Mette Ranta


Career and Romantic Relationship Goals and Concerns During Emerging Adulthood

This study examined emerging adults’ personal goals and concerns in the domains of career (including education, work, and financial issues) and romantic relationship. A particular focus was on goal and concern hierarchies, that is, individuals’ profiles of goals and concerns. A total of 1,052 Finnish emerging adults (63% female) were followed at ages 20 and 23. Latent class analyses yielded goal and concern profiles that were primarily related to career, whereas romantic relationships were less central in individuals’ goal and concern hierarchies. Career and romantic relationship goals and concerns were associated with life status in these domains, especially prioritizing career goals and …

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Subjective financial situation and financial capability of young adults in Finland

A key developmental task in young adulthood is acquiring financial capability (Serido, Shim, & Tang, 2013), meaning competent financial management skills and the responsibilities that these involve. This study extends previous research on the theoretical model of the development of financial capability, including financial confidence (or financial self-efficacy) and financial behavior as factors contributing to subjective and financial well-being. It is part of the Finnish Educational Transitions Studies (FinEdu) longitudinal research project. Participants were 418 young adults aged 24–25 at Time 1 and 26–27 at Time 2. Path and mediation models and Structural Equation Modeling followin…

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Trajectories of life satisfaction and the financial situation in the transition to adulthood

The aims of this study were (1) to investigate  young adults’ life satisfaction changes during the transition to adulthood, (2) to identify possible life satisfaction developmental trajectories during the transition, and (3) to examine how individuals’ agency and personal financial situations are related to the identified life satisfaction trajectories in the contexts of life-span and life course theories of development. The present study is part of the longitudinal Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) study, in which a total of 372 (278 female and 94 male) young adults filled in questionnaires at four measurement points, that is, twice before (at 18 and 19 years of age) and twice after…

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PhD Experiences in Finland

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Young adults personal concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland: an issue for social concern

PurposeThis study focuses on how young adults face the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating their personal concerns about mental well-being, career/studies and economic situation. The authors investigated how young adults' (aged 18–29) personal concerns differ from older people's concerns (aged 30–65) and which person- and context-related antecedents relate to personal concerns.Design/methodology/approachData of Finnish young adults aged 18–29 (n = 222), who participated in the “Corona Consumers” survey (N = 1,000) in April 2020, were analyzed by path analysis and compared to participants aged 30–65 by independent samples t-test.FindingsYoung adults were significantly more concerned about the…

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Supplemental Material - Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19

Supplemental Material for Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19 by Julia A. Nuckols, Gintautas Silinskas, Mette Ranta, and Terhi-Anna Wilska in Emerging Adulthood

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Pathways to adulthood : developmental tasks, financial resources and agency

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Financial Behaviour Under Economic Strain in Different Age Groups: Predictors and Change Across 20 Years

AbstractThe present study examined the multiple micro- and macro-level factors that affect individuals’ financial behaviour under economic strain. The following sociodemographic and economic factors that predict financial behaviour were analysed: age group, year of data gathering, and attitudes towards consumption (economical, deprived, and hedonistic). Subjective financial situations and demographic characteristics were controlled for. Finnish time series data that consisted of five cross-sectional nationally representative surveys were used (n = 10 043). The analyses revealed four types of financial behaviour: cutting expenses, borrowing, increasing income, and gambling. Young adults aged…

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Nuorten henkilökohtainen rahatalous ja elämänhallinta : taloudellinen asema ja subjektiivinen hyvinvointi nuoruuden siirtymävaiheessa

Tässä pro gradu -työssä tutkitaan nuoruuden siirtymä- eli transitiovaiheessa olevien nuorten taloudellista tilannetta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella nuorten taloudellisen aseman (objektiiviset tulot, työssäkäynnin luonne ja kulutuskohteet) yhteyttä subjektiiviseen hyvinvointiin ja elämäntyytyväisyyteen. Tutkimuksen lisätehtävänä on selvittää nuorten asumistilannetta elämäntilannetta määrittävänä tekijänä. Tutkimuksen näkökulma on monitieteinen, ottamalla huomioon psykologian ja kulutustutkimuksen tieteenalat mutta pääpaino on sosiologisessa nuorisotutkimuksessa. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty Suomen Akatemian rahoittamassa Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) Studies -tutkimusha…

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Adolescents’ preparedness and motivation across the transition to post-comprehensive education

This longitudinal study aims to test the concept of transition preparedness in the context of educational transitions. The study investigates how adolescents' transition preparedness, conceptualized as their self-efficacy beliefs and their inoculation against setbacks, before an educational transition affect the adolescents' school value and effort related to educational goals after the transition through the effects on achievement goal orientations. Student data from three waves of a longitudinal study are used, first collected in 2004 (before the students' transition from comprehensive school to upper secondary education) and then collected twice after the transition. The students include…

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Young adults' online shopping addiction : The role of self‐regulation and smartphone use

Online shopping addiction can be defined as an Internet-based behavioural addiction which may lead to economic problems. Even though shopping is increasingly common through mobile devices, the effects of smartphone use on online shopping addiction are underexamined. Following a survey of 1000 18 to 29-year-olds in Finland, we examined young adults' online shopping addiction and economic problems from the perspective of self-regulation and problems in regulating smartphone use. The results indicated that low self-regulation in an online environment facilitates online shopping addiction, which further leads to dissatisfaction toward personal money management through indebtedness. Moreover, we…

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Warm and Supportive Parenting Can Discourage Offspring’s Civic Engagement in the Transition to Adulthood

It is widely believed that warm and supportive parenting fosters all kinds of prosocial behaviors in the offspring, including civic engagement. However, accumulating international evidence suggests that the effects of family support on civic engagement may sometimes be negative. To address this apparent controversy, we identified several scenarios for the negative effects of supportive parenting on youth civic engagement and tested them using four waves of data from the Finnish Educational Transitions Studies. They followed 1549 students (55 % female) from late adolescence into young adulthood, included both maternal (n = 231) and offspring reports of parental support, and assessed civic en…

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Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19

In this study, we examine the prevalence of income and career concerns among emerging adults in three different welfare states during COVID-19: Finland ( n = 309), Sweden ( n = 324), and the United Kingdom ( n = 343). This study also delves into how factors such as one’s self-perceived financial situation, generalized mistrust, loneliness and socio-demographics are related to emerging adults’ income and career concerns. Results showed that individuals from the United Kingdom were more likely to experience increased income and career concerns than those in Finland and Sweden. Our results also suggest that income concerns were associated with one’s current financial situation, future financi…

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Young Adults’ Conceptions of the Sacred in Finland Today

This study examined young adults’ perspectives on the concept of the sacred. Altogether, 334 young Finnish adults aged 19–35 were studied through a self-report questionnaire. The participants’ personal conceptions, reflections and experiences of the sacred were assessed with open-ended questions. Answers were classified in a data-determined content analysis using a thematic analytical approach. In addition, the study examined how these understandings of the sacred were related to subjective religiosity and how the definitions vary across gender. The findings suggest that the conceptions of the sacred mainly concentrate on individuality and personal issues, including personal opinion, rest a…

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