields otherwise not attainable in laboratory experiments. While the HFS transition in H-like bismuth was already observed in earlier experiments at the ESR, the LIBELLE experiment succeeded for the first time to measure the HFS transition in Li-like bismuth in a laser spectroscopy experiment.
Lifetimes and g-factors of the HFS states in H-like and Li-like bismuth
The LIBELLE experiment performed at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany, has successfully determined the ground state hyperfine (HFS) splittings in hydrogen-like ($^{209}\rm{Bi}^{82+}$) and lithium-like ($^{209}\rm{Bi}^{80+}$) bismuth. The study of HFS transitions in highly charged ions enables precision tests of QED in extreme electric and magnetic fields otherwise not attainable in laboratory experiments. Besides the transition wavelengths the time resolved detection of fluorescence photons following the excitation of the ions by a pulsed laser system also allows to extract lifetimes of the upper HFS levels and g-fac…
Getting into the groove: Opportunities to enhance the ecological value of hard coastal infrastructure using fine-scale surface textures
Concrete flood defences, erosion control structures, port and harbour facilities, and renewable energy infrastructure are increasingly being built in the world’s coastal regions. There is, however, strong evidence to suggest that these structures are poor surrogates for natural rocky shores, often supporting assemblages with lower species abundance and diversity. Ecological engineering opportunities to enhance structures for biodiversity conservation (and other management goals) are therefore being sought, but the majority of work so far has concentrated on structural design features at the centimetre–meter scale.\ud \ud We deployed concrete tiles with four easily-reproducible fine-scale (m…
Laser cooling of externally produced Mg ions in a Penning trap for sympathetic cooling of highly charged ions
We have performed laser cooling of Mg ions confined in a Penning trap. The externally produced ions were captured in flight, stored and laser cooled. Laser-induced fluorescence was observed perpendicular to the cooling laser axis. Optical detection down to the single ion level together with electronic detection of the ion oscillations inside the Penning trap have been used to acquire information on the ion storage time, ion number and ion temperature. Evidence for formation of ion crystals has been observed. These investigations are an important prerequisite for sympathetic cooling of simultaneously stored highly-charged ions and precision laser spectroscopy of forbidden transitions in thes…
SpecTrap: precision spectroscopy of highly charged ions—status and prospects
We present the status of the SpecTrap experiment currently being commissioned in the framework of the HITRAP project at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. SpecTrap is a cryogenic Penning trap experiment dedicated to high-accuracy laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions (HCI) near rest. Determination of fine structure and hyperfine structure splittings in HCI with an expected relative spectral resolution of 10−7 will offer the possibility to test quantum electrodynamics in strong fields with unprecedented accuracy. Recently, we have demonstrated trapping and laser Doppler cooling of singly charged magnesium ions in SpecTrap. We report on the status of the experimental apparatus, measurements and pre…
Home advantage? Decomposition across the freshwater-estuarine transition zone varies with litter origin and local salinity
Expected increases in the frequency and intensity of storm surges and river flooding may greatly affect the relative salinity of estuarine environments over the coming decades. In this experiment we used detritus from three contrasting environments (marine Fucus vesiculosus; estuarine Spartina anglica; terrestrial Quercus robur) to test the prediction that the decomposition of the different types of litter would be highest in the environment with which they are associated. Patterns of decomposition broadly fitted our prediction: Quercus detritus decomposed more rapidly in freshwater compared with saline conditions while Fucus showed the opposite trend; Spartina showed an intermediate respon…
A global analysis of complexity–biodiversity relationships on marine artificial structures
Aim Topographic complexity is widely accepted as a key driver of biodiversity, but at the patch‐scale, complexity–biodiversity relationships may vary spatially and temporally according to the environmental stressors complexity mitigates, and the species richness and identity of potential colonists. Using a manipulative experiment, we assessed spatial variation in patch‐scale effects of complexity on intertidal biodiversity. Location 27 sites within 14 estuaries/bays distributed globally. Time period 2015–2017. Major taxa studied Functional groups of algae, sessile and mobile invertebrates. Methods Concrete tiles of differing complexity (flat; 2.5‐cm or 5‐cm complex) were affixed at low–high…
Observation of the hyperfine transition in lithium-like bismuthBi20980+: Towards a test of QED in strong magnetic fields
We performed a laser spectroscopic determination of the $2s$ hyperfine splitting (HFS) of Li-like ${}^{209}{\text{Bi}}^{80+}$ and repeated the measurement of the $1s$ HFS of H-like ${}^{209}{\text{Bi}}^{82+}$. Both ion species were subsequently stored in the Experimental Storage Ring at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum f\"ur Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt and cooled with an electron cooler at a velocity of $\ensuremath{\approx}0.71\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}c$. Pulsed laser excitation of the $M1$ hyperfine transition was performed in anticollinear and collinear geometry for ${\text{Bi}}^{82+}$ and ${\text{Bi}}^{80+}$, respectively, and observed by fluorescence detection. We obtain $\ensuremath{\De…
Laser spectroscopy measurement of the 2s-hyperfine splitting in lithium-like bismuth
We have recently reported on the first direct measurement of the $2s$ hyperfine transition in lithium-like bismuth (209Bi80+) at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany. Combined with a new measurement of the $1s$ hyperfine splitting (HFS) in hydrogen-like (209Bi82+) the so-called specific difference ${\rm{\Delta }}^{\prime} E=-61.37(36)$ meV could be determined and was found to be in good agreement with its prediction from strong-field bound-state quantum electrodynamics. Here we report on additional investigations performed to estimate systematic uncertainties of these results and on details of the experimental setup. We show that the dominating uncertainty a…
First observation of the ground-state hyperfine transition in 209Bi80+
The long sought after ground-state hyperfine transition in lithium-like bismuth 209Bi80+ was observed for the first time using laser spectroscopy on relativistic ions in the experimental storage ring at the GSI Helmholtz Centre in Darmstadt. Combined with the transition in the corresponding hydrogen-like ion 209Bi82+, it will allow extraction of the specific difference between the two transitions that is unaffected by the magnetic moment distribution in the nucleus and can therefore provide a better test of bound-state QED in extremely strong magnetic fields.
High precision hyperfine measurements in Bismuth challenge bound-state strong-field QED
Electrons bound in highly charged heavy ions such as hydrogen-like bismuth 209Bi82+ experience electromagnetic fields that are a million times stronger than in light atoms. Measuring the wavelength of light emitted and absorbed by these ions is therefore a sensitive testing ground for quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects and especially the electron–nucleus interaction under such extreme conditions. However, insufficient knowledge of the nuclear structure has prevented a rigorous test of strong-field QED. Here we present a measurement of the so-called specific difference between the hyperfine splittings in hydrogen-like and lithium-like bismuth 209Bi82+,80+ with a precision that is improve…
Breaking Down the Plastic Age
Baztan, Juan ... et al.-- MICRO 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Lanzarote, Spain.-- 5 pages