Environmental damage evaluation in a willingness-to-accept scenario: A latent-class approach based on familiarity
In this paper we report on the results of the application of a latent class model that was designed to identify and characterize unobserved preference heterogeneity in the context of a willingness-to-accept (WTA) framework involving negative environmental externalities stemming from the expansion of the Port of Valencia. We investigated the hypothesis that respondents with greater familiarity with the targeted good and any related environmental damage would demand more compensation; that is, they would have a significantly higher WTA. Based on respondents' familiarity with the Port of Valencia and their pre-existing knowledge about the negative consequences of its potential expansion three …
Waterfront Redevelopment in Post-America’s Cup Valencia: Some Insights from a Survey to Local Residents
AbstractWaterfront renewal is a recurrent event in the life of many cities around the world. Traditionally, planners and geographers have focused on this phenomenon analyzing the ongoing relationsh...