Monika Wieser

Sphingomonas fennica sp. nov. and Sphingomonas haloaromaticamans sp. nov., outliers of the genus Sphingomonas.

Bacterial isolates obtained from polychlorophenol-contaminated sites in Finland (strain K101T) and from a Dutch drinking water well (strain A175T) were characterized taxonomically. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, determination of DNA G+C content, physiological characterization, estimation of the ubiquinone and polar lipid patterns and fatty acid content revealed that strains K101T and A175T were similar to Sphingomonas wittichii RW1T but also showed pronounced differences. The DNA G+C contents of the two novel strains were 63.6 and 66.1 mol%, respectively. On the basis of these results, two novel species of the genus Sphingomonas are described, for which the names Sphingomonas haloaromatic…

research product

Sphingobium aromaticiconvertens sp. nov., a xenobiotic-compound-degrading bacterium from polluted river sediment.

A bacterial strain capable of degrading some monochlorinated dibenzofurans, designated RW16T, was isolated from aerobic River Elbe sediments. The strain was characterized based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, DNA G+C content, physiological characteristics, polyamines, ubiquinone and polar lipid pattern and fatty acid composition. This analysis revealed that strain RW16T represents a novel species of the genus Sphingobium. The DNA G+C content of strain RW16T, 60.7 mol%, is the lowest yet reported for the genus. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis placed strain RW16T as an outlier in the genus Sphingobium. The name Sphingobium aromaticiconvertens sp. nov. is proposed for this dibenzofuran-min…

research product