Maurizio Sara'


research product

preliminary survey of Utrish bird fauna

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La Fauna dei Nebrodi - Guida per riconoscere e proteggere gli animali del Parco

research product

Effetti del clima sul successo riproduttivo del grillaio Falco naumanni

research product

Trends of neighbouring populations of Lesser Kestrel reveal intraspecific differences in response to climate change

research product

Crocidura pachyura (Kuster, 1835)

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Le ricerche sui Mammiferi in Sicilia

research product

Censimento dell'occhione Burhinus oedicnemus in un'area steppico cerealicola della Sicilia Meridionale

research product

Nest attendance of conspecifics and heterospecifics as social phenotypes affecting breeding lesser kestrels Falco naumanni

research product

From macro- to micro-climate? 3D Analysis of lesser kestrel Falco naumanni nest attendance

research product

Un primo contributo alla filogeografia del ghiro (Glis glis) in italia.

research product

Chirotterofauna della Sicilia (Mammalia Chiroptera)

research product

Le faune a mammiferi della Sicilia tra il Tardoglaciale e l’Olocene

A check-list of Sicilian terrestrial mammals from Late Glacial to the Holocene has been compiled and a quantitative methodology of data analysis to calculate their occurrence and extinction rates has been adopted, in order to synthesize the temporal turnover of mammal species occurred during the last 17,5 ky. In such interval Sicily, probably passed from a fully connection (via a temporary land bridge generated by eustatic change of sea level) with Southern Calabria to the present isolation phase. To better focus the faunal turnover, this temporal interval has been subdivided into three phases: Late Glacial, ancient and recent Holocene. 28 Mammal taxa were recorded: 17 in the Late Glacial, …

research product

Densità e biologia riproduttiva del grillaio Falco naumanni nella piana di Gela (Sicilia)

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research product

Status del Nibbio reale e del Nibbio bruno in Sicilia

research product

Vigilance and antipredator responses of lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) and jackdaws (Corvus monedula) nesting in single- versus mixed-species colonies

research product

Habitat preferences of Bonelli's Eagles Aquila fasciata in Sicily

Capsule For breeding, areas dominated by extensive agricultural and rugged Mediterranean landscapes are preferred; maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and extensive agriculture are key for the conservation of this eagle. Aims To model breeding habitat preferences of Bonelli’s Eagles Aquila fasciata in Sicily, where the last viable population still remains in Italy, in order to identify the most important habitats for conservation. Methods Pairs were monitored between 1990 and 2010. A case-control design through GLMs was used at two spatial scales: landscape and home-range. Variables included topographic, climatic, land-use, road and descriptors of habitat heterogeneity. Information-based c…

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research product

Status of Red kite in Italy

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Sistematica e distribuzione del genere Crocidura Wagler, 1831 nel Mediterraneo

research product

Comparative Ecology of Lanner (Falco biarmicus) and Peregrine (Falco peregrinus)

research product

La preferenza dell'habitat dell'Aquila reale, Aquila chrysaetos, in Sicilia

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Studio preliminare su Barbagianni, Tyto alba: abitudini alimentari legate all'uso del suolo

research product

Valore ornitologico della ZPS - ITA 050012 - "Torre Manfria, Biviere e Piana di Gela" (Sicilia)

research product

Tutela della Diversità degli ambienti aridi della Sicilia

research product

Le Faune a Mammiferi della Sicilia tra il Tardoglaciale e l'Olocene

research product

Interactive effects of micro- and macro-habitat features on reproductive success of lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni)

research product

La Lepidotterofauna dei Biotopi della Riserva Naturale Orientata "Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago"

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research product

Mammiferi Insettivori, Roditori, Artiodattili e Carnivori

research product

Una revisione critica della check-list e della bibliografia degli Odonati della Sicilia

research product

Occurence of Bechstein's bat Myotis bechsteini (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Sicily.

The bat fauna of Sicily is still poorly known and no extensive survey of these mammals on the island has been so far carried out. Here we report on the occurrence of Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii) on the island. We recorded this species’ presence at two sites of the Nebrodi mountains (central Sicily) at an elevation of ca. 1500 m a.s.l. The occurrence of M. bechsteinii in Sicily has been regarded as doubtful and not mentioned in recent checklists. Our observations clearly establish that this species does occur on the island and awaits appropriate consideration for conservation actions.

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Neighbour dearest: Colonial lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) benefit from nest attendance of neighbouring jackdaws (Corvus monedula)

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Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780)

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Un modello di distribuzione e idoneità ambientale di una specie steppica in pericolo: l’Occhione Burhinus oedicnemus

research product

Does the life history of Muscardinus avellanarius (Mammalia) follow an ecogeographic gradient?

research product

Un modello di distribuzione e idoneità ambientale di una specie steppica in pericolo: dell’occhione Burhinus oedicnemus

research product

Il Capovaccaio, specie prossima all’estinzione?

research product

Zealous fathers and lazy mothers? Role of coloniality in biparental care of Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni)

research product

Social phenotype extended to communities: expanded multilevel social selection analysis reveals fitness consequences of interspecific interactions.

In social species, fitness consequences are associated with both individual and social phenotypes. Social selection analysis has quantified the contribution of conspecific social traits to individual fitness. There has been no attempt, however, to apply a social selection approach to quantify the fitness implications of heterospecific social phenotypes. Here, we propose a novel social selection based approach integrating the role of all social interactions at the community level. We extended multilevel selection analysis by including a term accounting for the group phenotype of heterospecifics. We analyzed nest activity as a model social trait common to two species, the lesser kestrel (Falc…

research product

When an island matches a glacial refugium: the case of Sicilian mammals

research product

Modelli di distribuzione dei Vertebrati della Sicilia: Primi dati

research product

Preliminary observation on use of nest boxes in protected areas of Southern Sicily

In this short note we summarize the data self-made nesting in nest boxes in two areas of NATURA 2000 in southern Sicily. The models of nest boxes considered host species during the study the following period: Falco naumanni, Falco tinnunculus, Athene noctua, Strix aluco, Sturnus unicolor, Parus major, Certhia brachydactyla, Corvus monedula, Passer montanus.

research product

The effect of wildfires on glirids (Muscardinus avellanarius and Glis glis) living in Mediterranean ecosystems

research product

Italian Peninsula preserves an evolutionary lineage of the fat dormouse Glis glis L. (Rodentia: Gliridae)

research product

Musei e divulgazione naturalistica. Il contributo del Museo Zoologico “P. Doderlein” dell’Università di Palermo

research product

Status and distribution of the Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Sicily.

research product

Phylogeographical footprints of the Strait of Gibraltar and Quaternary climatic fluctuations in the western Mediterranean: a case study with the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula (Mammalia: Soricidae)

Correspondance: cosson@supagro.inra.fr; International audience; We used mitochondrial cyt b sequences to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Crocidura russula (sensu lato) populations across the Strait of Gibraltar, western Europe, Maghreb, and the Mediterranean and Atlantic islands. This revealed very low genetic divergence between European and Moroccan populations. The application of a molecular clock previously calibrated for shrews suggested that the separation of European from Moroccan lineages occurred less than 60 000 bp, which is at least 5 million years (Myr) after the reopening of the Strait of Gibraltar. This means that an overwater dispersal event was responsible for t…

research product

The butterfly community behaviour in a fire-prone secondary succession in Mediterranean woodland (Madonie, Sicily)

research product

Effects of microclimate on nest site selection and breeding success of lesser kestrel Falco naumanni in the Gela Plain (Sicily)

research product

Resti faunistici dal castro normanno di Calathamet (XIII sec d. C., Sicilia Nord-occidentale)

research product

Intra- and inter-specific social selection of vigilance and defense phenotypes in breeding colonies of lesser kestrels and jackdaws

research product

Mitochondrial phylogeographic of the common dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius (Rodentia: Gliridae)

research product

Conferma della riproduzione del Cuculo dal ciuffo Clamator glandarius in Sicilia

research product

Cactaceae and Chiroptera: a mutualistic relationship more common than expected?

research product

Breeding abundance of threatened raptors as estimated from occurrence data

A model derived from the negative binomial distribution (NBD) has been proposed to solve the problem of predicting abundance of species from occurrence maps. The viability of NBD was explored for predicting the breeding abundance of five threatened species of raptor: Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, Peregrine Falco peregrinus, Lanner Falco biarmicus and Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. First, the accuracy of the NBD was tested in a reference area where the species abundance and occurrence were known through intensive field surveys. Next, an estimation of regional abundance derived from NBD was made for each species. These estimates were then compared to th…

research product

La preferenza dell’habitat dell’Aquila reale Aquila chrysaetos in Sicilia

research product

Primi risultati sullo studio dell'aracnofauna nell'isola di Lampedusa

research product

Modello di distribuzione e di idoneità ambientale dell'occhione, Burhinus oedicnemus

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Crocidura sicula Miller, 1900

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Modelling distribution and habitat preferences of vulnerable species

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Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811)

research product