Nanna Wackström
Does health literacy explain regional health disparities among adolescents in Finland?
Summary Health literacy (HL)—as a broad range of health-related competencies—has been proposed to be a promising construct in understanding health disparities better, also among adolescents. Several factors have been found to explain differences in adolescents’ HL levels; however, not much is known about how different regions of a country or majority/minority status is associated with HL, or whether HL is associated with regional health disparities. The aim of this study was to examine and compare HL and health levels among majority- and minority-language-speaking adolescents living in different regions of Finland, and to explore if HL explains regional health disparities, taking into accou…
Samband mellan kronisk smärta och fysisk aktivitet bland äldre personer med typ 2-diabetes
Forskningens bakgrund och syfte: Fysisk aktivitet är en central del i vården av typ 2-diabetes. Trots påvisade positiva effekter av regelbunden fysisk aktivitet verkar en liten andel diabetiker vara fysiskt aktiva. Smärta har i tidigare studier identifierats som ett hinder till fysisk aktivitet bland diabetiker och man har kunnat se samband mellan kronisk smärta och svårigheter att utföra fysisk aktivitet. Det finns dock endast ett fåtal studier som undersöker detta samband. Syftet med denna avhandling var att kartlägga förekomsten av kronisk smärta bland äldre personer med typ 2-diabetes och att undersöka sambandet mellan kronisk smärta och fysisk aktivitet. Forskningsmaterial och –metoder…
Does health literacy explain regional health disparities among adolescents in Finland?
Health literacy (HL)—as a broad range of health-related competencies—has been proposed to be a promising construct in understanding health disparities better, also among adolescents. Several factors have been found to explain differences in adolescents’ HL levels; however, not much is known about how different regions of a country or majority/minority status is associated with HL, or whether HL is associated with regional health disparities. The aim of this study was to examine and compare HL and health levels among majority- and minority-language-speaking adolescents living in different regions of Finland, and to explore if HL explains regional health disparities, taking into account other…
Does chronic pain hinder physical activity among older adults with type 2 diabetes?
Background: Physical activity (PA) is a key component in management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Pain might be a barrier to PA especially among older adults with T2D, but surprisingly few studies have investigated the association between chronic pain and PA. Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence of chronic pain among older adults with T2D and to examine the association between chronic pain and PA while taking important life-contextual factors into account. Methods: Data of this register-based, cross-sectional study were collected in a survey among adults with T2D (n=2866). In the current study, only respondents aged 65–75 years were included (response rate 63%, n=1386). Data were analysed by …