Caruso Calogero

Invecchiamento cerebrale, nutraceutici e neuroprotezione

The nervous system requires a high and continuous energy requirement and despite the brain represents only 2% of the body weight it receives about 15% of the cardiac output and consumes 20% of oxygen. The neuronal activity therefore determines a significant increase in energy consumption thus favoring the fact that the brain, during aging, becomes the seat of crucial structural and functional changes that condition the health in a fundamental way.

research product

Bioimpedance: a new approach for studying longevity

Centenarians are the best model to study successful ageing. Unfortunately, they are rare and do not have an aged-matched control population to compare their exceptional characteristics with non-longevous people. Considering the complexity of molecular studies, the opportunity to analyse the centenarian phenotype with anthropometry could be an easy and no invasive interesting solution to identify peculiar measurable variables. In addition to the classic measurements, the bioelectrical impedance could be considered. This method permits to analyse the body composition, in terms of fat free mass and fat mass. Ageing is related to reduced fat free mass and increased body fat. The reduction of th…

research product

Albumin versus solvent/detergent-treated pooled plasma as replacement fluid for long-term plasma exchange therapy in a patient with primary hypertriglyceridemia and recurrent hyperlipidemic pancreatitis

Chylomicronemia syndrome is a metabolic condition characterized by severe fasting hypertrigliceridemia (≥ 1000 mg/dL) and other clinical features including chronic abdominal pain and recurrent acute pancreatitis. In patients with acute or recurrent pancreatitis, plasma exchange (PEx) is indicated for the treatment of acute disease and prevention of recurrence. The use of plasma instead of albumin as replacement fluid has been suggested for its putative ability to replace the deficient enzyme possibly leading to better clinical improvement.A 40-year-old man with chylomicronemia syndrome due to a newly identified loss-of-function mutation in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene (IVS2, c.250-1G/C…

research product

Modulation of Nrf2/ARE pathway by food polyphenols: a nutritional neuroprotective strategy for cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders

In recent years, there has been a growing interest, supported by a large number of experimental and epidemi-ological studies, for the beneficial effects of some phenolic substances, contained in commonly used spices and herbs, in preventing various age-related pathologic conditions, ranging from cancer to neurodegenerative diseases. Although the exact mechanisms by which polyphenols promote these effects remain to be elucidated, several reports have shown their ability to stimulate a general xenobiotic response in the target cells, activating multiple defense genes. Data from our and other laboratories have previously demonstrated that curcumin, the yellow pigment of curry, strongly induces…

research product