Silvia Palma
Serious games e autoregolazione a scuola: una sfida pedagogica nell'attuale panorama digitale
Il presente lavoro intende riflettere criticamente sul valore pedagogico-educativo dei serious games all’interno dei contesti scolastici, a partire dall’idea di una necessaria implementazione di ambienti di apprendimento supportati da strumenti digitali che possano promuovere competenze cognitive ed emotivo-relazionali, sostenendo la motivazione e la partecipazione degli studenti. In questa cornice, il contributo intende porre l’attenzione sugli interventi di promozione e innovazione delle nuove tecnologie nei contesti didattici e sui vantaggi dei serious games, attraverso un uso critico e autoregolato.
Perceptions and experiences of a sample of nontraditional students in transition from Higher Education to the Labour Market in Western Sicily.
In recent years a long economic crisis has affected the occupational opportunities of young people. In Italy, unemployment among 20-34 year olds, reached percentage values as high as 40%. The purpose of this work was to investigate perceptions and expectations of a group of nontraditional students about to graduate in Western Sicily. A group of 200 nontraditional students (112F/88M) attending final year classes in four randomly selected university courses were interviewed using a 25 item questionnaire. The students selected were concerned about the post-graduation period, and all complained about the scarcity of employment opportunities in the south of Italy. Indeed, a distance remains betw…
Affrontare il cyberbullismo in classe. Comprendere e riconoscere gli effetti collaterali dei social network
Il cyberbullismo rappresenta un fenomeno complesso che si manifesta con modalità articolate. Le difficoltà più evidenti sono: la possibilità, da parte dell'aggressore di rimanere anonimo; la numerosità degli spettatori; l'assenza di supervisione da parte degli adulti; il distacco tra gesto e significato attribuito. Tale fenomeno implica la necessità di promuovere un'educazione digitale e affettivo-relazionale attraverso attività educative capaci di prevenire i numerosi e complessi pericoli della rete. Fondamentale, ancora, risulta educare al rispetto della reciprocità, delle norme sociali, dell'intenzionalità del Noi, così da favorire un sano sviluppo psicosociale della persona inserita - o…
Inclusive didactics and assistive technologies: the experience of a group of special needs teachers
This paper describes the results of an exploratory survey aimed to examine the experience of a group of special needs teachers on the use of ICT in teaching to students with autism spectrum disorder. It is focused on the effectiveness of video modeling as a tool through which to learn (self-learning and imitation) specific skills in the field of personal autonomy. By sharing the thought of Rossi (2012), which has stated that "digital technologies provide to school an extraordinary opportunity to put on the agenda the issue of learning and, together with it, the professionalism of teachers", the authors handed out a questionnaire to a group of special needs teachers of a Comprehensive School…
Loin des yeux, loin du stéréotype ? ou Les liens entre un stéréotype lexical et les éléments figés faisant intervenir ce mot
In this paper, a study of the links between the lexical stereotype of a word and the idioms containing this same word is proposed. French idioms related to the words œil/ yeux and oreille(s) [(eye(s) and ear(s)] enrich the original stereotype associated to these words, mainly through two strategies: either the idioms indicate that the stereotype is not confirmed; either they indicate that it is highly verified, in an exceptional way or degree. The study of the equivalent Spanish idioms confirms this working, as well as the nature and number of the strategies implied.