Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 13
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Inter- and intra-variability of seed germination traits of Carpobrotus edulis N.E.Br. and its hybrid C. affine acinaciformis.
Invasions by alien Carpobrotus spp. have been recognised as one of the most severe threats to Mediterranean climate coastal ecosystems, and Carpobrotus is considered one of the most widespread invasive alien genera in the Mediterranean Basin. The aims of this study were to characterise seed germination of both C. edulis and its hybrid C. aff. acinaciformis, in terms of photoperiod, temperature and salinity. Inter- and intra-specific variability in the responses to photoperiod (12/12 h light and total darkness), constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 °C) and an alternating temperature regime (25/10 °C), salt stress (0, 125, 250, 500 mm NaCl) and the recovery of seed germination were evalua…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material 1. © Gabriele Galasso et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy
Our understanding of the richness and uniqueness of the flora growing on gypsum substrates in Italy has grown significantly since the 19th century and, even today, new plant species are still being discovered. However, the plants and plant communities, growing on gypsum substrates in Italy, are still a relatively unknown subject. The main aim of this paper was to elaborate a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora, to increase knowledge about this peculiar flora and for which conservation efforts need to be addressed. Through a structured group communication process of experts (application of the Delphi technique), a remarkable number of experienced Italian botanists have joined togethe…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Abies, Actinidia, Aloe, Amaryllis, Anredera, Arctotheca, Bidens, Cardiospermum, Celosia, Commelina, Cotoneaster, Cyclamen, Eclipta, Euphorbia, Grevillea, Hedera, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Juglans, Kalanchoe, Koelreuteria, Lindernia, Melinis, Myriophyllum, Nandina, Nicotiana, Oenothera, Oxalis, Parthenocissus, Phoenix, Phyllanthus, Physalis, Plumbago, Pteris, Quercus, Setaria, Symphytum, Tagetes, and Washingtonia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published e…
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 8
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Ajuga, Chamaemelum, Clematis, Convolvulus, Cytisus, Deschampsia, Eleocharis, Epipactis, Euphorbia, Groenlandia, Hedera, Hieracium, Hydrocharis, Jacobaea, Juncus, Klasea, Lagurus, Leersia, Linum, Nerium, Onopordum, Persicaria, Phlomis, Polypogon, Potamogeton, Securigera, Sedum, Soleirolia, Stachys, Umbilicus, Valerianella, and Vinca. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae To The Italian Native Vascular Flora: 11
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions. A new combination in the genus Pilosella is proposed. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Alien Plant Diversity in Mediterranean Wetlands: A Comparative Study within Valencian, Balearic and Sardinian Floras
Although wetlands provide an important range of environmental, social and economic services, they are increasingly subjected to anthropogenic erturbations, amongst which invasion by alien plants is particularly alarming. This paper focuses on the alien flora of wetlands from three territories belonging to the western Mediterranean area: one continental (Valencian Community) and two insular (Balearic Islands and Sardinia), providing a complete checklist for the three territories and a general comparison. In total, 380 alien taxa from 89 families have been reported, being the Valencian Community the area richer in taxa (312), followed by the Balearic Islands (151) and Sardinia (134). The inva…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11
Publisher Copyright: © This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1. Peer rev…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 9
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Furthermore, three new combinations are proposed. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 12
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the generaAcer,Alchemilla,Andrachne,Bromus,Clinopodium,Colchicum,Damasonium,Erodium,Festuca,Hieracium,Hyparrhenia,Ipomoea,Linaria,Lolium,Narcissus,Ranunculus,Sisymbrium,Stipa,Valerianella,Vicia, andZannichellia. New combinations in the genusZiziphora( and the new subspeciesUlmusminorsusbp.canescensare proposed. Furthermore, the name Calaminthaalpinavar.sardoa is here lectotypified. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda a…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Bunias, Calocedrus, Calycanthus, Celosia, Clerodendrum, Convolvulus, Crassula, Cyclamen, Datura, Dicliptera, Eragrostis, Erigeron, Gamochaeta, Gazania, Impatiens, Kolkwitzia, Leucaena, Ludwigia, Medicago, Muscari, Nigella, Oenothera, Opuntia, Paulownia, Petroselinum, Phyllostachys, Physalis, Pseudosasa, Quercus, Reynoutria, Roldana, Saccharum, Sedum, Semiarundinaria, Senecio, Sisyrinchium, Solanum, Sporobolus, Tulipa, Vachellia, Verbena, and Young…
Seed germination, salt stress tolerance and seedling growth of Opuntia ficus - indica (Cactaceae), invasive species in the Mediterranean Basin
Abstract The present study, focuses on seed germination ecology and seedling growth of Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae), a native species of arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico and invasive in the Mediterranean Basin. Shortly after collecting seeds in December 2014, scarification as well as the intra-specific variability in the responses of germination to light, temperature, salt stress and germination recovery were evaluated among three naturalized populations of this species in the Mediterranean. Moreover, seedling biomass production and the growth rate were measured. The most suitable method of scarification resulted the nail-clippers chipping. For all the populations, the germination t…
Supplementary material 1 from: Musarella CM, Mendoza-Fernández AJ, Mota JF, Alessandrini A, Bacchetta G, Brullo S, Caldarella O, Ciaschetti G, Conti F, Martino L, Falci A, Gianguzzi L, Guarino R, Manzi A, Minissale P, Montanari S, Pasta S, Peruzzi L, Podda l, Sciandrello S, Scuderi L, Troia A, Spampinato G (2018) Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy. PhytoKeys 103: 61-82.
Plant species data :
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Andreatta S, Argenti C, Bacchetta G, Ballelli S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Barberis G, Bedini G, Bolpagni R, Bonali F, Bovio M, Briozzo I, Brusco A, Caldarella O, Campus G, Cancellieri L, Carotenuto L, Cheli E, Dagnino D, Del Guacchio E, Farris E, Ferretti G, Filibeck G, Foggi B, Gabellini A, Galasso G, Gianguzzi L, Gottschlich G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Laface VLA, Lonati M, Lucarini D, Lupoletti J, Marchianò R, Marenzi P, Martignoni M, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Musarella CM, Orsenigo S, Peccenini S, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pinzani L, Piovesan G, Pittarello M, Podda L, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tonelli S, Trenchi M, Turcato C, Viciani D, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 77-92.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Angiolini C, Azzaro D, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Barberis D, Barone G, Bartolucci F, Bertolli A, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bracchetti L, Calvia G, Campus G, Cancellieri L, Cavallaro V, Conti F, Cuena-Lombraña A, D'Alessandro E, Dal Corso G, Dalla Vecchia A, De Natale A, Del Guacchio E, Di Gregorio G, Di Gristina E, Di Stefano M, Fanfarillo E, Federici A, Federici G, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fiaschi T, Filibeck G, Fois M, Gariboldi L, Gestri G, Gubellini L, Guiggi A, Hofmann N, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzeri V, Lecis AP, Lonati M, Lucchese F, Lupoletti J, Maestri S, Mainetti A, Mantino F, Mascia F, Masin RR, Mei G, Merli M, Messina A, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Paura B, Pellegrini R, Pica A, Pittarello M, Podda L, Praleskouskaya S, Prosser F, Ratini G, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Salerno G, Selvaggi A, Soldano A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tardella FM, Tavilla G, Tomaselli V, Tomasi G, Tosetto L, Venanzoni R, Lastrucci L (2022) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 27-44.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Andreatta S, Argenti C, Astuti G, Bacaro G, Bacchetta G, Bagella S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Bartolucci F, Bernardo L, Bonari G, Brundu G, Buccomino G, Calvia G, Cancellieri L, Capuano A, Celesti-Grapow L, Conti F, Cuena-Lombraña A, D'Amico FS, De Fine G, de Simone L, Del Guacchio E, Emili F, Fanfarillo E, Fascetti S, Fiaschi T, Fois M, Fortini P, Gentili R, Giardini M, Hussain AN, Iamonico D, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzaro L, Lecis AP, Ligato E, Loi G, Lonati M, Lozano V, Maccherini S, Mainetti A, Mascia F, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Montesano A, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Passalacqua NG, Pinzani L, Pisano A, Pittarello M, Podda L, Posillipo G, Potenza G, Probo M, Prosser F, Quaglini LA, Ravetto Enri S, Rivieccio G, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Selvaggi A, Soldano A, Stinca A, Tasinazzo S, Tassone S, Terzi M, Vallariello R, Vangelisti R, Verloove F, Lastrucci L (2022) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14. Italian Botanist 14: 99-118.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Adorni M, Angiolini C, Apruzzese M, Ardenghi NMG, Assini S, Aversa M, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Barberis G, Bartolucci F, Bernardo L, Bertolli A, Bonali F, Bonari G, Bonini I, Bracco F, Brundu G, Buccomino G, Buono S, Calvia G, Cambria S, Castagnini P, Ceschin S, Dagnino D, Di Gristina E, Di Turi A, Fascetti S, Ferretti G, Fois M, Gentili R, Gheza G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Ilari A, Király A, Király G, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Longo D, Lozano V, Lupoletti J, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Manca M, Marchetti D, Mariani F, Mariotti MG, Masin RR, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Milani A, Minuto L, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Olivieri N, Onnis L, Passalacqua NG, Peccenini S, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Sarigu M, Scafidi F, Sciandrello S, Selvaggi A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Toffolo C, Tomasi G, Turcato C, Villano C, Nepi C (2020) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 9. Italian Botanist 9: 47-70.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Andreatta S, Angiolini C, Ardenghi NMG, Aristarchi C, Arnoul M, Azzella MM, Bacchetta G, Bartolucci F, Bodino S, Bommartini G, Bonari G, Buono S, Buono V, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Corti E, D'Antraccoli M, De Luca R, De Mattia F, Di Natale S, Di Turi A, Esposito A, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Fogu MC, Forte L, Frigerio J, Gubellini L, Guzzetti L, Hofmann N, Laface VLA, Laghetti G, Lallai A, La Rosa A, Lazzaro L, Lodetti S, Lonati M, Luchino F, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Marignani M, Maruca G, Medagli P, Mei G, Menini F, Mezzasalma V, Misuri A, Mossini S, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Padula A, Pascale M, Pasquini F, Peruzzi L, Picella G, Pinzani L, Pirani S, Pittarello M, Podda L, Enri SR, Rifici CD, Roma-Marzio F, Romano R, Rosati L, Scafidi F, Scarici E, Scarici M, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Wagensommer RP, Zanoni G, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 63-93.
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Angiolini C, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Barberis D, Bardi S, Bartolucci F, Bonari G, Bovio M, Briozzo I, Brundu G, Buono S, Calvia G, Celesti-Grapow L, Cozzolino A, Cuena-Lombraña A, Curuzzi M, D'Amico FS, Dagnino D, De Fine G, Fanfarillo E, Federici A, Ferraris P, Fiacchini D, Fiaschi T, Fois M, Gubellini L, Guidotti E, Hofmann N, Kindermann E, Laface VL.A, Lallai A, Lanfredini P, Lazzaro L, Lazzeri V, Lonati M, Loreti M, Lozano V, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Marchini M, Marignani M, Martignoni M, Mei G, Minutillo F, Mondino GP, Motti R, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Pallanza M, Passalacqua NG, Patera G, Pilon N, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Probo M, Enri SR, Rosati L, Salerno P, Selvaggi A, Soldano A, Cocco GS, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Terzi M, Tondi G, Turcato C, Wellstein C, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12. Italian Botanist 12: 105-121.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Alessandrini A, Angiolini C, Ardenghi NMG, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bräuchler C, Calvia G, Cancellieri L, Cannucci S, Carruggio F, Conti F, Cavallaro V, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fiaschi T, Foggi B, Forte L, Fröhner SE, Galasso G, Gestri G, Gottschlich G, Labadessa R, Lastrucci L, Lazzaro L, Mereu G, Morabito A, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Orsenigo S, Pazienza G, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Pierini B, Podda L, Prosser F, Rossi G, Scoppola A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tomaselli V, Zangari G, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 125-148.
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Alessandrini A, Ardenghi NMG, Bacchetta G, Ballelli S, Bartolucci F, Brundu G, Buono S, Busnardo G, Calvia G, Capece P, D'Antraccoli M, Di Nuzzo L, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Guarino R, Iamonico D, Iberite M, Latini M, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Magrini S, Mei G, Mereu G, Moro A, Mugnai M, Nicolella G, Nimis PL, Olivieri Н, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Podda L, Probo M, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Ruggero A, Scafidi F, Stinca A, Nepi C (2018) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 6. Italian Botanist 6: 65-90.
Supplementary data : Explanation note: 1. Nomenclature updates; 2. Note updates; 3. Distribution updates; 4. Synonyms, misapplied or included names.
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Ardenghi NMG, Aristarchi C, Bacchetta G, Bartolucci F, Bonari G, Bouvet D, Brundu G, Buono S, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Cano-Ortiz A, Corti E, D'Amico FS, D'Antraccoli M, Di Turi A, Dutto M, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Ganz C, Guarino R, Iberite M, Laface VLA, La Rosa A, Lastrucci L, Latini M, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Luchino F, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Manca M, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nicolella G, Olivieri N, Orrù I, Pazienza G, Peruzzi L, Podda L, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Restivo S, Roma-Marzio F, Ruggero A, Scoppola A, Selvi F, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Terzi M, Tiburtini M, Tornatore E, Vetromile R, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 157-182.
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Argenti C, Bacchetta G, Ballelli S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Barberis G, Bertolli A, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bonini F, Briozzo I, Brundu G, Bruschi T, Calbi M, Callegari M, Calvia G, Campoccia D, Cancellieri L, Cangelmi G, Carfagno S, Carruggio F, Casazza G, Cavallaro V, Cherchi S, Ciocia B, Conti F, Crisafulli A, Dagnino D, Vecchia AD, De Fine G, Del Nero V, Di Filippo A, Dunkel FG, Festi F, Filibeck G, Fois M, Forte L, Fratolin F, Galasso G, Gigante D, Gottschlich G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Jiménez-Mejías P, Laface VLA, Lonati M, Lozano V, Mainetti A, Mariotti M, Mei G, Minutillo F, Minuto L, Musarella CM, Nota G, Orsenigo S, Pallanza M, Passalacqua NG, Pazienza G, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Prosser F, Enri SR, Riva G, Santi F, Scoppola A, Selvaggi A, Selvi F, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tomaselli V, Tomasi G, Tondi G, Turcato C, Wilhalm T, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 12. Italian Botanist 12: 85-103.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 2 from: Musarella CM, Mendoza-Fernández AJ, Mota JF, Alessandrini A, Bacchetta G, Brullo S, Caldarella O, Ciaschetti G, Conti F, Martino L, Falci A, Gianguzzi L, Guarino R, Manzi A, Minissale P, Montanari S, Pasta S, Peruzzi L, Podda l, Sciandrello S, Scuderi L, Troia A, Spampinato G (2018) Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy. PhytoKeys 103: 61-82.
ANOVA analysis by gypsophily level :
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Andreatta S, Argenti E, Bacchetta G, Bagella S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Bardi S, Barone G, Bartolucci F, Bertolli A, Biscotti N, Bonali F, Bonini F, Bonsanto D, Brundu G, Buono S, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Cambria S, Campus G, Caria MC, Conti F, Coppi A, Dagnino D, Del Guacchio E, Di Gristina E, Farris E, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fois M, Furlani F, Gigante D, Guarino R, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Jiménez-Mejias P, La Rosa A, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Luchino F, Lupoletti J, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Marchetti D, Marenzi P, Marignani M, Martignoni M, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nicolella G, Noor Hussain A, Olivieri N, Orlandini S, Peccenini S, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pilon N, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Probo M, Prosser F, Raffaelli C, Ravetto Enri S, Rivieccio G, Rosati L, Sarmati S, Scafidi F, Selvi F, Sennikov AN, Sotgiu Cocco G, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Tomaselli V, Tomasi D, Tomasi G, Trenchi M, Turcato C, Verloove F, Viciani D, Villa M, Wagensommer RP, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 93-119.
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Ardenghi NMG, Bacaro G, Bacchetta G, Ballarin F, Banfi E, Barberis G, Beccarisi L, Bernardo L, Bonari G, Bonini F, Brullo S, Buono S, Buono V, Calbi M, Caldararo F, Calvia G, Cancellieri L, Cannavò S, Dagnino D, Esposito A, Fascetti S, Filibeck G, Fiorini G, Forte L, Galasso G, Gestri G, Gigante D, Gottschlich G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Lastrucci L, Lonati M, Lorenz R, Lunardi L, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Maiorca G, Mereu G, Messa Ballarin RT, Minuto L, Mossini S, Musarella CM, Nimis PL, Passalacqua NG, Peccenini S, Petriglia B, Podda L, Potenza G, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Ruggero A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tiburtini M, Tietto C, Tomaselli V, Turcato C, Viciani D, Wagensommer RP, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 95-116.
: Data type: species data