Roberta T. Di Rosa

Il genere nella ricerca di servizio sociale: una panoramica internazionale

Il genere rientra tra gli interrogativi cognitivi ancora secondari nella ricerca di servizio sociale. Si osserva, difatti, che gli studiosi che si sono dedicati all’approfondimento della questione genere/servizio sociale nel mondo occidentale sono un numero abbastanza ridotto e che gli stessi siano tra loro concordi sul fatto che questo tema sia stato molto trascurato tanto nei loro Paesi quanto in ambito internazionale. Il tema del genere è, e resta, una questione aperta, che merita maggiore attenzione da parte della comunità professionale, nell’ottica di giungere finalmente ad acquisirne maggiore coscienza, già a partire dalla formazione accademica dei futuri professionisti. Se gli assist…

research product

Vulnerabilità sociali e diseguaglianze digitali post pandemia: l’inclusione trascurata dei migranti

The pandemic has been an event capable of radicalising trends that were already underway: growth in inequalities, crisis in central and local administrations, crisis in public regulation and essential public services (health, education, training and work), increase in areas of social vulnerability. Recent studies and research clearly confirm the link between social vulnerability, inequalities, exclusion and Covid-19 in the experience of non-Italian citizens, as well as the close connection between exposure to a high risk of contagion and conditions of poverty and social margin- ality, defined as stratification of precariousness linked to the migrant experience. Nevertheless, this specific s…

research product

“Without social there is no health”: Social work perspectives in multidisciplinary healthcare

The pandemic has not just affected the health sphere: strong social effects of the emergency have added to the health risk, stressing on social relations and the deterioration of people's living conditions, and making those who are already fragile more fragile. Notwithstanding, during the emergency following the COVID-19 pandemic the attention was focused, indeed understandably, on the health aspects, widening the already existing misalignment between the health interventions and the social ones. Emergency oriented efforts and resources more toward a clinical care approach (cure) than toward support for the social and the inclusion aspects (care). Reflecting on the specific area of health c…

research product

I servizi socio-educativi nell’era del digitale. Sfide e opportunità

The pandemic has played a catalyst role in the digitization processes of services and relationships between professionals and people, highlighting the existence of a "minimum technological vital" (Campedelli, Toc-cafondi and Vignani, 2021) which can draw the line between social inclusion and exclusion. The measures introduced to deal with the spread of the virus have imposed rapid transformations and, in just a few weeks, digital technologies have been integrated into all aspects of professional life, showing positive and negative effects (Lopez et al., 2020) . The introduction of numerous platforms, the use of which has exploded during the quarantine, has provided previously overlooked, if…

research product

Lessons learned from the facts on the ground and political demands for future agency

Since the first “emergency migration” event in Italy (1990s), social work represented the interface and the filter between the Italian reception system and migrants, acting for initial assessment, orientation and “sorting" of migrants into the various local and national welfare agencies and in the network of public and private services within the reception system (Simone, 2020). Consequently, in addition to the more operational competences, social workers need to be supported by training, in-service training and supervision, in order to acquire, along with updated methods and knowledge, full awareness of the dictates of their deontological code; in accordance with this, there should be an a…

research product

Child Protection in Mediterranean Countries: Italy and Greece

Abstract This chapter explores the child protection systems in Italy and Greece. Both countries have to deal with immigrant children due to the conflict between the rights of minors and immigration laws on control and defense. In Italy, the child protection system is the result of a patchwork of norms and regulations addressing different societal demands and pressures. Family and cash-transfers are fundamental factors in Italy’s child welfare system. Greece, on the other hand, has adopted fragmented measures and policies connected with financial benefits, income support, social security, social care for disabled people, and rehabilitation for children at risk. The chapter also notes how the…

research product

Educational requirements and skills for social inclusion: the CPIA 189 resources for unaccompanied migrant minors

The work hypothesis of the paper is a correlation between language proficiency and social inclusion. From the alphabetization to the Italian language and prospects of social inclusion, the survey conducted in Sicily in 2017, analyses educational needs by interviewing 503 unaccompanied migrant minors (UAM) attending the CPIA in the whole Sicily. By analysing linguistic skills, family, social conditions of departure and permanence in Italy, the research defines the main socio-linguistic profiles and possible paths for training offer and services addressed to UAMs, as key points to start a process of inclusion that transforms in resource what is instead is seen as a problem.

research product

Introduction. Social Work with newcomers: entering into the field

For about thirty years, Sicily has assumed the role of a gateway from Africa to Europe, acting as a bridge between cultures, ethnic groups and religions. When we talk about immigration in Sicily, therefore, we are referring to a structural reality, which the island's inhabitants have generally accepted with a sense of hospitality and openness. It is an interesting observation point from which it is possible to look at the social and political implications generated by immigration movements in the understanding of contemporary migration phenomena.

research product


La permanenza di una separazione nei ruoli e nelle mansioni lavorative tra uomini e donne, che riproduce la partizione tra sfera privata, legata al femminile, e sfera pubblica, sbilanciata sul maschile, è particolarmente evidente nelle professioni sociali, assistenziali ed educative anche nei Paesi più economicamente avanzati, a prescindere dalle strutturazioni di welfare. A partire dall’evidenza inequivocabile della prevalenza numerica di donne nel servizio sociale − tratto comune alle pur diverse coniugazioni nelle quali la professione si esprime di Stato in Stato − gli autori discutono della questione del genere nel servizio sociale da diverse angolature, offrendo al lettore una ricca pl…

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