Eva Roos

Hälsotrender bland elever i svensk- och finskspråkiga grundskolor 1994-2014 : WHO:s skolelevsstudie (HBSC-Study)

WHO:s skolelevsstudie (Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study) är internationellt en av de mest omfattande, långvariga och betydelsefulla undersökningarna om levnadsvanor bland skolungdomar. Undersökningen startade för drygt 30 år sedan och i detta nu deltar över 40 länder i Europa och Nordamerika. Nästa internationella datainsamling, som är den tionde i ordningen, genomförs år 2018. Nytt forskningsmaterial insamlas vart fjärde år. Forskare vid Jyväskylä universitets Forskningscenter för hälsofrämjande (Terveyden edistämisen tutkimuskeskus) ansvarar för WHO:s skolelevsstudie i Finland. För ungefär 20 år sedan började det givande samarbetet mellan Jyväskylä universitet och Samf…

research product

Does health literacy explain regional health disparities among adolescents in Finland?

Summary Health literacy (HL)—as a broad range of health-related competencies—has been proposed to be a promising construct in understanding health disparities better, also among adolescents. Several factors have been found to explain differences in adolescents’ HL levels; however, not much is known about how different regions of a country or majority/minority status is associated with HL, or whether HL is associated with regional health disparities. The aim of this study was to examine and compare HL and health levels among majority- and minority-language-speaking adolescents living in different regions of Finland, and to explore if HL explains regional health disparities, taking into accou…

research product

Empowerment-enabling home and school environments and self-rated health among Finnish adolescents

Perceived health during adolescence has not only immediate consequences for individuals and for society, but also long-term. We need to understand better the health development in this period of the lifespan. Empowerment may be one pathway through which social factors and conditions translate into health effects. This study aimed to examine whether empowerment-enabling home and school environments are associated with self-rated health among adolescents, and whether the associations differ between genders, age or majority/minority language groups. Anonymous questionnaire data from respondents aged 11, 13 and 15 years were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, cond…

research product

Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2018

research product

Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

research product

Does health literacy explain regional health disparities among adolescents in Finland?

Health literacy (HL)—as a broad range of health-related competencies—has been proposed to be a promising construct in understanding health disparities better, also among adolescents. Several factors have been found to explain differences in adolescents’ HL levels; however, not much is known about how different regions of a country or majority/minority status is associated with HL, or whether HL is associated with regional health disparities. The aim of this study was to examine and compare HL and health levels among majority- and minority-language-speaking adolescents living in different regions of Finland, and to explore if HL explains regional health disparities, taking into account other…

research product

Empowerment-enabling home and school environments and self-rated health among Finnish adolescents

SummaryPerceived health during adolescence has not only immediate consequences for individuals and for society, but also long-term. We need to understand better the health development in this period of the lifespan. Empowerment may be one pathway through which social factors and conditions translate into health effects. This study aimed to examine whether empowerment-enabling home and school environments are associated with self-rated health among adolescents, and whether the associations differ between genders, age or majority/minority language groups. Anonymous questionnaire data from respondents aged 11, 13 and 15 years were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children stud…

research product