Francisco García-río
Worldwide production on sleep apnea from 2009–2018. Analysis of the ability to secure funding and international collaboration networks
[Background]: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an emerging health problem, but information on scientific production in this subject area is scarce. We aim to evaluate the scientific production on OSA from 2009 to 2018 to illustrate its worldwide distribution, topic areas, and ability to secure funding, as well as to describe international collaboration networks in this field. [Methods]: Articles published between 2009 and 2018 were extracted from the Science Citation Index Expanded via Web of Science (WoS) using the search term “obstructive sleep apn*“. Publication year, number and country of authors, journal, subject category, key words, funding source and number of citations received were…
Literatura científica en el ámbito del tabaquismo y el sistema respiratorio: repercusión y colaboración
Resumen Objetivo Analizar la distribucion de la produccion, la repercusion y la colaboracion mundial en tabaquismo en el area del aparato respiratorio a traves del Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) en el periodo 2001-2010 y su inclusion en el primer cuartil del Journal Citation Report (JCR). Metodos La busqueda bibliografica fue realizada en el SCI-E. La estrategia de busqueda empleada fue «smok*» OR «tobac*», delimitandose la investigacion al periodo 2001-2010, documentos «articles» para el area del aparato respiratorio. Resultados A nivel mundial, en el area del aparato respiratorio y para el periodo analizado se encontraron un total de 1.858 articulos (ignorando la colaboracion) so…
Diferencias de género en las publicaciones originales de Archivos de Bronconeumología en el periodo 2001-2018
Resumen Introduccion La desigualdad de genero existe en las publicaciones cientificas. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la evolucion historica de las diferencias de genero y factores asociados a las posiciones de las autorias de los trabajos originales de Archivos de Bronconeumologia ( AB ). Metodos Estudio bibliometrico de AB en el periodo 2001-2018. Se analizo el genero de las autorias en cuatro escenarios: primera firma, ultima firma, autorias intermedias y mentorizadas. Se realizaron comparaciones por especialidad firmante, financiacion recibida, caracter multicentirico y area tematica, entre otras. Se crearon modelos multivariantes ajustados por el porcentaje de medicas colegiada…
Association between ribs shape and pulmonary function in patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Graphical abstract
Comparison between two five year periods (1998/2002 and 2003/2007) on the production, impact and co-authorship of publications on tobacco and smoking by Spanish authors using the Science Citation Index.
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to compare the production, impact and co-authorship of publications by Spanish authors on smoking and tobacco between two time periods (1998/2002 vs. 2003/2007) using Science Citation Index (SCI). Methods The literature search was performed in the SCI-Expanded on 20 November 2008. All types of documents by Spanish authors were selected. The search was restricted to the title, and the key words used were “smok*” and “tobac*”. The statistical analysis was descriptive (95% CI). Results A total of 588 documents were retrieved, with 399 (67.85%) original papers, 54 (9.18%) letters to the editor and 35 (5.95%) editorials. Productivity increased from th…
Comparación entre dos quinquenios (1998/2002 y 2003/2007) de la producción, repercusión y colaboración en tabaquismo de autores españoles a través del Science Citation Index
Resumen Objetivo El objetivo ha sido comparar entre dos quinquenios (1998 a 2002 con 2003 a 2007) la produccion, repercusion y la colaboracion de articulos sobre tabaquismo de autores espanoles a traves del Science Citation Index (SCI). Metodo La busqueda se realizo en el SCI Expanded. Fueron seleccionados todos los tipos de documentos y la busqueda se restringio al “titulo”; palabras clave: “smok*” y “tobac*”. Resultados Fueron un total de 588 articulos, de los que 399 (67,85%) fueron originales, 54 (9,18%) cartas al director y 35 (5,95%) editoriales. La produccion ha crecido, pasando de 234 (39,8%) documentos (98/02) a 354 (60,2%) en 03/07. Al comparar la media anual del total de articulo…
International consensus document on obstructive sleep apnea
"Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM"
Errare humanum est, though a lucky mistake, indeed!
Scientific Literature Among Smoking and Respiratory System: Repercussion and Collaboration
a b s t r a c t Aim: To analyze the distribution of the production, repercussion and co-authorship of articles on smok- ing in the "respiratory system" category through the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) and their inclusion in the first quartile of the Journal Citation Report (JCR). Methods: The literature search was performed in the SCI-E. Articles were selected for 2001-2010 for "respiratory system" using the descriptors "smok*" and "tobac*". Results: We found 1858 articles (ignoring collaboration) on the topic of smoking. The median number of published articles by five-year period was higher for the 2006-2010 period vs the 2001-2005 period; in contrast, the number of citations a…
Gender differences in original Archivos de Bronconeumología publications, 2001-2018
Abstract Introduction Gender inequality exists in scientific publications. The aim of this study was to determine changing patterns in gender differences and factors associated with the positioning of authors’ names in original articles published in Archivos de Bronconeumologia (AB). Methods We performed a bibliometric study of articles published in AB between 2001 and 2018. Author gender was analyzed in four scenarios: first author, last author, middle authors, and mentee authors. Comparisons were made by authors’ specialties, funding received, multicenter studies, specialist areas, and others. Multivariate models adjusted for the percentage of registered physicians in the Spanish health s…
Altmetrics analysis of Archivos de Bronconeumología from 2014 to 2018
Introduction: Alternative metrics or altmetrics are non-traditional measurements of scientific production that reflect a publication's influence in social networks and similar channels of dissemination. The aim of this study was to analyze the media impact of ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA according to 2 altmetric aggregators and website visits. Methods: This was an observational study of the original articles and review and consensus articles published in ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA during the period 2014-2018. Data from the PlumX Metrics and Altmetric aggregators and visits to the ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA website were analyzed. Five comparisons were made: by specialty area, by funding …
Certain advantages of Scopus compare with Web of Science in a bibliometric analysis related to smoking
El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar entre Web of Science (WoS) y Scopus los indicadores bibliométricos básicos del área de tabaquismo de autores españoles en el período 2000-2009. Métodos: La búsqueda se realizó en el SCI-Expanded y Scopus (“smok*” OR “tobac*”). Resultados: La media total anual del nº de documentos fue de 41 ± 12 para WoS vs 60 ± 16 en Scopus (p = 0,007). Aumento progresivo del índice de colaboración. La media anual del índice de colaboración fue de 9,41 ± 2,73 en WoS vs 7,12 ± 1,52 en Scopus (p = 0,029). Mayor número de citas con el paso del tiempo en ambas bases de datos pero son más recientes las citas en Scopus, el índice citas/artículo fue mayor en WoS (WoS 14,47 v…
Errare humanum est, ¡pero afortunado error!
Análisis de las métricas alternativas de Archivos de Bronconeumología durante el periodo 2014-2018
Introduction: Alternative metrics or altmetrics are non-traditional measurements of scientific production that reflect a publication's influence in social networks and similar channels of dissemination. The aim of this study was to analyze the media impact of ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA according to 2 altmetric aggregators and website visits. Methods: This was an observational study of the original articles and review and consensus articles published in ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA during the period 2014-2018. Data from the PlumX Metrics and Altmetric aggregators and visits to the ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGÍA website were analyzed. Five comparisons were made: by specialty area, by funding …