C. J. Sun
Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moments of FePt Thin Films
The magnetic moments of disordered and ordered L10 Fe50Pt50 films were investigated using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and spin polarized full relativistic Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker (SPRKKR) calculations. The measurements showed that the spin magnetic moments of Fe in both ordered and disordered films were similar with a lower value than that obtained by SPRKKR calculations. Both films however showed larger orbital moments of Fe compared to the calculations. It is suggested that the spin magnetic moment of Fe in FePt thin films was insensitive to L10 ordering.
Investigation of Elemental Magnetic Moments of CoCrPt Films Using X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
The elemental magnetic moments of Co and Cr in CoCrPt films were investigated using xray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The spin and orbital moments of Co was calculated using the sum rules; it was found that the magnetic moment of Co in CoCrPt films was dominated by spin moment contribution. The total magnetic moment of Co was found to be lower than that of bulk Co. Further, the Cr moment was aligned anti-ferromagnetically with respect to Co, resulting in a decrease of saturation magnetization (Ms) in CoCrPt films.
Field dependence of spin and orbital moments of Fe in L10 FePt magnetic thin films
Abstract The field dependence of spin and orbital magnetic moments of Fe in L10 FePt magnetic thin films was investigated using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The spin and orbital moments were calculated using the sum rules; it was found that the spin and orbital moment of Fe in L10 FePt films are ∼2.5 and 0.2 μB, respectively. The relative XMCD asymmetry at Fe L3 peak on the dependence of applied field suggested that the majority magnetic moment of L10 FePt films resulted from Fe.