The Unique Invention of the Siliceous Sponges: Their Enzymatically Made Bio-Silica Skeleton
Sponges are sessile filter feeders that, among the metazoans, evolved first on Earth. In the two classes of the siliceous sponges (the Demospongiae and the Hexactinellida), the complex filigreed body is stabilized by an inorganic skeleton composed of amorphous silica providing them a distinct body shape and plan. It is proposed that the key innovation that allowed the earliest metazoans to form larger specimens was the enzyme silicatein. This enzyme is crucial for the formation of the siliceous skeleton. The first sponge fossils with body preservation were dated back prior to the “Precambrian-Cambrian” boundary [Vendian (610–545 Ma)/Ediacaran (542–580 Ma)]. A further molecule required for t…