Berit Johannessen
Additional file 1 of Nurse-led consultations reinforced with eHealth technology: a qualitative study of the experiences of patients with gynecological cancer
Additional file 1.
Free school meals as an opportunity to target social equality, healthy eating, and school functioning: experiences from students and teachers in Norway
Background There are no national arrangements for free school meals provision in Norway despite this being an important opportunity to improve children's and adolescents' nutritional status and ultimately their physical and cognitive development. During a one academic year (2014-2015), a group of Norwegian sixth graders were served a free healthy school meal in a project called 'The School Meal Project'. Objective To explore students' and teachers' experiences of receiving free school meals after the free school meal in 2015 and 5 years later. Design In-depth, semi-structured interviews with separate groups in 2015 and in 2020 were conducted face to face or via telephone or digital platform…
Additional file 1 of Baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced learning – a mixed method study
Additional file 1.
Da begynte jeg å skjønne litt av det". Utvikling av kulturell kompetanse
Å være pårørende når alternativ behandling tas i bruk i “kampen mot kreft”
<strong>Being relatives when alternative therapies are used in the "fight against cancer"</strong><br />CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is prevalent among cancer patients. Relatives are central to support and care for the patient but experience challenges and stresses in this role. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of how it is experienced to be relative of people with terminal cancer who seeks CAM. Five qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews of relatives and nine biographies written by relatives were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results showed that relatives experienced to fight for hope in a given battle, not knowing wh…
Experiences of a non-clinical set of adolescents and young adults living with persistent pain:a qualitative metasynthesis
PurposeAround 15%–30% of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) experience persistent or chronic pain. The purpose of this study was to synthesise evidence from qualitative primary studies on how AYAs in a non-clinical population experience living with persistent pain.MethodA qualitative metasynthesis guided by Sandelowski and Barroso’s guidelines was used. The databases Medline, Embase, Cinahl, PsycINFO, Mednar and ProQuest were searched for studies from 1 January 2005 to 15 February 2021. Inclusion criteria were AYAs aged 13–24 years with first-hand experience of living with persistent, recurrent or episodic non-clinical pain in any body site. Pain associated with a medical diagnosis, malign…
Experiences with the use of complementary and alternative medicine in nursing homes: A focus group study.
Abstract Introduction The use of complementary and alternative medicine is increasing outside the Norwegian public health service. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the experiences of nurses and auxiliary nurses with the use of CAM in care for nursing home residents. Method Focus group interviews with a total of thirteen nurses and auxiliary nurses from three nursing homes were conducted. Data were analyzed using systematic text condensation. Results Participants had experiences from aromatherapy, plant medicine, music therapy and pet therapy. They experienced the use of CAM as effective, exciting and rewarding, but also challenging and dependent on supportive leaders. CAM …
Teachers’ experiences of adolescents’ pain in everyday life: a qualitative study
Objectives More adolescents report pain now than previously. In Norway, episodic pain problems have been reported by 60% of children and adolescents aged 8–18 years, with 21% reporting duration of pain of more than 3 months. Since adolescents spend much time at school, the attitude and behaviour of teachers play important roles regarding the experience of pain felt by adolescents in everyday life. Yet research on how teachers perceive the pain experienced by adolescents in a school setting is limited. We therefore seek to gain insight to teachers’ classroom experiences with (1) adolescent's self-reported pain symptoms; (2) adolescents management of their pain and (3) how to help adolescents…
Being an ethnic minority nursing student - A meta synthesis.
Background Our society is characterized by a general globalization and has become more culturally diverse. This diversity is mirrored in nursing education. Purpose The purpose of the meta-synthesis is to identify and synthesize data from primary, qualitative studies of ethnic minority nursing students' experiences in a nursing program. Method Electronic databases, Medline, Embase, and CINAHL, were searched for studies published in English or Nordic languages from 1980 to February 2020. Results The search generated 1070 unique citations, of which 19 articles met the inclusion criteria. The included studies had a total sample size of 255 students, age range 19–50 years. The participants origi…
Food as medicine in psychiatric care: Which profession should be responsible for imparting knowledge and use of omega-3 fatty acids in psychiatry
Accepted version of an article in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 17 (2011), 107-112. Also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ctcp.2010.08.001 The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on depression is well documented. The purpose of this study was to determine if and how food is used as medicine in psychiatric care, especially how omega-3 fatty acids are used as a supplement in the treatment of depression. This is a pilot study with a qualitative design using questionnaires and interviews among nursing students, tutor nurses and psychiatrists. Three main categories emerged: 1. Nutrition is considered important but few evaluations are made. 2. There was a lack o…
How school nurses experience and understand everyday pain among adolescents
Abstract Background Pain problems are a rapidly growing health problem found among both children and adolescent, and about 15–30% have reported chronic pain problems. School nurses in Norway meet adolescents with various ailments, including pain. Yet research on how school nurses perceive the pain experienced by adolescents is limited. The aim of the present study was to explore how school nurses explain and experience the everyday pain of adolescents. Method A qualitative study with an explorative design comprising five focus group interviews. Each group consisted of three to five school nurses. Seventeen female school nurses in five junior high schools in Norway, age range 29–65 years par…
Nurses' experiences using conventional overhead phototherapy versus fibreoptic blankets for the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Abstract Background In some neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), conventional overhead phototherapy is the only phototherapy available, whereas others use fibreoptic blankets only. Several NICUs use both treatments interchangeably. Aim To explore how nurses experience the use of conventional versus fibreoptic phototherapy. Method Six qualitative in-depth interviews involving nurses at three different NICUs with experience in both treatments were conducted. Results Following experiences were revealed: i) Infants displayed discomfort while under phototherapy, whereas blanket use promoted infant satisfaction. ii) Blankets increased parents' satisfaction by facilitating bonding, breastfeeding…
Opplevelsene av å få og leve med en psykiatrisk diagnose
Author's version of an article in the journal: Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tph/2013/01/opplevelsene_av_f_og_leve_med_en_psykiatriskdiagnose In Norway, clinicians (doctors and psychologists) are required to give patients a diagnosis. The purpose of the study this article is based on was to gain insight into how people experience living with a psychiatric diagnosis. The findings are based on qualitative interviews with four participants who have had a psychiatric diagnosis for at least five years. Findings show that having a psychiatric diagnosis affects how people are met by others; individuals with such a diagnosis can hav…
«Den dagen PC-en går i stykker, da har mye av min verden gått i stykker»En kvalitativ studie om bruk av seniorvennlig PC
Sammendrag Den digitale utviklingen går raskt, og det er økende krav til digital kompetanse. Det er behov for digitale løsninger som ivaretar individuelle behov og funksjonsnedsettelser. Duka-PC er en PC som er utviklet spesielt for seniorer, med tanke på brukervennlighet og mulighet for individuell tilpasning. Hensikten med denne studien var å få kunnskap om hvordan seniorer benytter sin Duka-PC, og hvordan dette påvirker deres hverdag og livskvalitet. Studien har en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk tilnærming. Vi gjennomførte semistrukturerte intervjuer med ni seniorbrukere av Duka-PC. Data ble analysert ved systematisk tekstkondensering. Funnene viser at Duka-PC bidro til mestring i hverdagen…
The banana project: a qualitative study of caregivers’ and teachers’ experiences of preschool children participating in a free banana school fruit scheme in rural Tanzania
IntroductionGood nutrition is the foundation of sustainable growth and development among children. The United Nations aims to achieve food security and improve nutrition through its Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger. In close collaboration with local communities and authorities, the Tanga International Competence Centre, Tanzania, supports projects aimed at achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. One of their initiatives, The Banana Project, which is a free school fruit scheme, started in 2011 based on a recognised need for nutritional support among preschool children at a rural school in Tanga District. In the interest of improving nutrition, the free school …
What motivates arrangements of dog visits in nursing homes? Experiences by dog handlers and nurses
Abstract Introduction Dog visits to nursing homes are used as a structured approach for enhancing residents' well-being. Few studies have emphasized the perspectives of the organizers. The purpose of the present study was to gain insight into the experiences of volunteer dog handlers and nurses involved in dog visits to nursing homes, focusing on what motivated them to contribute and identifying possible factors to successful dog visits. Methods Individual, in-depth interviews with eight dog handlers and group interviews with 10 nurses from four nursing homes. Results Feelings of meaningfulness and joy motivated both the dog handlers and nurses to arrange dog visits to nursing homes. Succes…
What characterizes Norwegian nursing students’ reflective journals during clinical placement in an African country?
Abstract Introduction An increasing number of Norwegian nursing students take part in exchange programmes in African countries. Reflective journals are often used to enhance clinical placements learning outcomes. Aim To identify the features that characterized students' experiences reported in their reflective journals during clinical placements in an African country in light of cultural competence. Methods Qualitative text analysis of 350 reflective journals written by 197 students taking part in an exchange programme in one of three African countries. Results The reflective journals were characterized by the students' personal emotions, judgements of others and comparisons between what th…
Possible Effects of a Free School Meal on School Environment: The School Meal Intervention in Norway
Evidence suggests that a free school meal can improve children and adolescent diet, social environment, concentration, and school performance. This study aimed to investigate possible effects of a free, healthy school meal among students that usually eat packed meals on behavioral issues, inactiveness, self-efficacy, school enjoyment and classroom environment. A school meal according to the dietary guidelines was served to students in the intervention group (n=55) for one year. A control group consumed packed meals as usual (n=109). Students (10-12 years) responded to a questionnaire at baseline and after one year. We used linear regression analyses and did not find significant effects of a…
Nurses experience of aromatherapy use with dementia patients experiencing disturbed sleep patterns. An action research project
The purpose of this study was to gain an insight into nurses' experiences of incorporating aromatherapy into the care of residents suffering from dementia, anxiety and disturbed sleep patterns. Twenty-four residents and twelve nurses from four nursing homes participated in an action research study. The use of lavender augustofolia essential oil diffused nightly was perceived as an effective care modality reducing insomnia and anxiety in this patient cohort. Nurses experienced some negative attitudes among colleagues because they considered aromatherapy as not evidence based. Nurses require greater access to evidence based use of Aromatherapy. Further research is needed to study how smell ca…
Working as a nurse in community health services during Covid-19: a qualitative study.
Abstract Background During the Covid-19 pandemic, new roles, increased workload, lack of staffing and infection control equipment, unclear infection control guidelines and conflicting information have led to uncertainty and unpredictability for health workers. Although community home-care nurses have been exposed to a range of personal and professional stressors during the pandemic, few studies have focused on their experiences. The aim of this study was to explore how Norwegian home-care nurses experienced the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. This knowledge may contribute to preparations for meetings with patients in future pandemics, how management can support its employees and how to…
Nurses' experiences by using heated humidified high flow cannula to premature infants versus nasal continuous positive airway pressure
Abstract Background Some premature infants are now being treated with heated humidified high flow nasal cannula (HHHFNC) instead of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP). Purpose To explore nurses' experiences of using HHHFNC compared with nCPAP for premature infants. Method Six qualitative in-depth interviews were completed with nurses at two different newborn intensive care units. Results Preterm infants showed greater satisfaction with HHHFNC than nasal continuous positive airway pressure. HHHFNC was also associated with fewer pressure injuries and less facial discomfort, and an increased bonding between baby and parent. However, HHHFNC gave less ventilation support than nCPA…
Exploring aspects of significance when arranging dog visits to home-dwelling patients: An action research approach
Municipalities have been encouraged to collaborate with volunteers to facilitate social and cultural activities for patients. Dog visits have been primarily arranged as a group activity in nursing homes. The aim of the present study was to pilot a dog visit program for home-dwelling patients delivered through a collaboration between nurses and volunteers, and to explore aspects of significance when arranging such visits. The project used an action research approach. The action was the implementation of regular dog visits to home-dwelling patients for 6 months, through collaboration between nurses and volunteers. The empirical investigation included respective focus group interviews with nu…
The relationship between persons with mental health problems and their dogs: A qualitative study within a nursing perspective
Background: There is an increasing number of people with mental health disorders in the Western world. The most common traditional therapies are conversational therapy and medications. One alternative to traditional therapies is Anthrozoology. Anthrozoology treats the interaction between people and animals, and it shows that animals can be a great contributor to human health and wellness. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine how people with mental health disorders experience owning a dog. Methods: The chosen design was qualitative, and the methods were interviews and observations of five informants with their dogs. The analysis was conducted with systematic text-condensation. R…
Cancer-related fatigue: Patients’ experiences of an intervention at a green care rehabilitation farm
Why do Norwegian nurses leave the public health service to practice CAM?
Accepted version of an article published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 15 (2009), 147-151 This paper explores a number of issues associated with the recent increase in nurses choosing to leave the Norwegian health care system in order to become independent practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The paper suggests that in Norway, nurses perceive medical hegemony continues to persist. Nurses perceive restrictions in their ability to develop their professional roles and status. CAM would appear to offer many nurses, the opportunity to develop their clinical skills in an autonomous, egalitarian and more holistic environment.
Experiences from cross-cultural collaboration in health campaigns in Tanzania: a qualitative study
Abstract Background Health campaigns are an important aspect of preventive health work. They can aim to improve health literacy in rural areas where residents lack access to health information and knowledge, and to improve both local and global health through cross-cultural collaboration. In Tanga District, Tanzania, exchange students and local youths participate together with Tanga International Competence Centre (TICC) to plan and accomplish health campaigns in local communities. The aim of this study was to explore the participants’ experiences with the cross-cultural collaboration in the planning and delivery of TICC’s health campaigns. Methods This study used a focused ethnographic app…
Navigating the care between two distinct cultures: a qualitative study of the experiences of Arabic-speaking immigrants in Norwegian hospitals
Abstract Background During the past decades, there has been an increase in the number of immigrants to European and Scandinavian countries. This has challenged the health-care systems, which cater to the needs of patients despite their cultural and linguistic barriers, in these countries. Most studies on this topic have focused on the perspectives of health-care providers in delivering their service. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how hospitalized Arabic-speaking patients experienced their interaction with the Norwegian health-care system. Methods In-depth interviews with 20 participants and researcher’s participant observation were conducted to explore the idiosyncrat…
Baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced learning – a mixed method study
Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic mandated the reconstruction of educational programs globally. For nursing students in need of practical learning and training as a part of their curriculum, the pandemic also caused restrictions and alterations in practical placements and limited access to simulation training at campuses. The aim of this study is therefore, to describe and explore how the COVID- 19 pandemic influenced baccalaureate nursing students’ experiences of learning and their social life as a student. Method We used a mixed method study design including quantitative data from one of the universities (University of Agder) from a national Norwegian survey of baccalaureate nursi…
“Now I Feel That I Can Achieve Something”: Young Tanzanian Women’s Experiences of Empowerment by Participating in Health Promotion Campaigns
The United Nations (UN) emphasizes that health promotion, education, and empowerment of women are all goals that will help to end poverty. In eastern rural Tanzania, young women who dropped out of school now take an active part in health promotion campaigns in schools and villages through the youth program “Innovative and Productive Youth”, which is administered by the nongovernmental organization Hatua na Maendeleo (HAMA). The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how some of these young Tanzanian women experience participating in health promotion campaigns. A hermeneutic phenomenology design with focus group interviews was used. The study’s participants were nine young women betwee…