Leandro García-menéndez
Waterfront Redevelopment in Post-America’s Cup Valencia: Some Insights from a Survey to Local Residents
AbstractWaterfront renewal is a recurrent event in the life of many cities around the world. Traditionally, planners and geographers have focused on this phenomenon analyzing the ongoing relationsh...
The nonmarket benefits of redeveloping dockland areas for recreational purposes: the case of Castellón, Spain
As a consequence of the decline of central harbour sites and the relocation of port activities to the outskirts of cities, today waterfront redevelopment has become a key issue in the urban revitalisation policies of port cities. Although we are aware that city-port regeneration has strong links with the real estate market, our purpose here is very different. In particular, the contingent valuation method (CVM) has been applied in order to obtain the nonmarket benefits of the environmental and urban improvements derived from redeveloping some port-related areas for recreational and leisure purposes in the city of Castelloèn, Spain. To date, no previous study has attempted to apply this meth…
Integration of foreign trade and maritime transport statistics in Spain
This article aims to contribute to improving maritime trade data by analysing the possibility of integrating in a single enlarged databank two different databases: the Spanish foreign trade and maritime transport datasets. The methodology adopted consisted of studying the primary sources providing data compiled in the foreign trade and maritime traffic databases, analysing the electronic processes used by informants and data collectors and examining the linkages between the different electronic messages involved. Once the links between the trade and sea transport documents and electronic messages were found, a solution for integrating both databases was envisaged. The main outcome is a new …
The importance of the inland leg of containerised maritime shipments: An analysis of modal choice determinants in Spain
Abstract While most of the studies that address competition between road and rail transport focus on national or international non-maritime shipments, there is practically no empirical evidence on the modal choice determinants of the inland leg of maritime shipments. This paper intends to fill that gap by estimating a modal choice model between road and rail transport on the inland leg of Spanish containerised maritime freight shipments, using a mixed logit model and stated preference techniques. The results obtained confirm the vital role that frequency plays in the relative competitiveness of rail transport and also provide subjective values of transport attributes that are deemed essenti…
Meeting the environmental challenge of port growth: A critical appraisal of the contingent valuation method and an application to Valencia Port, Spain
In order to support effective policy-making, this research is aimed to emphasise the need of measuring the negative impact - or external costs - resulting from port growth. Considering the non-market nature of these external costs, a critical appraisal of the Contingent Valuation method is made paying special attention to the problem of hypothetical bias and the suitability of a willingness to accept (WTA) scenario for damage assessment. Finally, the results of a case study, conducted in Valencia (Spain), are presented with the intention of paving the way for future research in this specific context of port growth and negative externalities. In particular, results indicate that the average …
Modelling mode choice for freight transport using advanced choice experiments
Abstract In this paper we use advanced choice modelling techniques to analyse demand for freight transport in a context of modal choice. To this end, a stated preference (SP) survey was conducted in order to estimate freight shipper preferences for the main attributes that define the service offered by the different transport modes. From a methodological point of view, we focus on two critical issues in the construction of efficient choice experiments. Firstly, in obtaining good quality prior information about the parameters; and secondly, in the improved quality of the experimental data by tailoring a specific efficient design for every respondent in the sample. With these data, different …
Public provision versus private provision of industrial land: a hedonic approach
Abstract This study examines the factors that explain the differences observed between the industrial land prices offered by the public sector and those offered by the private sector by means of estimating three hedonic pricing models. The results obtained show that location, defined as the distance to a highway, the distance to the city business district and the distance to the capital of the province, have an important impact on industrial land value. However, this impact is greater when private developers provide the land. Other variables considered, such as who is behind the provision of the industrial land, have an important impact on sale prices.
Rail freight transport and demand requirements : an analysis of attribute cut-offs through a stated preference experiment
This paper analyses the choice between road and rail in Spain where rail market share for freight is still residual. Discrete choice models are estimated with data obtained through a two-phase fieldwork, thus allowing us to carry out a stated preference efficient design for each interviewee. We analyse the existence of attribute cut-offs and the presence of a segment of the population with a zero value of frequency. Our results show that ignoring the existence of cut-offs and segments of the population with polarised valuations can lead to erroneous conclusions in terms of the possibilities of rail for absorbing significant quota.
European Common Transport Policy and Short‐Sea Shipping: Empirical Evidence Based on Modal Choice Models
Abstract This article aims to find the determinants of mode choice decisions for Spanish full lorry and full container loads shipments to the rest of Europe in four productive sectors: agroindustry, ceramic tiles, motor vehicle parts and household appliances. To this end exhaustive fieldwork was carried out and a database constructed, including 507 observations collected from transport decision‐makers. A binary logit is used to estimate a modal choice model where the two modes considered are road transport and Short‐Sea Shipping. The estimation of the model stresses the importance of a politico‐economic evaluation of how to modify the modal split, paying particular attention to the role tha…
Port expansion and negative externalities: a willingness to accept approach
Port expansion has been seen as the origin of negative externalities, affecting local residents’ well-being and contributing to the poor public image of ports. In this study, the contingent valuation method is used to estimate the costs borne by local residents as a consequence of the negative externalities derived from the growth of the Port of Valencia (Spain) in the last 30 years. As transport project appraisal has become more complex, this technique complements existing methodologies in this field, such as the social cost benefit analysis and the multicriteria analysis. Given the perceived property rights of families that have been living close to the port for a long time, a willingness…
Port–City Relationship and the Environment: Literature Survey and Methodological Approach for Project Appraisal in Presence of Environmental Externalities
AbstractIn times of increasing environmental awareness, the port–city relationship has gained new meaning because ports have been seen as the origin of both negative and positive externalities affecting public welfare. While the former are the result of port expansion, the latter are the result of transforming obsolete port areas into recreational facilities. Therefore, to support effective policymaking, this paper considers the following question: What is the scope of economic valuation of these externalities in the context of port-project appraisal? Considering their nonmarket nature, which makes economic valuation more difficult, a contingent valuation method is introduced as an economic…
Determinants of Sub-Sovereign Government Ratings In Europe
The aim of this paper is to identify the determinantsof the rating assigned to sub-sovereignentities in Germany, Austria, Belgium, France,Italy and Spain, using a total of 92 territorial entitiesfor the 1989-2012 period. Multinomial orderedprobit estimation models were estimatedfor each specifi cation and agency.We conclude that the country’s rating is oneof the most important determinants of regionalgovernment’s ratings with a positive infl uence(as expected), and that the country debt/GDPratio is a stronger determinant for regions thantheir own indebtedness with a negative sign.Other relevant variables are population growthrate, unemployment rate, elderly people weight,regional public exp…
Transport Logistics and Modal Split of Spanish Exports to Europe: Empirical Evidence
This article attempts to find the determinants of mode choice decisions for Spanish shipments to Europe and North Africa in four productive sectors that presents differentiated transport logistics. To this end, exhaustive fieldwork was carried out and a database constructed, including 1251 observations collected from transport decision-makers. A mixed logit is used to estimate a modal choice model, consistent with economic theory of modal choice in a price-time reliability framework. The main findings are that quality attributes of service influence modal choice only for the relatively high-value sectors whereas relatively low-value sectors are mainly affected by transport costs. In terms o…
Efficiency in the eurobond market: application of nonparametric techniques
The aim of this article is to analyse the efficiency of eurobond issuers within the primary market, from 1995 to 2000. The study includes a reference to theoretical discussion and to the methodology used; detailed explanation of the variables considered which, in order to supplement those strictly financial, include others such as spread from Interest Rate Risk (IRR) and respective swap; rating, duration and size; and macroeconomic fundamentals of the issuer country. Results and conclusions obtained from the static and dynamic efficiency analyses are then illustrated and discussed.
Valuing Freight Transport Time using Transport Demand Modelling: A Bibliographical Review
The value of time for freight transport is of major importance in infrastructure-related cost–benefit analysis and yet its study has been largely neglected when compared with its passenger counterpart. In fact, one of the attributes that could decide the profitability of a project is how much can be saved if freight vehicles use new infrastructure. Despite being the primary benefit of most investments in transport infrastructure, researchers have not yet reached agreement over either the size or the nature of the values of time that should be used when evaluating projects. This article provides a review of the estimation of freight value of time through transport demand modelling and extant…
The Port and its Environment
In times of increasing environmental awareness, the port-city relationship has gained a new meaning since ports have been seen as the origin of both negative and positive externalities affecting the public wellbeing. While the former are the result of port expansion, the latter are the result of transforming obsolete port areas into recreational facilities. Therefore, in order to support effective policy-making, in this research is emphasized the need of measuring these environmental externalities. Considering their non-market nature, the contingent valuation method is introduced as an economic tool capable of overcoming this obstacle. Thus, the cases of two ports in Spain, namely Valencia …