Grandparents and Their Adolescent Grandchildren: Generational Stake or Generational Complaint? A Study with Dyads in Spain
The majority of research on grandparenting has been carried out either from the perspective of the grandparent or from the perspective of the grandchild. The present study compares the perceptions of grandparents and their adolescent grandchildren on four relationship variables: frequency of contact, shared leisure activities, closeness, and grandparenting styles. A sample of 80 couples answered a series of parallel questionnaires. The results suggest that grandparents perceive a greater level of change in the relationships as grandchildren age. The discrepancies between members of the dyad seem not to follow the intergenerational stake hypothesis, which predicts that older generations will…
Menores criados por sus abuelas. Mejora de la pautas de cuidado a menores en acogimiento familiar en familia extensa a través de un programa de intervención psicoeducativo
[EN] In this research we have tried to describe the fostering kinship with grandparents as an alternative to living together in cases in which parents cannot play or stop playing their roles of main caregivers of their own children. This diversity ranges from multiproblematical and risky families, in which the situations of neglect and unprotection of minors prevail, to the care of minors due to more normalized causes (like parents death, divorce, etc.) The impact of this family situation on grandparents requires an special attention, due to problems related to the restructuring of roles, i.e. turning grandparents into substitute parents. The prevention of the emergence of negative conseque…
Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on a long-term care facility: the role of social contact
Background: Long-term care facilities (LTCFs) have been harmed by the coronavirus, and older adults have remained isolated for a long time with many restrictions. The aim of this study was to measure the decline in cognitive, functional, and affective status in a care facility after the lockdown in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and to compare it with previous measures in order to determine if this decline was accelerated. (2) Methods: Ninety-eight participants were recruited. Data from three retrospective pre-lockdown assessments and an additional postlockdown assessment were analyzed. Mixed ANOVA analyses were performed according to the Clinical Dementia Rating levels, considerin…
Aging Societies and Intergenerational Solidarity
Due to an increased life expectancy—more people over 65 years old and never before seen numbers of older adults above 85—all countries around the world are nowadays facing rapid demographic changes...
Older Women's Loneliness and Depression Decreased by a Reminiscence Program in Times of COVID-19.
The confinement caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic protects physical health, but in turn, has a long-lasting and far-reaching negative psychosocial impact; anxiety, stress, fear and depressive symptoms. All of these have a particular impact on vulnerable older people, putting them at serious risk of loneliness. Women report feeling lonelier than men, affecting women to a greater extent. The present study aims to analyze the efficacy of an integrative reminiscence intervention in older women living in nursing homes to reduce the effects of loneliness and depression after COVID-19. 34 older women living in nursing homes are included into study and were divided into intervention group (N …
Custodial Grandparents: The State of the Art and the Many Faces of this Contribution
The number of grandparent-headed households has been growing steadily since the early seventies, and an even larger increase has been experienced by the number of children reared by their grandpare...
Effects of an Educational Program for Professional Caregivers on Behavioral Alterations in Nursing Home Residents: Pilot Study
This pilot study aims to analyze the effectiveness of a type of non-pharmacological intervention such as the educating and training of professional caregivers on behavioral alterations and prescription of psychotropic drugs of older adults in nursing homes. One hundred and forty-five people from two nursing homes were randomized to either treatment (educational training program for healthcare professionals) or a no-treatment group. Twenty-two professional caregivers in the experimental group received 20 h of a training program. Five data collection points were collected (pre and post, and three follow-ups, all six months apart). Intervention consisted of the behavioral alterations and psych…
Intergenerational Caregiving. Young Auxiliary Caregivers
In 2009, an estimated 737 million persons of the world population were older than 60. More than half of this older population, 54%, live in Asia, and one fifth, 21%, live in Europe. This number wil...
Personas mayores usuarias habituales de tecnologia de la información y la comunicacion: análisis del perfil
Las Tecnologías de Comunicación e Información (TICs) son instrumentos básicos de participación social a lo largo del ciclo vital. Las personas mayores son una de las cohortes con mayor riesgo de exclusión social por la llamada brecha digital, pero cada vez más personas son usuarias habituales de estas tecnologías, mostrando características diferenciadoras de los perfiles más tradicionales de personas mayores. La presente investigación ha tenido como objetivo principal analizar las características que definen el perfil de personas mayores usuarias habituales de las TICs. Para ello ha sido necesario analizar el tipo de equipamiento que disponen, el uso y el nivel de importancia que le concede…
Reminiscencia y Variables Adaptativas en Personas Mayores
Objetivo. El propósito de esta revisión es conocer y resumir la evidencia sobre la efectividad de la Terapia de Reminiscencia en diferentes variables adaptativas, publicada en revistas científicas en los últimos 5 años. Método. La búsqueda de información relevante se realizó a partir de las bases de datos Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, Medline y Russina Science Index, y Google Scholar. Tras una primera búsqueda de 1689 estudios, se revisan finalmente 13 estudios que seguían los criterios de diseño marcados por los investigadores. Resultados. Los resultados nos muestran que la mayor parte de las investigaciones se realizan e…
Validation of the University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (version 3) in Spanish older population: An application of exploratory structural equation modelling
Loneliness is a subjective and unpleasant experience associated to a variety of physical and mental health problems. Older people face an elevated risk of loneliness. It is measured through self‐re...
Literatura y transgeneracionalidad : un proyecto intergeneracional de apadrinamiento lector en ámbito residencial
En el ámbito educativo se han puesto en marcha proyectos intergeneracionales, pero pocos de ellos con personas mayores institucionalizadas. Se diseñó un proyecto de apadrinamiento lector que, conservando como eje central la transmisión de conocimientos literarios, posibilitase una integración participativa e inclusiva de las personas mayores para poner en valor las historias de vida y los libros que les han marcado. Este trabajo se propuso aumentar la motivación y el hábito lector al establecer un diálogo sobre literatura clásica entre personas de distintas generaciones a partir de un apadrinamiento lector. Con ello, se pretendió aumentar la autoestima, la afectividad positiva y disminuir e…
Impacto psicosocial de la COVID-19 en las personas mayores: problemas y retos
Motivaciones y expectativas de los estudiantes mayores de 55 años en los programas universitarios
Resumen Objetivos En la actualidad, miles de personas mayores participan en Espana en los programas universitarios para mayores. Las mejores condiciones de vida, el aumento de la esperanza de vida y un mayor acceso a la educacion primaria son, entre otros, los factores que han propiciado que un numeroso grupo de personas mayores demanden cada vez mas programas de formacion y otras actividades de ocio activo. El presente trabajo examina las expectativas expresadas por los mayores que participan en programas universitarios. Material y metodos Los datos del estudio provienen de una muestra de 400 alumnos mayores de 55 anos que participaron en el Programa Universitario La Nau Gran de la Univers…
Abstract.Purpose: The Image that society has about older people has been built on a base of stereotypes, far away from reality. This social image will have a determinant influence on attitudes and behaviors from all those people related with them, including health care professionals. It should be mandatory to eradicate negative stereotypes against aging during university formation, and in this practice get sensitive professionals who will attend people in their final state of life. Method: the treatment “Information plus indirect experience” was set throw the viewing of the short film “Como un Rolling” (Castilla, 2013). This film exposes the concept of active aging, and had the purpose to b…
Subjective well-being key elements of Successful Aging: A study with Lifelong Learners older adults from Costa Rica and Spain.
Abstract Subjective well-being is a major psychological construct in the research tradition. Along with literature, authors have distinguished between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. The aim of this study is to determine the role of some psychosocial variables plays in the perceived well-being is conceived from a hedonic or a eudaimonic perspective. The sample consisted of 1016 people of 55 years and older in a Spanish sample and 277 people of 55 years old or older from a Costa Rican sample. Both samples were part of the Longitudinal Older Learners (LOL) study. A structural model with latent variables was estimated with Mplus. The results point out that, the traditional variables include…
Loneliness and social support: Differential predictive power on depression and satisfaction in senior citizens
The lack of social support and the feelings of loneliness among older adults are associated with physical and mental health negative outcomes. This study attempts to test for their differential predictive power on depression and satisfaction in seniors. Data were drawn from a sample of 335 older adults ranging from 55 to 80 years old, with a mean age of 63.97 years (standard deviation = 5.56) attending a learning program at the University of Valencia during the academic year 2014-2015. In addition to health and wellbeing outcomes, we used the Functional Social Support Questionnaire DUKE-UNC, and two scales of loneliness, the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale and the University of California…
Family Reciprocity and Caring Relationships in Ageing Societies
Testing a Proactive Model of Successful Aging Among Older Adults in Costa Rica and Spain.
The purpose of this study is to examine successful aging among Spanish-speaking older adults in Costa Rica and in Spain using the proactive framework proposed by Kahana et al. (2014). More specifically, we hypothesized that older adults’ life satisfaction would be positively associated with the frequency and perceived level of social support, spirituality/having purpose in life, and the use of proactive physical, cognitive, and social self-care behaviors. Our results confirmed these hypotheses, not only for the overall group of participants, but also separately for older adults in Costa Rica and in Spain. The present study contributes to the literature of successful aging among older adults…
dentity Narrative in informal family and non-family caregivers of people on dialysis
Objetivo. Explorar la identidad narrativa de las cuidadoras informales familiares o no, de personas en diálisis. Método. Entrevistas en profundidad a 9 cuidadoras de personas de programas de Hemodiálisis o Diálisis Peritoneal del Hospital General Universitario. Se obtuvo autorización del Comité de Ética y los consentimientos informados de los participantes. El análisis se hizo desde la Teoría Fundamentada. Las narraciones transcritas y codificadas fueron sometidas a reflexión hermenéutica. Resultados. La enfermedad genera un impacto y las cuidadoras asumen el cuidado como pueden. Surge el sentimiento de “cuidado como destino” y como dotación intrínseca de “ser mujer”, percibido como una esp…
Sharing points of view about education: An intergenerational program with seniors of the third-age university (u3a) and students in the teacher education degree
Memoria y patrimonio vivo es un proyecto de innovacion educativa centrado en el dialogo intergeneracional de las experiencias de vida y de vida educativa entre estudiantes seniors (Universitat dels Majors) y juniors (estudiantes de Magisterio Infantil), que se ha desarrollado en la Universitat de Valencia (Campus d’Ontinyent) con sesiones quincenales a lo largo de seis meses de trabajo. Durante el proyecto se establecio un dialogo intergeneracional sobre la educacion a lo largo de la vida que permitio obtener diferentes visiones y superar estereotipos mutuos entre personas de distintas generaciones al aprender unas de otras a traves de la interaccion directa. El hecho de utilizar metodologi…
Efficacy, Efficiency … and Stability of Intergenerational Programs?
El apoyo social y la soledad de las mujeres mayores usuarias de teleasistencia
Abstract.SOCIAL SUPPORT AND LONELINESS OF ELDERLY WOMEN TELECARE USERSLoneliness is a negative subjective experience based on the evaluation of the quality and the amount of the individual’s social interactions. Older adults’ social networks decrease because of losses associated to widowhood, retirement and an adaptive selection process; they eliminate those relations who are less intimate and the emotionally significant contacts are the only ones who remain. Because of these and other factors, elderly women who live alone were identified as being in major risk of feeling lonely. Objectives. 1. Learning about the prevalence of loneliness in a sample of older women who are users of a telecar…