J. Eberz

Laser spectroscopy of radioactive lead and thallium isotopes

By collincar fast beam laser spectroscopy hyperfine structure and isotope shift have been measured of neutron deficient radioactive isotopes of lead (190Pb,191Pb,192Pb,193Pb,194Pb,195Pb,196Pb,197Pb) and thallium (188Tl190Tl,191Tl,192Tl,194Tl,196Tl). Therefrom nuclear magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments, changes of the mean square charge radii and deformation parameters are deduced and compared with predictions from theory.

research product

Collinear two-photon excitation of indium rydberg states in a fast atomic beam

The 29p-Rydberg state of neutral indium was produced by double resonant two-photon excitation in a fast atomic beam and detected via field ionization in a longitudinal electric field.

research product

Nuclear moments and change in the charge-radii of neutron deficient lead isotopes

The nuclear moments of195Pb and the change in the charge radii of192,194,195,196Pb have been determined from the isotope shift and hyperfine structure of the 723 nm line of neutral lead by collinear laser spectroscopy.

research product

Collinear laser spectroscopy on108g, 108m In using an ion source with bunched beam release

The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of108gIn and108mIn have been investigated by means of collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy in the resonance line atλ=451 nm. The indium isotopes were prepared at the GSI on-line mass separator following a fusion evaporation reaction. For the first time, a FEBIAD ion source with bunched release of indium was used. Magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments and isotope shifts were determined. The present results lead us to assign the spinI=2 to the108In (T 1/2=40 min) state. Spins and moments are discussed in the framework of thejj-coupling model.

research product

Nuclear spins, moments and charge radii of108?111Sn

The hyperfine structure splittings (hfs) and isotope shifts (IS) in the atomic transitions 5s2 5p21S0 → 5s2 5p6s1,3P1 have been measured for the radioactive isotopes108−111Sn and all stable ones. The tin isotopes were prepared as fast atomic beams for collinear laser spectroscopy at the GSI online mass separator following a fusion reaction. Nuclear spins, magnetic dipole, electric quadrupole moments and changes in mean square charge radii have been determined. In109Sn the spinI=5/2 was measured for the nuclear ground state (T1/2=18 min) in contradiction to the literature value. The mean square charge radii show a parabolic behaviour with a maximum at N=66. This is interpreted by collective …

research product

Nuclear moments and charge radii of107?111in determined by laser spectroscopy

Collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy has been used to measure the hyperfine structure and isotope shift in the atomic 5s 2 5p 2 P 3/2-5s 2 6s 2 S 1/2 transition (λ=451 nm) of107–111In. Secondary beams of neutron deficient indium isotopes were prepared at the GSI on-line mass separator following fusion evaporation reactions. Magnetic dipole moments and electric quadrupole moments have been determined. The isotope shifts are discussed in terms of the change of the mean square nuclear charge radii and compared with the droplet model predictions and the deformation values calculated from the quadrupole moments.

research product

Optical spectroscopy using mass-separated beams: Nuclear properties of unstable indium and tin isotopes

Abstract Collinear fast-beam laser-spectroscopy has been used to measure the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of several indium and tin isotopes. The related experimental techniques are described, including the preparation of mass-separated beams of neutron-deficient indium and tin isotopes at the GSI on-line mass separator following fusion-evaporation reactions. The deviation of the observed dependence of the charge radii upon the neutron number from the expected behaviour is briefly discussed.

research product

Intense beams of mass-separated, neutron-deficient indium, tin, thallium and lead isotopes

A discharge ion source of the FEBIAD-type that delivers intense beams of neutron-deficient isotopes of indium, tin, thallium and lead produced in heavy-ion-induced fusion reactions is described. After mass separation the isotopically pure beams with intensities of up to 3 × 107 ions/s were available for gamma and laser spectroscopy. This corresponds to an overall separation efficiency of about 30%.

research product

Nuclear moments and charge radii of105, 106In

With high resolution collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy in the 451 nm-line of Indium nuclear moments and the change in the mean square radii of the nuclear charge distribution of105,106 In have been determined.

research product