Olivier Grunder
A Fuzzy Chance-constraint Programming Model for a Home Health Care Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand
Ant Colony Optimization for an Adaptive Transportation System : A New Termination Condition Definition Using an Environment Based Approach
The delivery of the packages following the online purchase of goods trough web giants platforms is growing faster each years. To meet the demand of the growing quantity ofpackages and their delivery, the algorithm used to resolve the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has to be efficient and adaptive. The algorithms used to solve the VRP algorithm still provide better turn, but do not deal with situation adaptation at delivery point. Seeking to fit into this adaptive feature, the commitment of this paper is to lay solid groundwork for the development of an adaptive transportation system. Exploring various strategies taking care of the possibilities of delivery at delivery point, our objective is t…
Multi-step ahead wind speed forecasting using an improved wavelet neural network combining variational mode decomposition and phase space reconstruction
Abstract Accurate wind speed forecasting is crucial to reliable and secure power generation system. However, the intermittent and unstable nature of wind speed makes it very difficult to be predicted accurately. This paper proposes a novel hybrid model based on variational mode decomposition (VMD), phase space reconstruction (PSR) and wavelet neural network optimized by genetic algorithm (GAWNN) for multi-step ahead wind speed forecasting. In the proposed model, VMD is firstly applied to disassemble the original wind speed series into a number of components in order to improve the overall prediction accuracy. Then, the multi-step ahead forecasting for each component is conducted using GAWNN…
An environment based approach for the ant colony convergence
Abstract Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms are a bio inspired solutions which have been very successful in combinatorial problem solving, also known as NP-hard problems, including transportation system optimization. As opposed to exact methods, which could give the best results of a tested problem, this meta-heuristics is based on the stochastic logic but not on theoretical mathematics demonstration (or only on certain well defined applications). According to this, the weak point of this meta-heuristics is his convergence, its termination condition. We can finds many different termination criteria in the scientific literature, yet most of them are costly in resources and unsuitable f…
A novel hybrid model for air quality index forecasting based on two-phase decomposition technique and modified extreme learning machine.
The randomness, non-stationarity and irregularity of air quality index (AQI) series bring the difficulty of AQI forecasting. To enhance forecast accuracy, a novel hybrid forecasting model combining two-phase decomposition technique and extreme learning machine (ELM) optimized by differential evolution (DE) algorithm is developed for AQI forecasting in this paper. In phase I, the complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition (CEEMD) is utilized to decompose the AQI series into a set of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) with different frequencies; in phase II, in order to further handle the high frequency IMFs which will increase the forecast difficulty, variational mode decomposition (VM…
Multi-step ahead electricity price forecasting using a hybrid model based on two-layer decomposition technique and BP neural network optimized by firefly algorithm
In the deregulated competitive electricity market, the price which reflects the relationship between electricity supply and demand is one of the most important elements, making it crucial for all market participants to precisely forecast the electricity price. However, electricity price series usually has complex features such as non-linearity, non-stationarity and volatility, which makes the price forecasting turn out to be very difficult. In order to improve the accuracy of electricity price forecasting, this paper first proposes a two-layer decomposition technique and then develops a hybrid model based on fast ensemble empirical mode decomposition (FEEMD), variational mode decomposition …