G. Giusso Del Galdo
Prospero hierae (Hyacinthaceae), a New Species from Marettimo Island (Sicily)
A new species, Prospero hierae C. Brullo, S. Brullo, Giusso, Pavone & Salmeri (Hyacinthaceae), from Island of Marettimo (Egadi Archipelago, Sicily) is described and illustrated. Its chromosome number (2n = 14), leaf anatomy and ecology are examined. This small species with glaucous, adaxially flat leaves is closely related with the taxa belonging to the Prospero autumnale group and, in particular, it shows more affinities with P. corsicum, P. pulchellum and P. minimum.
The vegetation of temporary ponds of Sardinia
The Mediterranean temporary ponds are considered priority habitat in the Directive 92/43/EEC (habitat n. 3170*) and detailed information on their floristic composition and susceptibility to invasive species seems a central issue for their preservation, because the development and maintenance of seasonal vegetation is merely the resultant of the development and maintenance of its component individuals. Sardinia presents fairly large extensions of land where such habitats are still well represented, thought not investigated in depth. Basing on literature and unpublished data, a survey on the current phytosociological knowledge of the temporary ponds of Sardinia is presented. Our field studies…
The vegetation of mining dumps in SW-Sardinia
The vegetation of mining dumps of SW-Sardinia includes several endemic or rare species, that have been confined to such artificial habitats by a millennial mining activity. The extreme edaphic specialisation of these species reflects with unusual fidelity the heterogeneity of substrata, therefore creating a system of plant communities that largely contributes to the environmental diversity of this part of the island. The phytosociological study presented in this paper recognized eight associations, distinguished by the cluster analysis in two main groups, the first including hemicrypto-chamaephytic vegetation, the second including nanophanerophytic garigues. Six associations are belonging t…
The Lygeo-Stipetea class in Sicily
Basing on literature data and unpublished relevés from Sicily, a survey of the syntaxa belonging to the class Lygeo-Stipetea Rivas-Martínez 1978 is presented. This perennial vegetation is characterized by the dominance of big caespitose hemicryptophytes, and it is widely distributed in Sicily from the sea level up to 1500 m a.s.l. The class is represented in Sicily by two orders, floristically and ecologically well differentiated: Lygeo-Stipetalia, including the sole alliance Moricandio-Lygeion exclusively of clayey substrates, and Hyparrhenietalia hirtae, including five alliances (Hyparrhenion hirtae, Avenulo cincinnatae-Ampelodesmion mauritanici, Thero-Brachypodion ramosi, B…
The SISV support to the implementation of a national manual for monitoring the Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy.
The 4th National Report ex Art. 17 of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy (period 2013-2018) will try to fill a number of gaps still affecting the former versions of the Italian Reports, where territorial data were still missing for large parts of the country and the assessment was mostly based on the use of the expert opinion. Similar inconsistencies also emerged in other European countries (State of nature in the EU, EEA 2015). In order to reach this aim, a nationally shared protocol for monitoring the vegetation-based Annex I Habitats is currently under development. The most prominent issues addressed by the ongoing project are: i) fixing standardized, updated and scientifically grounded me…
Phytosociological notes on the Lygeum spartum grasslands from Crete.
Lygeum spartum grasslands from Crete have been studied by the application of the phytosocological method. A new alliance, Scorzonero creticae-Lygeion sparti and three new associations and have been recognized. The first, Limonio hyssopifolii-Lygeetum sparti occurs on halomorphyc badlands in the Sitia territory (NE Crete); the second Erodio crassifolii-Lygeetum sparti grows on heavily eroded clayey outcrops close to Hyerapetra (SE Crete); the third Convolvulo oleifolii-Lygeetum sparti, substitutes the previous one some Km eastward from Hyerapetra, on stratified marls alternated to conglomerates. Within the last association, two subassociations have been recognized: limonietosum roridi (typic…
What is Allium paniculatum? Establishing taxonomic and molecular phylogenetic relationships within A. sect. Codonoprasum
Allium paniculatum L. is commonly recorded from the Euro-Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian regions. Evidence from literature and herbarium collections revealed that many different taxa of A. sect. Codonoprasum Rchb., all characterized by big size, diffuse and densely flowered umbrella, very long spathe valves, long pedicels, and cylindrical-campanulate perigon, have been wrongly attributed to this species thus affecting records on its geographic distribution and morphological characterization. In order to define the true identity of A. paniculatum, we analyzed specimens coming from the type locality (Don River), and provided details on morphology, ecology, karyology, leaf anatomy, seed morph…
The orophilous dwarf-shrub vegetation of Mt. Troodos (Cyprus).
A phytosociological survey on the orophilous dwarf-shrub vegetation of Mt. Troodos (Cyprus) is presented. Four associations are described, the first three being linked to the upper supramediterranean bioclimatic belt: Nepeto troodi-Hypericetum stenobotryos, dwelling the summit plateaux on ultramaphic sediments, Salvietum willeanae, substituting the previous one in hollow sites, where the snow-cover lasts longer, Onosmo troodi-Astragaletum chionistrae, colonizing eroded soils on steep, windy slopes, Alysso cyprici-Genistetum crudelis replacing the Nepeto troodi-Hypericetum stenobotryos at lower altitudes, within the lower supramediterranean belt. Due to the noteworthy floristic autonomy of t…
The orophilous dwarf shrub vegetation of Mt Troodos (Cyprus)
The results of a phytosociological survey on the orophilous vegetation dominated by dwarf, often thorny, scrubs occurring on the top of Mt. Troodos (Cyprus) are presented. The vegetation at issue ranges between 1500 and 1950 m, within the meso- and supramediterranean bioclimatic belts, where it dwells ultramaphic and serpentinitic substrata on windy slopes and summit plateaux. These plant communities face intense summer drought and cold winters, with av. two months of snow cover. The ombrotype of the dwelled sites ranges from subhumid to lower humid, with an av. rainfall about 1000 mm/year. Due to the human activity, secondary habitats became also available, mainly represented by sites with…
A syntaxonomical revision of the class Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae in Sicily, based on literature data and unpublished relevés, is presented. This class groups the mesophilous woods characterized by the dominance of deciduous trees (e.g. Fagus sylvatica, Quercus sp. pl., Acer sp. pl.), and more rarely by conifers (Taxus baccata, Pinus nigra subsp. calabrica), as well as by other broadleaved trees, such as Betula aetnensis, Populus tremula, Castanea sativa. In Sicily, these woody communities are widespread in the northern and north-eastern districts of the island, chiefly on the highest peaks (Madonie, Nebrodi, Peloritani, and Etna). This class is represented in Sicily by two, both flor…
First overview on the 4th Annex I Habitats Report in Italy: methods, criticality, results and future prospects
Segnalazioni varie
Biodiversity of the orophilous communities of Pino-Juniperetea class in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean area.
The authors examine the orophilous communities, occuring in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean area, characterized by the dominance of trees and shrubs belonging to the genera Juniperus, Abies and Pinus. These communities are localized in the supra- and oromediterranean belt and show a relict role. From the structural point of view, this kind of vegetation is usually bistratified, with a low dense shrubby layer and spaced tree layer; sometime the latter one is absent. This vegetation is floristically poor and characterized by prevalence of Coniferous, such as Juniperus sabina, J. foetidissima, J. excelsa, J. oxycedrus. J. hemisphaerica, J. communis, J. nana, Abies nebrodensis, A. alba, A…
A survey of the weedy communities of Sicily
As Sicily has been a central crossroads of human activity for thousands of years, it offers a major perspective on the Mediterranean weedy plant communities. This syntaxonomical survey of the Sicilian weedy vegetation groups together for the first time 30 plant associations, that have been described from the main and neighboring island in the last three decades. The surveyed vegetation is ascribed to the classes Papaveretea rhoeadis and Stellarietea mediae, whose floristic autonomy is here discussed, and to the orders Aperetalia spicae-venti and Papaveretalia rhoeadis for the former, Polygono-Chenopodietalia polispermi, Solano-Polygonetalia convolvuli, Thero-Brometalia and Urtico-Scrophular…
Syntaxonomic survey of the class Pegano-Salsoletea in Italy
After a general outline on the syntaxonomical framework of the class Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae Br.-Bl. & O. Bolos 1958, the occurrence of this vegetation in the Italian territory is examined. In Italy, this vegetation is mostly found on clayish or marly substrata, particularly if slightly enriched with nitrates and chlorides. With reference to the Rivas-Martı´nez bioclimatic classification, the Italian stands have an infra- to thermo-Mediterranean thermotype (marginally up to the meso- Mediterranean one) with dry or arid ombrotype. In particular, this vegetation is well represented in Sicily, while in Sardinia and along the Italian Peninsula, it progressively becomes more rare…
Caratteristiche ecologiche e biogeografiche della flora alto-montana delle isole mediterranee.
In epoca attuale, le culminazioni dei gruppi montuosi presenti sulle maggiori isole mediterranee risultano doppiamente isolate nei confronti di possibili migrazioni floristiche. Una prima barriera è rappresentata dal mare che circonda le isole, la seconda dalle peculiarità climatiche proprie dell’ambiente alto-montano, che impongono alle specie colonizzatrici adattamenti ecomorfologici ed ecofisiologici specifici. Negli ambienti montani insulari, le risorse particolarmente scarse, l’intensa radiazione solare, la forte ventosità e la marcata siccità estiva, solo in parte compensata dalle precipitazioni occulte, hanno condotto a straordinari fenomeni di convergenza evolutiva tra specie appart…
Indagine fitosociologica sulle praterie a Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv. della Sardegna.
The grasslands characterized by the dominance of Brachypodium retusum occurring in Sardinia are examined. These communities, belonging to the Thero-Brachypodion ramosi alliance (Lygeo-Stipetea class), are quite widespread in the Island, where they usually grow on carbonate substrata from the sea level up to 1300 m of altitude. On the basis of several phytosociological relevés, it has been possible to recognize six associations well-differentiated from the floristic, ecological and syndynamic point of view. The autonomy of these associations is also supported by a numerical multivariate analysis based on quantitative data (dendrogram and P.C.A.). The associations surveyed are the following: …
The Mediterranean dwarf shubs: origin and adaptive radiation
Basing on literature data, a synthesis on the morphologic, anatomic and physiologic adaptations of the Mediterranean dwarf shrubs is outlined. Three different functional types can be recognized: saltbushes, thermo-xerophilous fire-resistant dwarf shrubs and orophilous cushion-shrubs. The thermo-xerophilous fire-resistant dwarf shrubs mainly derive from the Mesogean flora and differentiated after the beginning of the Oligocene, and especially from the Pliocene, in the coastal regions around the Tethys Sea, as the result of a local adaptive radiation triggered by the shifting from subhumid to semiarid climatic conditions at the boundary between the tropical and the temperate zone. For the oth…