Salvatore Guarino
Nectar-Inhabiting Bacteria Affect Olfactory Responses of an Insect Parasitoid by Altering Nectar Odors
AbstractFloral nectar is ubiquitously colonized by a variety of microorganisms among which yeasts and bacteria are the most common. Microorganisms inhabiting floral nectar can alter several nectar traits, including nectar odor by producing microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs). Evidence showing that mVOCs can affect the foraging behavior of insect pollinators is increasing in the literature, whereas the role of mVOCs in altering the foraging behavior of third-trophic level organisms such as insect parasitoids is largely overlooked. Parasitoids are frequent visitors of flowers and are well known to feed on nectar. In this study, we isolated bacteria inhabiting floral nectar of buckwhe…
Stato fisiologico delle femmine del Punteruolo rosso delle palme ottenute dal monitoraggio e dalla cattura massale
Can Mating Disruption Be a Possible Route to Control Plum Fruit Moth in Mediterranean Environments?
Simple Summary Grapholita funebrana is a main pest of plum throughout the Palearctic region. The management of this pest is generally carried out with chemical insecticides. In this study we investigated the suitability of the mating disruption as alternative method of control of this pest. Experiments were carried out in organic plum orchards during 2012 and 2014. Trap catches and fruit sampling were carried out to estimate the efficacy of this technique in reducing males catch and fruit infestation. The results indicated that the males caught in traps placed in the treatment plots was always significantly lower than untreated plots. The chemical analysis of the pheromone emission from the…
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a pest from Southeast Asia accidentally introduced into North Africa and Europe two decades ago. In Sicily, RPW was recorded for the first time in 2005, then, in few years, it established becoming the most severe pest of ornamental palm species in urban, monumental and country areas. In this paper, we first report the history of its introduction and spread. Then, we reviewed the preventative and curative strategies that have been implemented with variable degrees of success in containing the invasive alien pest. Finally, we focus on the development of new strategies to detect early infestations and …
Volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons emitted by seedlings of Brassica species provide host location cues to Bagrada hilaris
Bagrada hilaris Burmeister, is a stink bug native to Asia and Africa and invasive in the United States, Mexico, and more recently, South America. This species can cause serious damage to various vegetable crops in the genus Brassica, with seedlings being particularly susceptible to B. hilaris feeding activity. In this study, the role of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by seedlings of three Brassica species on the host preference of B. hilaris was evaluated. In dual choice arena and olfactometer bioassays, adult painted bugs preferred B. oleracea var. botrytis and B. napus over B. carinata. Volatiles from B. oleracea seedlings were collected and bioassayed with B. hilaris adults an…
Evaluation of Brassicaceae seedlings as trap plants for Bagrada hilaris Burmeister in Caper bush cultivations
The caper bush, Capparis spinosa (Brassicales: Capparaceae), is intensively grown on Pantelleria Island (Trapani, Sicily, Sicilian channel) where it has been granted protected geographical indication (PGI) by the EU. On this island, Bagrada hilaris, a stink bug native of Asia and Africa, is the major pest of caper crops. Recent studies have shown the attraction of B. hilaris to volatiles of brassicaceous plants at the seedling stage. The objective of this study was to evaluate three cotyledon-stage seedlings of host plants, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower), Eruca sativa (rocket) and Brassica carinata (Abyssinian cabbage), as potential trap plants for B. hilaris. The relative pr…
Laboratory and field studies to test the attractiveness of the Red Palm Weevil to synthetic palm esters
The Role of (E)-2-octenyl Acetate as a Pheromone of Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister): Laboratory and Field Evaluation
The pentatomid bug Bagrada hilaris is a key pest of brassicaceous crops in several areas of the world. Previous studies suggest that mate location of this species is mediated by volatile chemicals produced by males, among which the main compound is (E)-2-octenyl acetate. However, the possible attraction of males, females, and nymphs to this compound has not yet been specifically tested. In this study, we tested the response of B. hilaris females, males, and nymphs to (E)-2-octenyl acetate using an electroantennogram (EAG) and olfactometer in the presence or absence of a host plant. Moreover, (E)-2-octenyl acetate as an attractant lure in field trap bioassays was evaluated. EAG recordings sh…
Impiego di tecniche elettroantennografiche per lo studio dei composti semiochimici attivi nei confronti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme.
Responses of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus adults to selected synthetic palm esters: electroantennographic studies and trap catches in an urban environment
BACKGROUND: The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, accidentally introduced into the European countries facing the Mediterranean basin, is becoming the most serious pest for ornamental palms in the urban environment. In the present work, tests were conducted on the electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural responses of RPW adults to five selected synthetic palm esters, ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate, to assess the application of a mass trapping technique in an urban environment. RESULTS: In the laboratory, EAG bioassays on RPW adults with the synthetic palm esters showed: (1) positive dose-dependent responses; (2) di…
Identification of Brassicadiene, a Diterpene Hydrocarbon Attractive to the Invasive Stink Bug Bagrada hilaris, from Volatiles of Cauliflower Seedlings, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Brassicadiene, a novel tricyclic diterpene hydrocarbon, was identified by a combination of mass spectrometry, microchemical tests, and analysis of NMR spectra. The compound constitutes >90% of the volatile organic compounds produced by cauliflower seedlings, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. The invasive stink bug Bagrada hilaris is strongly attracted to brassicadiene, providing a mechanism for this herbivore, which specializes on cruciferous plants, to locate its hosts in a nutrient-rich and vulnerable stage.
Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Insecticidal Activity of Calendula incana subsp. maritima and Laserpitium siler subsp. siculum Essential Oils against Stored Products Pests
The problems of the environment and human health related to the use of synthetic and broad-spectrum insecticides have increasingly motivated scientific research on different alternatives and among these, the use of green systems, such as essential oils, have been explored. Several species of the Apiaceae and Asteraceae families, aromatic herbs rich in secondary bioactive metabolites, are used in the industrial field for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food purposes. Different essential oils extracted from some species of these families have shown acute toxicity and attractive and/or repellent effects towards different insects. In our work, we investigated the toxic potential of Calendula inca…
Volatile compounds released by disturbed and undisturbed adults of Anchomenus dorsalis (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Platynini) and structure of the pygidial gland
Volatile compounds produced by adults of Anchomenus dorsalis under undisturbed and disturbed conditions were investigated with an all-glass aeration apparatus. GC-MS analysis of the crude extracts from undisturbed and disturbed adults highlighted four major volatile compounds, undecane, heneicosane, Z-9 tricosene and tricosane, of which significantly more undecane was released by disturbed adults compared to undisturbed beetles. The pygidial glands of adults of A. dorsalis were investigated using light and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Each gland showed dense aggregates of secretory cells organized into visually distinct lobes; a long collecting canal that drains the secretion tow…
Indagini di laboratorio sui composti che inducono l'aggregazione delle neanidi di I età in Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera, Coreidae)
Leptoglossus occidentalis è una cimice che si alimenta degli strobili e dei semi delle conifere appartenenti alla famiglia delle Pinaceae. Le neanidi di I età hanno un comportamento gregario che favorisce la sopravvivenza degli individui, in analogia a quanto visto in altre specie appartenenti allo stesso genere (Wheeler et al., 1990). L’individuazione dei composti semiochimici che influenzano questo comportamento potrebbe portare allo sviluppo di nuovi metodi di controllo di L. occidentalis. Le estrazioni (whole body) sono state realizzate su gruppi di 7-27 neanidi di I età per 30 minuti utilizzando un quantitativo di 40µl di esano o di acetone per neanide. Gli estratti sono stati biosaggi…
Behaviour-modifying compounds for management of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineusOliver)
BACKGROUND Populations of red palm weevil (RPW), a severe pest of palms in Mediterranean countries, might be limited by semiochemical-based behaviour-disrupting methods. We evaluated the effects of electroantennogram (EAG)-active plant volatiles on the behaviour of RPWs from Italy and Israel. In field experiments, α-pinene, citronellol, geraniol, citral and 1-octen-3-ol were tested for their ability to disrupt attraction to pheromone–kairomone and molasses baited traps. Those that were found to be disruptive in the field were evaluated in a laboratory choice bioassay in individual cages for their effect on RPW female feeding and oviposition. RESULTS Field experiments showed reduced captures…
Impiego di insetticidi di origine vegetale per il contenimento delle popolazioni di Bagrada hilaris nei cappereti panteschi
Bagrada hilaris, nota con il nome di Cimice delle crocifere, è un Eterottero Pentatomide dannoso al cappero nell’isola di Pantelleria. Per verificare la possibilità di utilizzare insetticidi a basso impatto ambientale per il contenimento delle popolazioni di questo fitofago, sono state condotte prove in laboratorio e in campo con due insetticidi di origine vegetale, Show e Neemik, e un insetticida di sintesi, Decis Jet, utilizzato come controllo. Nel 2004 sono state condotte prove in laboratorio atte a definire i valori di CL70 e le curve dose-risposta a diverse concentrazioni di formulato commerciale. Nel biennio 2005-06, l’efficacia degli insetticidi è stata valutata con prove in campo ef…
Investigation of long-range female sex pheromone of the European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis: chemical, electrophysiological, and field studies.
The European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis, is an important pest of agricultural and horticultural crops throughout Europe. Adult male L. rugulipennis were previously shown to be attracted to traps baited with live virgin females, which suggests the females produce a sex pheromone. Volatiles produced by virgin female L. rugulipennis were shown to contain three components, hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal which elicited electroantennographic (EAG) responses from males in analyses by linked gas chromatography–electroantennography (GC-EAG). They were produced in 1.5:1:0.08 ratio, respectively, by single females. Collections from 1, 2, or 4 virgin female…
Biological control of invasive stink bugs: review of global state and future prospects
International audience; Invasive stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are responsible for high economic losses to agricul-ture on a global scale. The most important species, dating from recent to old invasions, includeBagrada hilaris (Burmeister), Halyomorpha halys (Stal), Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), Nezara vir-idula (L.), and Murgantia histrionica (Hahn). Bagrada hilaris, H. halys,andN. viridula are nowalmost globally distributed. Biological control of these pests faces a complex set of challenges thatmust be addressed to maintain pest populations below the economic injury level. Several case studiesof classical and conservation biological control of invasive stink bugs are reported …
Assessment of synthetic chemicals for disruption of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus response to attractant-baited traps in an urban environment
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is one of the most severe pests of ornamental palm species in urban areas of Mediterranean countries. Aiming to discover inhibitory semiochemicals for RPW population management in urban environments, we conducted electroantennographic (EAG) screenings of 17 commercially available synthetic compounds, representing three groups of plant volatiles (isoprenoids, phenyl propanoid derivatives and fatty acid derivatives) known for their repellent effects toward insects. These tests were followed by trap-based screenings of EAG-active menthone, alpha-pinene and methyl salicylate, singly and in combination, und…
Il controllo biologico ed integrato
Urban landscape evolution as a consequence of an invasive pest: The case of a small sicilian town
The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), after its accidental introduction in Italy in 2005, determined a progressive disruption of Canary palms mostly in the central and southern regions. As it is difficult to undertake the management of this pest, the possibility of substituting the killed/symptomatic palms with other ornamental trees has been recently discussed. In this context, understanding the citizens' needs about green areas can improve the management of public parks and urban greening. Involving citizens on the natural resource management using public participation processes is crucial. The case study of a small town of Sicily (Italy) was treated and the spread of this pest was monitored. Moreov…
Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of the housefly to “sweet” volatiles of the flowers of Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E. Br.
In sapromyiophilous plants, up to date, long range attraction of fly pollinators has been thoroughly investigated and attributed to ‘‘fetid’’ floral compounds, while the ‘‘sweet’’ floral scent fraction has not been spe- cifically investigated and its role has received little atten- tion. The aim of the present study was to verify if terpenoids, which are the main compounds of the floral bouquet of Caralluma europaea, play a role in the attrac- tion of its pollinator Musca domestica. Terpinolene, a- terpinene and linalool, described as the three main volatiles of the flowers of C. europaea, were evaluated in electro- physiological investigations and blends of these com- pounds as well as the…
Foraging behaviour of an egg parasitoid exploiting plant volatiles induced by pentatomids : The role of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces
Several phases of herbivorous insect attack including feeding and oviposition are known to induce plant defenses. Plants emit volatiles induced by herbivores to recruit insect parasitoids as an indirect defense strategy. So far, volatiles induced by herbivore walking and their putative role in the foraging behavior of egg parasitoids have not been investigated. In this paper we studied the response of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis toward volatiles emitted by Vicia faba plants as consequence of the walking activity of the host Nezara viridula. Olfactometer bioassays were carried out to evaluate wasp responses to plants in which the abaxial or the adaxial surfaces were subjected to wa…
Evidence of Seasonal Variation in Body Color in Adults of the Parasitoid Cirrospilus pictus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Sicily, Italy
As part of the studies on the morphological color variation of insects, a case study on the seasonal body color variation of Cirrospilus pictus (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Eulophinae) parasitoid of leafminers is reported. Observations were made from January 2000 to December 2003 in north-western Sicily (Italy), in relation to sex, body regions of adults and seasonal periods. Wasps parasitizing Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were collected from organic citrus orchards (Citrus limon L., var. “Femminello zagara bianca” and “Femminello comune”). Adults were grouped in classes: yellow males, black males, yellow females, yellow–black females and black females. …
Host specificity in the egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae is mediated by sex pheromone compounds
Several studies showed that egg parasitoids are able to detect host sex pheromones produced by adult hosts as a host cue. In this way female wasps are directed toward an area where host mating is in progress and where an oviposition has probably taken place or is soon to occur. Telenomus busseolae Gahan (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is a solitary egg parasitoid of various noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) belonging to the genera Sesamia. In field observations, it has been demonstrated that T. busseolae reacts to the pheromone emitted by females of the corn stalk borer, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre) and the pink stem borer, Sesamia calamistis (Hampson). It is known that the sex pheromone prod…
La cattura di adulti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme con trappole a feromone e allomoni in ambiente urbano
In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati di un anno di catture di adulti di Punteruolo rosso delle palme, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), con trappole a feromone e allomoni collocate nel comune di Marsala (TP). In totale sono state sistemate 47 trappole ad una distanza media di circa 200 m. Le trappole sono state innescate con feromone di aggregazione (ferrorule), acetato di etile (10 % /H2O), e melassa (10 % /H2O), ed ispezionate settimanalmente per il periodo aprile 2008 – aprile 2009. Le trappole sono state disposte lungo la costa della città(N=21), e lungo una linea che attraversa il centro cittadino (N=26). In totale sono stati catturati 4010 adulti, con un numero complessivo …
Behaviour-modifying compounds for management of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver).
BACKGROUND: Populations of red palm weevil (RPW), a severe pest of palms in Mediterranean countries, might be limited by semiochemical-based behaviour-disrupting methods. We evaluated the effects of electroantennogram (EAG)-active plant volatiles on the behaviour of RPWs from Italy and Israel. In field experiments, α-pinene, citronellol, geraniol, citral and 1-octen-3-ol were tested for their ability to disrupt attraction to pheromone-kairomone and molasses baited traps. Those that were found to be disruptive in the field were evaluated in a laboratory choice bioassay in individual cages for their effect on RPW female feeding and oviposition. RESULTS: Field experiments showed reduced captur…
Monitoraggio e controllo di insetti infestanti le collezioni dell’erbario dell’orto botanico di Palermo
Gli erbari sono strumenti d’importante rilevanza scientifica che conservano esempi di piante rare, endemiche o estinte, e assumono essi stessi notevole interesse come beni culturali per il loro valore storico ed estetico. Gli erbari possono essere soggetti all’attacco di diverse specie d’insetti che danneggiano le piante essiccate (exsiccata) con la loro attività di alimentazione. Il controllo di queste infestazioni è spesso aggravato dalla difficoltà di poter mettere in atto trattamenti insetticidi. In tale contesto è opportuno adoperare adeguati strumenti di monitoraggio e controllo basati su sostanze attrattive feromonali o alimentari per una corretta gestione integrata degli erbari.…
Only Females Oviposit: Chemical Discrimination of Adult Stink Bug Sex by the Egg Parasitoid Trissolcus japonicus
Egg parasitoids foraging for suitable hosts scattered in the environment rely mainly on chemical cues. Elucidating the chemical ecology of natural enemies is important in the development of effective and successful strategies for conservation biological control. In this context, the host cuticular hydrocarbons, which are exploited by several species of egg parasitoids as contact kairomones, could be used to retain them by providing information about the presence and the sex of adults of the target species: sex is important because only females of the host species lay the eggs that can be subsequently utilized for parasitoid reproduction. However, the chemical basis of host sex discriminatio…
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus: Behavior, Ecology, and Communication
Red palm weevil (RPW) ecology is characterized by the adults' ability to aggregate on palms. The aggregation process has the functions of protection, feeding, and reproduction for the individuals. Semiochemicals and visual cues strongly influence this behavior at intraspecific and interspecific levels. Adults actively fly over long distances, following chemical cues, such as aggregation pheromone and host plant odor, or visual cues to colonize a new host. The aggregation pheromone of RPW is a male-produced mixture of 4-methyl-5-nonanol (major component) and the related ketone 4-methyl-5-nonanone (minor component). These compounds are largely used in the field to lure males and especially fe…
Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Insecticidal Activity of Seseli bocconei Essential Oils against Stored Products Pests
In this study, the chemical composition of the essential oils (EOs) obtained from different aerial parts (flowers, leaves, and stems) of Seseli bocconei Guss., a wild species endemic of Sicily, was investigated. Furthermore, the EOs’ biocidal effects towards two pests of stored products, Sitophilus oryzae and Callosobruchus maculates, were evaluated. This activity was evaluated in Petri dish bioassays to establish the survival rate of adults treated with the EOs comparing them with solvent and a commonly used insecticide (pyrethrum). The data obtained from the toxicity bioassay evidenced that stems’ EOs and leaves’ EOs have a contact/fumigation effect towards the two insec…
Role of volatile and contact pheromones in the mating behaviour of Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Volatiles and contact pheromones involved in the mating behaviour of the Painted bug, Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Het- eroptera: Pentatomidae), were investigated in behavioural and chemical experiments. Vertical open Y-shaped olfactometer bioassays showed that odour from males attract females but not males, while that from females did not attract either gender. Adult females were also attracted by hexane extracts of volatile compounds collected from males. In open arena bioassays, males displayed the characteristic steps of courtship behaviour in the presence of virgin females. Such courtship behaviour was displayed in the presence of females killed by freezing, but not in the presence of f…
Individuazione e applicazione di composti volatili repellenti per il controllo delle popolazioni del punteruolo rosso delle palme
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is one of the most severe pests of ornamental palm species in urban areas of Mediterranean countries. The cryptic nature of the weevil, and the gaps in our knowledge of its biology and ecology, hamper the development of efficient and sustainable strategies to limit its diffusion. Control strategies based on semiochemicals can be considered a suitable alternative for RPW population management, particularly in urban areas. Nevertheless these strategies might be improved by broadening our knowledge of behavior modifying stimuli suitable for adult manipulation, such as repellent chemical compounds. A first…
Glenoid bone loss in anterior shoulder dislocation: a multicentric study to assess the most reliable imaging method
Purpose: The aim of this multicentric study was to assess which imaging method has the best inter-reader agreement for glenoid bone loss quantification in anterior shoulder instability. A further aim was to calculate the inter-method agreement comparing bilateral CT with unilateral CT and MR arthrography (MRA) with CT measurements. Finally, calculations were carried out to find the least time-consuming method. Method: A retrospective evaluation was performed by 9 readers (or pairs of readers) on a consecutive series of 110 patients with MRA and bilateral shoulder CT. Each reader was asked to calculate the glenoid bone loss of all patients using the following methods: best fit circle area on…
Plant and stink bug interactions at different trophic levels
The interactions between plants and herbivores are among the most important ecological interactions in nature (Johnson 2011). Plants are sessile organisms and cannot run away from potential attackers, which are range from pathogenic microbes to grazing mammals. Among these attackers, arthropods, and in particular insects, comprise the largest and most diverse group of organisms with approximately 1-3 million species feeding on plants (Schoonhoven et al. 2005, Dicke 2009). Host-finding and acceptance or rejection of plants by herbivorous insects depend on their behavioral responses to physical and chemical plant features (Finch and Collier 2000). In this context, the insect-plant interaction…
Odorants of Capsicum spp. Dried Fruits as Candidate Attractants for Lasioderma serricorne F. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)
The cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne F. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) is an important food storage pest affecting the tobacco industry and is increasingly impacting museums and herbaria. Monitoring methods make use of pheromone traps which can be implemented using chili fruit powder. The objective of this study was to assess the response of L. serricorne to the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from different chili powders in order to identify the main semiochemicals involved in this attraction. Volatiles emitted by Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, and C. chinense dried fruit powders were tested in an olfactometer and collected and analyzed using SPME and GC-MS. Results indicated that C. an…
Fine Structure of Antennal Sensilla of Paysandisia archon and Electrophysiological Responses to Volatile Compounds Associated with Host Palms
Paysandisia archon (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) is a serious pest of palm trees. A comprehensive knowledge of the insect olfactory system is essential for the development of efficient semiochemical-based control methods. The olfactory sensilla are located particularly on the antennae, and these can detect plant volatiles that provide important cues for the insects in the search for their host plants. To date, the fine structure of P. archon antennal sensilla studies and their role in host-plant perception have not been investigated in great detail. Using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the antennae of both sexes of P. archon are described here in detail, acc…
Insect pests of the Herbarium of the Palermo botanical garden and evaluation of semiochemicals for the control of the key pest Lasioderma serricorne F. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)
Abstract The herbaria are scientific tools of great importance that preserve extinct, rare, endemic, and common plant species and also have importance as Cultural Heritage for their historical and esthetical value. Herbaria can be infested by several insect pests feeding on dried plants, and their management is often complicated and difficult as the use of chemical insecticides can have negative drawbacks. This suggests a strong need for alternative control tools such as the use of semiochemicals to develop Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. In order to identify the main insect pests that determine the damages on the exsiccata stored in the Palermo Botanical Garden's Herbarium, one …
Artropodi dannosi nel florovivaismo siciliano
Assessment of synthetic chemicals for disruption of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus attraction in an urban environment
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is currently one of the most severe pests of Canary palms in urban areas of Mediterranean countries and date palms in cultivated areas of the Middle East. RPW aggregation pheromone can be implemented for both monitoring and mass trapping however risks of RPW 'spillover' onto palms is of great concern. Aim of this work was to discover repellent semiochemicals for RPW population management in urban environments. For this purpose we conducted electroantennographic (EAG) screenings of 17 commercially available synthetic compounds, representing three groups of plant volatiles (isoprenoids, phenyl propanoid …
Investigation of cuticular hydrocarbons from Bagrada hilaris genders by SPME/GC-MS
The cuticular hydrocarbons of male and female Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were investigated, by headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Measurements were done with fiber coatings of different polarity after optimization of headspace volumes and extraction temperatures. This resulted in the use of polyacrylate fiber, 22-ml vial as the sample holder, and an extraction temperature of 150 degrees C. The analytical procedures allowed identification of 13 peaks, corresponding to a homologous series of n-alkanes (nC(17)-nC(29)). The hydrocarbon profiles of male and female B. hilaris were qualitatively equal, but marked sex-…
Impact of the invasive painted bug, Bagrada hilaris on physiological traits of its host Brassica oleracea var botrytis
Bagrada hilaris is a herbivorous insect native of Asia and Africa, which has invaded southern Europe and North America where it causes major damage to cole crops. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess how the infestation of this invasive species damages the host Brassica oleracea var botrytis, and to evaluate the interaction between plant emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and B. hilaris adults. Plant responses to insect feeding were evaluated through changes in photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, VOC emission, and visual damage on leaves. The impact of B. hilaris was compared with that of Nezara viridula, a polyphagous species distributed worldwide. Plant VOC role in …
Responses of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus adults to selected synthetic palm esters: electroantennographic studies and trap catches in an urban environment
The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, accidentally introduced in the European countries facing the Mediterranean basin, is becoming the most serious pest for ornamental palms in the urban environment. In our work we tested electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural responses of RPW adults to five selected synthetic palm esters: ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate. EAG bioassays showed higher sensitivity of female antennae compared to male antennae for test compounds. Differences were also recorded in the EAG responses using different esters and doses. Ethyl propionate was the synthetic ester that elicited the strongest r…
Meniscal ramp lesions: diagnostic performance of MRI with arthroscopy as reference standard
Abstract Background The posteromedial meniscal region is gaining interest among orthopedic surgeons, as lesions of this area has been reported to be significantly associated with anterior cruciate ligament tears. The current imaging literature is unclear. Purpose To evaluate the diagnostic performance of MR in the detection of meniscal ramp lesions having arthroscopy as reference standard. Materials and methods We retrospectively included 56 patients (mean age of 25 ± 7 years; 14 females) from January to November 2017 with a arthroscopically proved ACL tear and posterior meniscocapsular separation. On preoperative MRI, two radiologists with 13 and 2 years’ experience in musculoskeletal imag…