R. Lotz
Duplexsonographie der normalen Pfortader
In 50 normal subjects flow velocity and direction on the portal vein was measured by ultrasonic duplex system. The measurements revealed at a mean diameter of 9.7 mm, a mean flow velocity of 15.2 +/- 2.6 cm/s, corresponding to a volume flow of 693 +/- 235 ml/min. Postprandially this increased to 880 +/- 269 ml/min. Inter-observer and day to day measurements demonstrated good reproducibility. Thus, this simple non-invasive method is well suited for quantitative assessment of the portal vein system in portal hypertension, thrombosis or after shunt operations.
Duplexsonographie abdomineller Gefäße
Duplex sonography is a non-invasive procedure which permits the determination of flow velocity and direction in visceral vessels. Results in 50 normals have shown that small arteries can be evaluated in about 50% of cases. The portal venous system can be demonstrated in all cases; average flow velocity and volume is 15.2 +/- 2.8 cm/s and 694 +/- 230 ml/min, corresponding with the values obtained by invasive methods. Clinical application for duplex examinations can be found in portal hypertension, varices, thromboses, aneurysms and transplant kidneys.