T. La Mantia
Allevare un Giardino
The loquat [Eriobotryo japonica (Thumb.) Lindl.] is an allochthonous species long cultivated in Sicily. In some parts of Sicily such as the Siracusa province, the loquat is cultivated in mono-specific orchards. In other sites, like Conca d'Oro and other places near the town of Palermo, loquat is intercropped with other tree species such as citrus, apricot, peach, mulberry, walnut, Mediterranean hackberry. The loquat plays an important role in order to increase biodiversity within these orchards. The old or dead loquat trees host a variety of xylophagous insects and more in particular Coleoptera: Cerambycidae beetles Dynastidae, and Cetoniidae. Longhorn beetles, rhinoceros beetles and flower…
The cork oak forests management in Sicily: current situation and potentiality
The economic importance of cork forests is mainly attributable to the role of provisioning non-timber forest products that they have played and still play in the Mediterranean region. In Sicily, according to the latest regional forest inventory (IFRS, 2010), the surface covered by cork forests amounts to 14,732 ha; the 52.4% of this area is not affected by cultural practices, while in the 41.3% of cases productive cultural practices are adopted. In fact, the prevailing silvicultural system type is the peculiar one aimed at the cork production. The cultural abandonment of many cork oak stands threatens their survival because of the close link between the conservation of cork stands and its u…
Assessing the biomass of shrubs typical of Mediterranean pre-forest communities
One of the most outstanding issues of current environmental research is the need of reliable assessments of carbon stock (i.e. above-ground (a.g.) and below-ground biomass, deadwood, litter, and organic soil matter) within forest ecosystems. Although shrub vegetation plays an important role in accumulating carbon in many Mediterranean environments, there is still very little knowledge on the carbon they store. In this article, we analyze the a.g. carbon stock of several Mediterranean shrubby communities in Sicily (Italy), dominated by Pistacia lentiscus, Chamaerops humilis, Euphorbia dendroides and Spartium junceum. Plant samples for each species were selected, and morphometric attributes (…
Structural analysis of woody species in Mediterranean old fields.
The first part of this study provides an overview on Sicilian olive systems. Subsequently, the study describes the different typologies of cultivated agroforestry systems present in South-Eastern Sicily employing olive trees in association with other Mediterranean tree species, in particular for the production of firewood, coal and animal food (downy or pubescent oak, holm oak, cork oak), but also in association with forage or grazing species (oat, barley, vetch, etc.) or cereals. The study shows that Sicilian agroforestry systems are much more diversified than it was known so far. In the second part, the study describes the spontaneous colonization processes by plants, observed in abandone…
Do island plant populations really have lower genetic variation than mainland populations? Effects of selection and distribution range on genetic diversity estimates
Ecological and evolutionary studies largely assume that island populations display low levels of neutral genetic variation. However, this notion has only been formally tested in a few cases involving plant taxa, and the confounding effect of selection on genetic diversity (GD) estimates based on putatively neutral markers has typically been overlooked. Here, we generated nuclear microsatellite and plastid DNA sequence data in Periploca laevigata, a plant taxon with an island–mainland distribution area, to (i) investigate whether selection affects GD estimates of populations across contrasting habitats; and (ii) test the long-standing idea that island populations have lower GD than their mai…
Chestnut woods on madonie mountains (Sicily, Italy): Reasons for abandonment and possibilities of recovery
The status of the chestnut woods on the Madonie Mountains (Sicily, PA) was investigated. During the last years, the surface of chestnut woods on the Madonie Mountains has been decreasing as well as their utilisation has changed because of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) attacks. Therefore, three plots located in the Madonie mountains were studied to investigate the effects of chestnut blight attack. The first results here exposed stress the strong relations between the entity of chestnut blight attack and the density and age of the coppice.
The cork oak in the Mountains of Palermo (Italy): ecological insights from the south-eastern edge of its distribution range
Abstract: The uneven presence of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) within its distribution range is not only determined by its climatic requirements but also by specific edaphic needs. Although most of the natural populations thrive in acidic soils deriving from metamorphic or volcanic rock outcrops, some cork oak populations are found growing in soils deriving from calcareous bedrock, which are considered less suitable. We carried out a multidisciplinary investigation at the south eastern edge of the Q. suber distribution range (Mountains of Palermo, NW Sicily), including soil, floristic, and vegetation surveys, aimed at: (i) assessing the native or introduced origin of some peculiar cork oa…
The ongoing naturalisation of Eucalyptus spp. in the Mediterranean Basin: new threats to native species and habitats
The genus Eucalyptus has been widely introduced into many regions of the world outside its native range and has become invasive in some Mediterranean biomes (e.g. in southern Africa and California). In the Mediterranean Basin and Europe, eucalypts were introduced at the end of the 18th century. However, natural regeneration events in these regions are recent in time and limited in terms of affected areas, except for the Iberian Peninsula. An updated overview about the natural spread of Eucalyptus species in Italy is still lacking. This paper aims to fill this knowledge gap, using both published data and unpublished field data regarding naturalisation events, with a specific focus on Sicily.…
Litter contribution to soil organic carbon in the agriculture abandons processes
Abstract. Mechanisms of litter decomposition, translocation and stabilization into soil layers are fundamental processes in ecosystem functioning as it regulates the cycle of soil organic matter (SOM), CO2 emission into the atmosphere, carbon sequestration into the soil. In this study, it was investigated the contribution of litters of different stages of Mediterranean secondary succession on Carbon sequestration, analyzing the role of earthworms on translocation of SOM into soil profile. For this purpose δ13C difference between meadow C4-Csoil and C3-Clitter were used in a field experiment. Four undisturbed litters of different stages of succession were collected (45, 70, 100 and 120 since…
La Betulla dell’Etna: uno studio multidisciplinare sui fattori di deperimento della specie
La betulla dell’Etna (Betula aetnensis Rafin), è una delle specie arboree che durante le ultime glaciazioni si è spinta verso sud e dove oggi costituisce popolazioni pressoché relitte localizzate esclusivamente in Sicilia sulla sommità dell’Etna. I betulleti sono presenti sui versanti orientali ed occidentali dell’Etna, ad un’altitudine compresa tra 1.400 e 2.000 m s.l.m. Si tratta di popolamenti pionieri che colonizzano substrati vulcanici inalterati e/o poco evoluti dove costituiscono a volte dei piccoli boschi puri o misti a pino laricio. Questi boschi in passato erano sottoposti a ceduazioni, che dal 1987 non sono state più eseguite a seguito della istituzione del Parco Regionale dell’E…
Impact of woody encroachment on soil organic carbon and nitrogen in abandoned agricultural lands along a rainfall gradient in Italy
Land use changes represent one of the most important components of global environmental change andhave a strong influence on carbon cycling. As a consequence of changes in economy during the last century, areas of marginal agriculture have been abandoned leading to secondary successions. The encroachment of woody plants into grasslands, pastures and croplands is generally thought to increase the carbon stored in these ecosystems even though there are evidences for a decrease in soil carbon stocks after land use change. In this paper, we investigate the effects of woody plant invasion on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks along a precipitation gradient (200–2,500 mm) using original data from pa…
Epicuticular changes and storage potential of cactus pear [Opuntia ficus-indica Miller (L.)] fruit following gibberellic acid preharvest sprays and postharvest heat treatment
Abstract Cactus pear [Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. (L.) cv. Gialla] fruit were treated 10 weeks after the second induced-bloom flush with 10 ppm gibberellic acid (GA3) or were heated at 37°C for 30 h under saturated humidity after harvest. The two treatments were also combined before storage at 6°C for 45 days plus 4 additional days at 20°C to simulate a marketing period (SMP). Fruit not treated with GA3 and unheated were used as controls. GA3 spray delayed fruit ripening as evaluated by peel colour change and scanning electron microscopic observations of epicuticular wax morphology, decreased ethanol levels in the flesh during storage and SMP, and reduced decay development during storage. Po…
Fitting the Stocking Rate with Pastoral Resources to Manage and Preserve Mediterranean Forestlands: A Case Study
Pasture practices have affected Mediterranean forest ecosystems for millennia, and they are still quite widespread in mountainous areas. Nevertheless, in the last decades, the stability of forest ecosystems has been jeopardized due to the abandonment of traditional agro-pastoral practices, so that the gradual reduction of open areas due to progressive succession processes has caused a high increase of grazing pressure by livestock and wild ungulates feeding on forest areas. This paper aims at showing a methodological approach for evaluating the effect of applying measures in order to improve the grazing value of grasslands and ecotonal patches and lower the grazing impact on native woodland…
Effect of cladode shading on growth and ripening of fruits of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indicaL. Miller)
SummaryFruiting cladodes of O. ficus-indica were covered with shade nets at different stages of the fruit development period to study the effect of the time and duration of shade on fruit growth, ripening time and harvest quality. Shading the fruiting cladodes 0, 15 and 30 d after full bloom (DAB) for a period of 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75 d significantly reduced fruit growth and ultimate harvest size. The longer the shading period the greater was the reduction of harvest fruit size. The greatest reduction of fruit growth (30%) occurred when the fruiting cladodes were shaded from bloom to harvest. Differences in growth rate beween fruits on shaded or sunlit cladodes begun to appear at 30 DAB and …
Climate-growth relationships of Quercus gussonei (Borzì) Brullo in the Mediterranean region: adaptive traits and water use efficiency.
Due to their marginal distribution, peripheral tree populations are highly vulnerable and are more likely to be influenced by extreme climate conditions. This occurrence is known to cause dieback in many species at their Mediterranean margins. Quercus gussonei (Borzì) Brullo is a deciduous oak endemic of Sicily. It is a thermophilous, peripheral form of Quercus cerris L. which is showing an incipient but ongoing decline. A deeper ecophysiological knowledge is urgently needed on this species in order to plan proper conservation actions and reduce the risk of its extinction. In the aim to understand at what extent changes in environmental conditions could be responsible for Q. gussonei declin…
Turnover and availability of soil organic carbon under different Mediterranean land-uses as estimated by13C natural abundance
Summary Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important factor in ecosystem stability and productivity. This is especially the case for Mediterranean soils suffering from the impact of human degradation as well as harsh climatic conditions. We used the carbon (C) exchange resulting from C3-C4 and C4-C3 vegetation change under field conditions combined with incubations under controlled conditions to evaluate the turnover and availability of soil organic C under different land-uses. The 40-year succession of Hyparrenia hirta L. (C4 photosynthesis) after more than 85 years of olive tree (Olea europaea L.; C3 photosynthesis) growth led to the exchange of 54% of soil organic C from C3 to C4 forms. In …
Abstract The effect of flower emasculation, flower injection with paclobutrazol and the complete removal of the spring flush of flowers and cladodes on the changes in GA 3 concentration at different stages of bloom in flowers and fertile cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica has been determined. Throughout the bloom period, the concentration of GA 3 was higher in intact flowers and the cladode than in flowers emasculated or injected with paclobutrazol. With the onset of blooming, GA 3 started to accumulate both in the flower and in the fertile cladode, and the highest concentration was measured at full bloom in the flower and in the cladodes whose flowers were not removed. Flower emasculation or…
Per una check-list delle specie legnose esotiche invasive nei tipi forestali italiani
Le specie esotiche invasive rappresentano una delle principali minacce globali alla conservazione della biodiversità in diversi tipi di ecosistemi, tra cui quelli forestali, dove possono costituire un rischio per la conservazione di diversi valori sociali, economici e ambientali. Sebbene la maggior parte delle specie forestali invasive si rinvenga in habitat antropizzati o disturbati dalle attività umane, alcune di queste sono in grado di influenzare anche i processi ecosistemici delle foreste semi-naturali. In particolare, è stato osservato che le specie esotiche invasive possono entrare in diverse comunità vegetali lungo le successioni secondarie la cui vegetazione potenziale è forestale.…
Lupi e licotoponimi in Sicilia: un confronto interdisciplinare
ABSTRACT. (Wolves and wolf place names in Sicily: an interdisciplinary comparison). Starting from zoological and onomastic aspects, the paper aims at comparing data demonstrating the presence of wolves in Sicily. Apart from the review offered by LA MANTIA & CANNELLA (2008) and the study on Minà Palumbo’s works (GENCHI 2012), further sources prove the presence of wolves in Sicily, in particular in the Madonie area. The integration of these data with those concerning ethno-linguistic and toponymic aspects, even without the support of other scientific works, allows to verify the distribution of this predator in Sicily as well as its presence in Sicilian cultural imagery.
Litter contribution to soil organic carbon in the processes of agriculture abandon
The mechanisms of litter decomposition, translocation and stabilization into soil layers are fundamental processes in the functioning of the ecosystem, as they regulate the cycle of soil organic matter (SOM) and CO2 emission into the atmosphere. In this study the contribution of litters of different stages of Mediterranean secondary succession on carbon sequestration was investigated, analyzing the role of earthworms in the translocation of SOM into the soil profile. For this purpose the δ13C difference between meadow C4-C soil and C3-C litter was used in a field experiment. Four undisturbed litters of different stages of succession (45, 70, 100 and 120 since agriculture abandon) were colle…
LIFE AForClimate: approcci predittivi per una selvicoltura del faggio in sintonia con il clima
Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato che l’incremento delle temperature medie stagionali e le variazioni nel regime stagionale delle precipitazioni influenzano direttamente la variabilità di crescita dei popolamenti forestali. Conoscere la risposta delle foreste alla variabilità del clima è propedeutica a calibrare gli interventi selvicolturali per garantire minore stress alle piante e una migliore efficienza ecosistemica. Il progetto LIFE AForClimate (LIFE15 CCA/IT/000089 - Adaption of FORest management to CLIMATE variability: an ecological approach) mira a fornire soluzioni concrete per realizzare una gestione forestale efficace nell’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e definire un metodo pe…
Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. (fam. Betulaceae) a Ficuzza (Monti Sicani, provincia di Palermo): note ecologiche e demografiche
Primi casi di “imbrancamento” di tortora selvatica (Streptopelia turtur (Linnaeus, 1758)) con tortore dal collare (Streptopelia decaocto Frivaldszky, 1838).
La Tortora selvatica (Streptopelia turtur) come conferma il nome è una specie che non mostra mai comportamenti antropofili, tuttavia sono stati osservati due casi nei quali la tortora selvatica, assieme alle tortore dal collare, si avvicinava all’uomo per nutrirsi.
Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in a semiarid environment
Abstract. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of an experimental fire used for grassland management on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. The study was carried out on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf (Hh) grassland and Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Desf.) T. Durand & Schinz (Am) grasslands located in the north of Sicily. Soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm before and after the experimental fire, and SOC was measured. During the grassland fire, soil surface temperature was monitored. Biomass of both grasses was analysed in order to determine dry weight and its chemical composition. The results showed that SOC varied significantly with vegetation type, while it is not affecte…
Research strategies for the improvement of cactuspear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit quality and production
Abstract Cactus pear ( Opuntia ficus-indica L.) is cultivated worldwide for fruit production either in the subsistence agriculture of dryland areas or as a cash crop. However, little horticultural research has been devoted to this species so far. Research needs related to reproductive biology as well as productivity and orchard management are outlined. A better knowledge of the environmental influence on reproductive biology and fruit quality, the control of fluctuations in plant cropping, as well as the reduction of seed number and size, are the major challenges for future research. Cactus pear will transcend the ethnical markets only if adequate marketing strategies can be promoted and fr…
Primi segnali di spontaneizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) in Sicilia.
Si riportano i primi casi di naturalizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) osservati in Sicilia.
Un sistema agroecologico vive anche grazie agli uccelli
Anche se si potrebbe pensare che l’attenzione verso il loro ruolo positivo che gli uccelli svolgono negli agroecosistemi sia un fenomeno recente in realtà già a partire dalla esposizione universale di Vienna del 1873 si pose l’attenzione al vasto pubblico su questo tema. Naturalmente qualsiasi elemento che aumenti la loro densità come le cassette nido, che consentono la nidificazione di specie che necessitano di cavità, sono utili. Tuttavia non può essere trascurato il ruolo che gli agrochemicals ma anche la meccanizzazione giocano nel ridurre le popolazioni di uccelli negli agroecosistemi, una riduzione degli input contribuisce certamente ad esaltare il ruolo degli agroecosistemi nel bilan…
Stem-injection of herbicide for control of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle: a practical source of power for drilling holes in stems
Abstract: Ailanthus altissima is a well-known invasive tree in many parts of the world showing an outstanding ability to establish within woodlands and other less-disturbed habitats. Previous studies have reported that control of this species is very difficult because of its strong resprouting. Indeed, effective control can be achieved only by mechanical treatment followed by the application of a systemic herbicide. Operating drills or saws and other mechanical equipment require electric power supply which is not readily available in many invaded sites, notably shrubslands and woodlands. In two study sites, we evaluated control obtained by glyphosate through a stem-injection technique and c…
Colonization of eurasian jay Garrulus glandarius (L.) and holm oaks Quercus ilex (L.): the establishment of ecological interactions in urban areas.
Here we describe the relationship between holm oak seedling diffusion and jay recolonization in an urban orchard.
Restoration practices in Mediterranean habitats using native woody species
Since the beginning of the XXI century, Legambiente (a national environmental association), supported by the University of Palermo, has launched several naturalization projects within three Sicilian nature reserves: 1)Isola di Lampedusa (Agrigento Province); 2)Macalube di Aragona (Agrigento Province); 3)Lago Sfondato (Caltanissetta Province). Interventions were carried out on bare lands and degraded sites where natural vegetation cover was almost completely disappeared. The main aim was to restore native habitats following the principles of ecological restoration. Accordingly, differently from the classical approach, consisting in the use of preparatory species, usually Pines, native shrubs…
Biodiversity of the Sicilian Forests. Part I: the birds
E stata censita la diversita delle specie ornitiche presente in alcune tipologie forestali della Regione Siciliana e la relazione tra le ornitocenosi, le scelte gestionali ed i diversi fattori abiotici e biotici. L’analisi della species richness (= numero delle specie) dimostra che essa e correlata con il bioclima, il diametro massimo degli individui arborei, il valore trofico di tutti gli strati di vegetazione ed il valore trofico dello strato arboreo. I boschi meso-supramediterranei sono piu ricchi di specie rispetto ai boschi termomesomediterranei. L’importanza del diametro massimo degli individui arborei, che esprime indirettamente anche il tipo di gestione di un bosco, viene spiegata d…
The effects of post-pasture woody plant colonization on soil and aboveground litter carbon and nitrogen along a bioclimatic transect.
Abstract: We investigated the effects of woody plant colonization of abandoned pastures on soil and litter organic carbon (C) stocks and nitrogen (N) content along a bioclimatic transect in a semi-arid environment (Sicily, Italy). Soil samples were taken in three successional stages (grazed pasture, shrubland, forest) within each of three bioclimates (supramediterranean - “supra”, mesomediterranean - “meso”, thermomediterranean - “thermo”). Organic C and N in litter and soil (0-10 cm and 10-30 cm depth) were determined, as well as soil bulk density. Especially at 0-10 cm depth, changes in C and N contents along successional stages differed among bioclimates. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock …
Criteria to identify old-growth forests in the Mediterranean: A case study from Sicily based on a literature review and some management proposals
Old growth forests are increasingly considered and studied all around the world. However, the knowledge of such important forest systems is still limited in some bioclimatic regions, such as in the Mediterranean Basin. Starting from the knowledge acquired elsewhere, our research was carried out with the aim to select the most effective criteria to identify potential old-growth forests in Mediterranean ecosystems (Sicily, Italy). Four key proxy indicators were considered: deadwood amount, tree size, structural traits, and tree species richness. A preliminary classification of the local forest stands level in three classes of old-growthness (high, medium and low) has also been proposed. The m…
Linosa: quando la geologia decide il destino di un’isola.
La condizione odierna della flora ma anche dell'agricoltura di Linosa è molto diversa da quella della vicina Lampedusa per ragioni geologiche, il suolo vulcanico di Linosa ha influito sui caratteri della vegetazione dlel'Isola.
Climatic signals of tree-ring in Quercus gussonei (Borzì) Brullo in the Mediterranean region
Change in growth is among the primary response of trees to environmental variation. Tree-rings contain a wealth of information related to the climatic conditions. A dendroclimatic study on Quercus gussonei (Borzì) Brullo was carried out in the Nature Reserve of “Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco Del Cappelliere, Gorgo Del Drago” (southern Italy). Q. gussonei is an endemic deciduous oak and thermophilous form of Quercus cerris L. that is found only in Sicily, although with clear sign of decline. The knowledge of ecology of this species should help to establish criteria for forest conservation in the Mediterranean region. For definining the ecological character and understanding the …
Boschi di neoformazione in Italia: approfondimenti conoscitivi e orientamenti gestionali
Nelle regioni meridionali, e in Sicilia in particolare, la fisionomia della vegetazione forestale post-abbandono è quella della macchia o arbusteto che difficilmente evolve verso un bosco propriamente detto. Il processo evolutivo della vegetazione spesso non raggiunge lo stadio di bosco non perché le condizioni ambientali non lo consentano ma per due ragioni fondamentali: i disturbi, in particolare gli incendi e il pascolo, e le limitazioni nell’arrivo di propaguli, causate dalla mancanza di piante madri, dei dispersori dei semi o entrambi. Infatti, in contesti favorevoli (assenza di disturbi e arrivo dei propaguli) la vegetazione evolve sino al bosco. Le formazioni preforestali frutto dei …
La biodiversità dei boschi siciliani. Parte I: l’avifauna
È stata censita la diversità delle specie ornitiche presente in alcune tipologie forestali della Regione Siciliana e la relazione tra le ornitocenosi, le scelte gestionali ed i diversi fattori abiotici e biotici. L’analisi della species richness (= numero delle specie) dimostra che essa è correlata con il bioclima, il diametro massimo degli individui arborei, il valore trofico di tutti gli strati di vegetazione ed il valore trofico dello strato arboreo. I boschi meso-supramediterranei sono più ricchi di specie rispetto ai boschi termomesomediterranei. L’importanza del diametro massimo degli individui arborei, che esprime indirettamente anche il tipo di gestione di un bosco, viene spiegata d…
Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in semiarid environment
Abstract. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of a experimental fire, used for grassland management, on soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs. The study was carried out on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf (Hh) grassland and Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Desf.) T. Durand and Schinz (Am) grasslands, located in the north of Sicily. Soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm before and after experimental fire and SOC was measured. During grassland fire soil surface temperature was monitored. Biomass of both grasses was analyzed in order to determine dry weight and its chemical composition. The results showed that SOC varied significantly with vegetation cover, while it is not affected in the …
La rete ecologica siciliana: valore naturalistico delle aree protette e dei siti NATURA 2000 e indicazioni per una gestione sostenibile
Spatio-temporal patterns and drivers of secondary succession in a Mediterranean landscape
In recent years, many Mediterranean agricultural lands have been abandoned, reforested, rewilded and ecologically restored, creating different templates and trajectories for the development of secondary succession. Our objective was to verify whether past legacies of woody vegetation (remnant forest, shrub patches and reforestations) influenced the current spatial pattern of woody cover in a mid-successional Mediterranean area, identifying spatial cold and hotspots (i.e: low/slow or high/fast cover increase) and looking for footprints of seed-disperser and herbivore-mediated processes at landscape and local scales. The study took place in three 500x200 m plots in a formerly managed and part…
L’agricoltura a Lampedusa: da un travagliato passato ad un incerto avvenire
L'articolo ripercorre la storia della agricoltura a Lampedusa dall'800 a oggi.
Study of energetic properties of different tree organs in six Olea europaea L. cultivars
AbstractPruning is an important horticultural practice for the management of olive orchards (Olea europaea L.) that generates a considerable amount of residues every year. Olive orchards are increasingly expanding beyond the Mediterranean Basin to new growing Countries (Australia, California, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) and this will certainly lead to larger availability of pruning material. Currently, the interest in use of olive tree pruning residues for energy purposes is increasing but unfortunately, the information on the differences among organs of the tree, in terms of calorific value and ash content, is scarce. Another unknown aspect is the effect of cultivar vigour on dry matter …
The indigenous germplasm of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the Etna area: Ecophysiological aspects and morphological traits of the fruits
In Sicily, chestnut ( Castanea sativa Mill.) is present at altitudes that run from 300 to 1600 m asi and, due to the extreme variability of the environmental conditions, a large autochthonous germplasm has been dif- ferentiated. On the island, starting back as far as ancient times, chestnut was an important crop for rural com- munities but, after the Second World War, the tendency of the rural population to move to the capital cities and because of Cryphonectria parasitica attacks, chestnut plantings reduced dramatically. Recently, an investigation has commenced in the Etna area to collect the residual genetic resources of chestnut. Although many of the che- stnut genotypes found on the slo…
Gli uccelli delle isole circumsiciliane
Gli autori sintetizzano tutte le informazioni bibliografiche e inedite sulle specie che sino al 30 agosto 2015 sono state contattate almeno una volta nelle 14 isole circumsiciliane (Eolie, Ustica, Egadi, Pantelleria e Pelagie), confrontando alla fine la lista complessiva con quella delle isole Maltesi. In totale sono ad oggi note 434 specie (isole Maltesi incluse); molte di esse hanno mostrato nel corso dei secoli una notevole capacità di colonizzazione, fluttuando nel tempo o addirittura estinguendosi e ricolonizzando alcune isole. Questi piccoli territori in mezzo al mare rappresentano ottimi siti di controllo dell’andamento delle migrazioni nel corso dei decenni; alcune specie hanno chia…
Progetto agricolo e naturalistico. Architettura del paesaggio nel recupero di Casa Teresa
E' stato progettato il recupero naturalistico e agronomico di Casa Teresa uno dei luoghi di più antica presenza umana a Lampedusa
Country report – Italy
Abstract. Precision forestry is becoming a key sector for forest planning because it allows complex analyses of forest data to be carried out simply and economically. It contributes to the integration between technicians and operators in the sector by guaranteeing the transparency of the forest management operations (Corona et al., 2017). In the context of the progressive development of technology, we investigated the feasibility of using the hand-held mobile laser scanner (HMLS) system in different types of forest sites and comparison of the characteristics of individual trees (tree height, diameters at breast height) with traditional surveys, applied with the aim to validate the performan…
The occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in Betula aetnensis Raf. roots: from ecological role to conservation strategies
Betula aetnensis Raf. is an endemic tree species of particular conservation value. It only thrives in the north-eastern slopes of Mount Etna (Sicily), from 1200 to 2100 m a.s.l. This pioneer plant is able to begin primary succession on nutrient-poor and water-limited soils (C = 0.17%; N = 0.05 ‰; P2O5 = 4.1 ppm), where beneficial mycorrhizal fungi (MF) may play a crucial role. In order to investigate MF role in B. aetnensis, plant roots from natural sites and nursery grown specimens were analyzed for both ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal structures. Typical structures of both symbiosis were detected by root staining and morphological observations. Ectomycorrhizae (EM) were more abundant …
Olive agroforestry systems in Sicily: Cultivated typologies and secondary succession processes after abandonment
The first part of this study provides an overview on Sicilian olive systems. Subsequently, the study describes the different typologies of cultivated agroforestry systems present in South-Eastern Sicily employing olive trees in association with other Mediterranean tree species, in particular for the production of firewood, coal and animal food (downy or pubescent oak, holm oak, cork oak), but also in association with forage or grazing species (oat, barley, vetch, etc.) or cereals. The study shows that Sicilian agroforestry systems are much more diversified than it was known so far. In the second part, the study describes the spontaneous colonization processes by plants, observed in abandone…
Soil carbon dynamics during secondary succession in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment
Clarifying which factors cause an increase or decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) after agricultural abandonment requires integration of data on the temporal dynamics of the plant community and SOC. A chronosequence of abandoned vineyards was studied on a volcanic island (Pantelleria, Italy). Vegetation in the abandoned fields was initially dominated by annual and perennial herbs, then by Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf, and finally by woody communities. As a consequence, the dominant photosynthetic pathway changed from C3 to C4 and then back to C3. Conversion of a plant community dominated by one photosynthetic pathway to another changes the 13C/12C ratio of inputs to soil organic carbon (S…