W. Arnold

Spectroscopy of excited state positronium

Electric dipole transitions in the microwave range have been induced between the fine-structure levels of positronium in the excited staten=2. As an indication of the transitions, we used the increase in Lyman-α radiation when the metastable 23S1-level is depopulated. The results for the transitions 23S1→23P0,1,2 areΝ 0=18499.65±1.20±4.00 MHz,Ν 1=13012.42 ±0.65±1.54 MHz andΝ 2=8624.38±0.54±1.40 MHz. The first error is statistical and the second systematic. The precision of the present measurement has improved by a factor of 3, compared to previous data. Recent bound state QED-calculations have been extended to the orderR t8 α 4lnα −1. The not yet completely calculated orderR t8 α 4 is estim…

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e System and intrahepatocelullar HBcAG and HBsAG in HBsAG positive patients with liver diseases and healthy carriers.

Patients with hepatitis-B surface antigen positive liver diseases and healthy carriers were studied for the presence of e-antigen and anti-e as well as for intrahepatocellular HBsAG and hepatitis-B core antigen. The e-antigen was demonstrated in 9 out of 12 patients with chronic perisitent hepatitis, in 15 out of 39 patients with chronic active hepatitis, in 3 out of 40 patients with acute type B hepatitis, and in 2 out of 9 patients with a protracted course of type B hepatitis. No e-antigen was found in healthy HBsAG carriers nor in patients with complete recovery from type B hepatitis one year after onset of the disease. Anti-e was detected in 24 out of 61 healthy HBsAG carriers with a no…

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Histokompatibilitäts-(HLA) Antigene bei Patienten mit HBsAg-positiver und -negativer chronisch aktiver Hepatitis und gesunden Trägern von HBsAg und Anti-HBs

Eine Analyse der Literatur und eigene Befunde uber die Haufigkeit von 23 HLA-Antigenen bei Patienten mit Hepatitis-Oberflachen-Antigen (HBsAg)-positiver und -negativer chronisch aktiver Hepatitis (CAH) und gesunden Tragern von HBsAg und Antikorpern gegen HBsAg (Anti-HBs) erlauben die folgenden Schlusfolgerungen: 1. Bei Patienten mit CAH und HBsAg-Persistenz findet sich eine normale Haufigkeit von HLA-B8 (und -A1). 2. Auch bei Patienten mit HBsAg-negativen Formen einer CAH ohne Autoimmunphanomene (AutoAk) ist die HLA-B8-Haufigkeit normal. 3. Nur Patienten mit HBsAg-negativer CAH mit AutoAk haben eine statistisch signifikant grosere Haufigkeit von HLA-B8 (und -A1) (p < 0,01 nach Korrektion fu…

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Third Eular Workshop on Rheumatology Research

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Influence of different histologic preparation methods on preservation of tissue antigens in the immunofluorescent antibody technique.

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Viral Hepatitis — An Update

In 1973, Feinstone and co-workers [52] were the first to report the visualization of virus-like particles by immune electron microscopy in acute phase stool specimens of human volunteers who developed hepatitis following inoculation with MS-1 strain of hepatitis A virus [18]. Soon thereafter morphologically identical particles were recovered from the stool of individuals acquiring hepatitis during natural outbreaks of the disease [39, 64].

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Akrodermatitis chronica atrophicans mit geschlossen-strangförmiger Wulstbildung über der Ulna

Bericht uber einen Fall von Akrodermatitis chronica atrophicans mit ausgepragter geschlossen-strangformiger Neubildung uber der Ulna. In der Literatur sind bisher nur drei derartige Falle bekannt. Die Histologie des Stranges ergibt eine weitgehende Ubereinstimmung mit dem bekannten histologischen Aufbau der fibroiden Knoten. Unter Penicillintherapie kombiniert mit Ultraschall deutliche Ruckbildung des Stranges.

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Die Charakterisierung des klinisch gesunden Hepatitis-B-Antigen (HBsAg)-Trägers

Wir haben 129 Blutspender, bei denen bei Routineuntersuchungen HBsAg im Serum festgestellt wurde, zur diagnostischen Klarung einer moglichen Lebererkrankung untersucht. Zwolf hatten, als sie zur klinischen und leberbioptischen Untersuchung aufgenommen wurden, schon kein HBsAg mehr im Serum. Keiner von diesen hatte klinisch oder histologisch Anhalt fur eine entzundliche Lebererkrankung. Zwei der 129 Patienten hatten eine milde, ikterische Hepatitis, verloren das Antigen wahrend des Verlaufes und wurden anti-HBs-positiv. Die ubrigen 115 Patienten, die klinisch gesund erschienen und keine fruhere ikterische Leberkrankheit hatten, blieben HBsAg-positiv wahrend des bisherigen Verlaufes von im Mi…

research product

The diagnostic significance of intrahepatocellular hepatitis-B-surface-antigen (HB s Ag), hepatitis-B-core-antigen (HB c Ag) and IgG for the classification of inflammatory liver diseases

Liver biopsies of patients with inflammatory liver diseases and clinically healthy HBsAg-carriers were examined for presence of intracellular HBsAg, HBcAg and IgG by direct immunofluorescence. The studies revealed the following results: 1. In most cases healthy HBsAg-carriers had HBsAg in the cytoplasm, but they did never show HBcAg in the nuclei of hepatocytes. 2. In the early phase some patients with HBsAg-positive acute hepatitis had HBcAg and/or HBsAg in their hepatocytes. In a normal course with complete recovery the immunoelimination may clear either phenomenon at variable stages of the disease. 3. Cases one year after complete recovery of acute virus B-hepatitis had no HB-components …

research product

Untersuchungen zur Hepatitis B-Antigen(HBAg)-Fixation an peripheren Lymphocyten und isolierten Leberzellen bei Patienten mit entz�ndlichen Lebererkrankungen

Bei 127 Patienten mit verschiedenen entzundlichen Lebererkrankungen wurde die Fixation von HBAg an peripheren Lymphocyten untersucht. Bei 60 von diesen Patienten wurden im Parallelansatz die Fixation von HBAg an peripheren Lymphocyten und isolierten Leberzellen sowie die Fixation von IgG an isolierten Leberzellen gepruft.

research product

Organ-specificity and diagnostic value of cell-mediated immunity against a liver-specific membrane protein: Studies in hepatic and non-hepatic diseases

In chronic active hepatitis (CAH, n=58) 70% of the HBsAg negative and 48% of the HBsAg positive cases showed a CMI against human liver specific proteins (HLPI). Using HBsAg as antigen only 12% of the HBsAg negative and 24% of the HBsAg positive cases gave a CMI response. On the basis of HBsAg and autoantibodies in the serum CAH patients could be divided into 4 subgroups. A close correlation between CMI against HLPI, sex, ANA and HL-A-8 could be detected. In a follow-up study of patients with acute virus B hepatitis (n=62) CMI against HBsAg was detected in 60% of the cases in the acute phase of the disease but in 15% only 3-6 months after the onset of the illness (n=40). In patients who deve…

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Active hepatitis B vaccination of dialysis patients and medical staff

AbstractActive hepatitis B vaccination of dialysis patients and medical staff. One hundred six patients with terminal renal insufficiency and 29 medical personnel were given three doses of hepatitis B vaccine at an interval of 0, 1, and 6 months (Merck, Sharp and Dohme, West Point, Pennsylvania, part of a joint study no. 649). Chronic hemodialysis patients (N = 99) received 40 µg vaccine (V) i.m. Uremic patients, who were just about to start chronic dialysis treatment (N = 7), were given 40 µg V, and at the first vaccination 3ml hyperimmune globulin (HBIG) in addition. The medical personnel was alternately vaccinated with 20 µg V (N = 8), 40 µg (N = 11), 40 µg V, and 3ml HBIG at the first v…

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Methodical problems for evidence of the hepatitis-B-surface and hepatitis-B-core antigens in tissue

Zusammenfassung Wir haben das Leberbiopsiematerial von 22 im Serum HBsAg-positiven Patienten mit der Fluoreszierenden Antikorpertechnik (FAT) auf die Gewebelokalisation von HBsAg und HBcAg untersucht. Fur die vergleichende Untersuchung zur Antigenitat und ortsrichtigen Lokalisation wurden folgende Gewebspraparationen untersucht: Cryostatschnitte, Gefriertrocknung/Paraffineinbettung, Kalt-Athanol-Paraffineinbettungstechnik ( Sainte-Marie ), Gefriersubstitution und isolierte Leberzellen. Die Untersuchungen haben folgende Ergebnisse gebracht: 1. Bei Anwendung der Kalt-Athanol-Paraffineinbettungstechnik und der Gefriersubstitution konnten weder HBsAg noch HBcAg nachgewiesen werden. 2. Bei Cryos…

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Zur Morphologie, Klinik und Immunpathologie der Virus B-Hepatitis im Säuglings- und Kindesalter

In Abhangigkeit von der Funktion des Immunsystems reagiert der kindliche Organismus nach einer Hepatitis Virus B-Infektion mit einem breiten Spektrum von verschiedenen HB s Ag-positiven Lebererkrankungen. Wahrend eine normale Immunantwort mit einer Elimination des Hepatitis B-Virus und seiner assoziierten Antigene einhergeht, fuhrt eine inadaquate Immunreaktivitat zu einer Virus- und/oder Antigenpersistenz im Serum und Lebergewebe.

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Positronium spectroscopy at a LINAC-based slow positron source

The slow positron facility TEPOS at the Giessen electron LINAC (36 MeV, 120 µA) has been used to produce an intense beam of moderated positrons which is magnetically guided over a distance of 9 m. At a transportation energy of 100 eV about 106 slow e+/s could be extracted out of the magnetic field (0.01 T) and have been electrostatically focussed inside a microwave guide. A small fraction of the positrons form positronium in the excited staten=2. The spontaneous emission of Lyman-α photons (λ=243 nm) from the 2P-states is observed by a photomultiplier. Microwave induced fine-structure transitions 23S1©23P2,1,0 have been observed at 8617(2), 13010(3) and 18494(2) MHz by an increase of the Ly…

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First experiments with the heidelberg test storage ring TSR

Abstract The Heidelberg heavy ion test storage ring TSR started operation in May 1988. The lifetimes of the ion beams observed in the first experiments can be explained by interactions with the residual gas. Multiple Coulomb scattering, single Coulomb scattering, electron capture and electron stripping are the relevant processes. Electron cooling of ions as heavy as O 8+ has been observed for the first time. With increasing particle number, the longitudinal Schottky noise spectrum becomes dominated by collective waves for cooled beams, allowing a determination of velocities of sound. After correcting for these coherent distortions fo the Schottky spectrum, the longitudinal beam temperature …

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Hepatitis B virus markers among family contacts of asymptomatic HBsAg carriers.

A study was undertaken to establish the risk of family contacts of HBsAg carriers acquiring a hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. About one-third of all household contacts of asymptomatic HBsAg carriers had signs of past or ongoing HBV infection. Family contacts of HBsAg carriers with high numbers of circulating Dane particles were shown to have a higher risk of developing HBV infection than family contacts of HBsAg carriers without serological evidence of HBV synthesis. The probability of acquiring HBV infection was not different between spouses, parents, children, and brothers and sisters, respectively of asymptomatic HBsAg carriers.

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