B Faist
Pottery of Phases 16-19” and "Pottery of Phases 20-23" in: Pfälzner, P. – Qasim, H. A. “Urban developments in North-Eastern Mesopotamia from the Ninevite V to the Neo-Assyrian periods. Excavations at Bassetki in 2017.
Pottery comes from various debris layers (mainly A16 to A18) and from floor layers of the domestic building of Phase A19.
The Ninevite 5 pottery assemblage of Phase A25 from the extra-mural dwellings and the kiln. In P. Pfaelzner and A. H. Hasim "From Akkadian Maridaban to Middle-Assyrian Mardama. Excavations at Bassetki in 2018 and 2019"
The focus of the 2018 and 2019 excavations at Bassetki was on investigating the beginning of the city in the Ninevite 5 period, its importance in the Akkadian and Old Babylonian periods, and its function as a governor’s seat in Middle Assyrian times. Thus, the main stages of the urban development of Maridaban/Mardaman/Mardama can be traced, which are also documented textually. Der Fokus der Ausgrabungen 2018 und 2019 in Bassetki lag auf der Untersuchung des Beginns der Stadtanlage in der Ninive 5-Periode, ihrer Bedeutung in der Akkad- und der Altbabylonischen Zeit sowie ihrer Funktion als Statthaltersitz in Mittelassyrischer Zeit. Damit können die wesentlichen Etappen der Stadtentwicklung v…