Disappearance of malachite green residues in fry of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after treatment of eggs at the hatching stage
Abstract The disappearance of malachite green (MG) residues was determined in fry of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after six repeated treatments of the eggs at the hatching stage with MG oxalate at exposure levels of 1, 3 and 6 mg l− 1 for 30 min. Fry samples were taken from newly hatched fry (0 days post-hatch, d.p.h.) and at regular time intervals at 16, 31, 43, 57 and 96 d.p.h. The residues of MG and its major metabolite, leucomalachite green (LMG), were found to accumulate in the fry after MG treatments of eggs, with the highest residue levels being determined in the newly hatched fry. After exposures of 3 mg l− 1 MG, mean concentrations of 1170 ± 106 µg kg− 1 and 276 ± 38.6 µg kg…