Rosario Marretta
On Cancer Cell Cycle and Universal Apoptosis Parameters Signaling Unravelled In Silico
Here, cell cycle in higher eukaryotes and their molecular networks signals both in G1/S and G2/M transitions are in silico replicated. Systems control theory is employed to design multi-nestled digital layers to simulate protein-to- protein activation and inhibition in the cancer cell cycle dynamics in presence of damaged genome. Sequencing and controlling the digital process of four micro-scale species networks (p53/Mdm2/DNA damage; p21mRNA/cyclin-CDK complex; CDK/CDC25/wee1/SKP2/APC/CKI and apoptosis target genes system) paved the way for unravelling the participants and their by-products having the task to execute (or not) cell death. The results of the proposed cell digital multi-layers…
Studio ed applicazione di un sistema di sospensioni (ant. e post.) a controllo attivo e/o semi-attivo per il motociclo MV Agusta F4. REPORT INTERNO. PALERMO: DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA AERONAUTICA E DEI TRASP (ITALY)
Digital control circuitry for the p53 dynamics in cancer cell and apoptosis
Experimental work and theoretical models deduce a "digital" response of the p53 transcription factor when genomic integrity is damaged. The mutual influence of p53 and its antagonist, the Mdm2 oncogene, is closed in feedback. This paper proposes an aerospace architecture for translating the p53/Mdm2/DNA damage network into a digital circuitry in which the optimal control theory is applied for obtaining the requested dynamic evolutions of some considered cell species for repairing a DNA damage. The purpose of this paper is not to improve the analysis of the actual mathematical models but to demonstrate the usefulness of such digital circuitry design to detect and predict the cell species dyn…
Piattaforma digitale di controllo ottimo retroazionato delle evoluzioni di specie proteiche di cellule umane in presenza di danneggiamento del DNA e in fase di apoptosi
Cancer cell(s) cycle sequencing reveals universal mechanisms of apoptosis
In this paper, cell cycle in higher eukaryotes and their molecular networks signals both in G 1/S and G2/M transitions are replicated in silico. Biochemical kinetics, converted into a set of differential equations, and system control theory are employed to design multi-nested digital layers to simulate protein-to-protein activation and inhibition for cell cycle dynamics in the presence of damaged genomes. Sequencing and controlling the digital process of four micro-scale species networks (p53/Mdm2/DNA damage, p21mRNA/cyclin-CDK complex, CDK/CDC25/wee1/ SKP2/APC/CKI and apoptosis target genes system) not only allows the comprehension of the mechanisms of these molecule interactions but paves…
Optimal control circuitry design for the digital p53 dynamics in cancer cell and apoptosis
AbstractExperimental work and theoretical models deduce a "digital" response of the p53 transcription factor when genomic integrity is damaged. The mutual influence of p53 and its antagonist, the Mdm2 oncogene, is closed in feedback. This paper proposes an aerospace architecture for translating the p53/Mdm2/DNA damage network into a digital circuitry in which the optimal control theory is applied for obtaining the requested dynamic evolutions of some considered cell species for repairing a DNA damage. The purpose of this paper is not to improve the analysis of the actual mathematical models but to demonstrate the usefulness of such digital circuitry design capable to predict and detect the …
On p21 tracking property in cancer cell unravelled bio-digitally in silico. Are apoptosis principles universal?
Upon severe DNA damage, p21 acts in a dual mode; on the one hand, it inhibits the cyclin-CDK complex for arresting the G2/M transition and on the other hand, it indirectly becomes an apoptotic factor by activating--in sequence--the retinoblastoma protein, E2F1 and APAF1 expressions. But, in a cancer cells proliferation, the mechanisms of, and participants in, the apoptosis failure remain unclear. Since the p21/p53/Mdm2 proteins network normally involves a digital response in a cancer cell, through an original design of a cell signalling-protein simulator, we demonstrate, in silico, that apoptosis phase instability is fully reciprocated by p21 mRNA irregular dynamics which operates according…
State-space theory is employed here to model a new active wing flutter suppression control. In this paper, the design of a flutter suppression control law, for the NASA Benchmark Active Control Technology wing, is proposed through a single input-single output controller and unsteady aerodynamics is modelled using the Theodorsen's theory. Wing dynamic model is obtained by combining the aeroelastic equations of motion with the actuator model presented. Open-loop dynamic behaviour is examined for a single feedback variable that combines pitch and plunge accelerations. Here, a new formulation of control law, based on classical control techniques and featuring two feedback closed-loops, is succ…
A method to determine the injection of aluminium particles from the solid propellant burning surface to the core of the chamber in the presence of an acoustic wave field is developed and aluminum-droplet effects on propagation of acoustic waves in the flow of a solid rocket motor are analysed. Changes of the multiphase flow compressibility are calculated by taking into account both the translational and the pulsational motions of the aluminum droplets in consequence of the acoustic waves.
CFD approach for the induced effects of free wake past rivulets on cables of stayed bridges
Large-amplitude oscillations of stayed bridge cables appear under the combined effects of crosswind and rain. "Wave-like" oscillations along the whole cable length are born with large amplitudes even under low-speed wind and only the presence of the rain rivulet motion on the cable cross-section which guarantees an "all-or-none" amplification of the dynamic response of the cable. Even though this peculiar behavior has been studied, in a recent past, through dynamic and structural approaches, the phenomenon is not yet quite well understood, i.e., the quasi-cyclic oscillations seem to be activated to events (rain rivulets motion along the cables) compromising the circumferential geometry shap…
Active controller for wing flutter suppression enhancement
Dispositivo a logica e componentistica elettronico-digitali per la acquisizione e accumulazione di energia elettrica spillata dal sistema meccanico-elettrico di un veicolo a combustione interna (Otto, Diesel, Brayton-Joule, Sabathè) alimentato da carburanti derivati dal petrolio (e non), biocombustibili, gpl e/o gas naturali.
Nella depositata architettura, di cui si richiede il brevetto di invenzione industriale, si è progettata la logica integrata e completa di una circuiteria digitale da applicare ad un mezzo di locomozione (terrestre, marino o aereo) capace – attraverso un sistema computerizzato – di immagazzinare energia elettrica all’interno di appositi accumulatori. La scelta dell’impiego di una CPU per il controllo della carica di una batteria di cella permette di limitare l’aggravio del sistema di carica sui consumi del veicolo sulla quale la componentistica elettronico-digitale è installata. Il modello logico digitale non si limita all’utilizzo di un solo tipo di accumulatore, ma può essere impiegato co…
Bem pre-processor for CFD post-processing in propeller hydroacoustic emission computation
Performance of a propeller embedded in the flowfield of a wing
Portaconoide SG
Dispositivo industriale in lavorazioni meccaniche nel settore dell'alimentazione
Analisi, predizione ed ottimizzazione dei parametri termo-fluidodinamici interni di un motociclo ad alte prestazioni MV Agusta
Portacono SG per alimentazione industriale
Different Wings Flowfields Interaction on the Wing-Propeller Coupling
A high-portability numerical technique based on the method of free wake analysis (FWA) is described that analyzes the interference between an aircraft propeller and a wing having different planforms and computes the influence of the wing aerodynamic field on the propeller performance. For an isolated propeller and wing, the models employed are based on the FWA and Prandtl theory, respectively. The performance of the propeller in the presence of the wing is related to the wing angle of attack and to the variation of wing circulation and the corresponding induced velocity at the propeller disk. A numerical model, previously and successfully used, was implemented to account for the effects of …
On Cancer Cell Cycle and Universal Apoptosis Parameters Signaling Unravelled In Silico
Here, cell cycle in higher eukaryotes and their molecular networks signals both in G1/S and G2/M transitions are in silico replicated. Systems control theory is employed to design multi-nestled digital layers to simulate protein-toprotein activation and inhibition in the cancer cell cycle dynamics in presence of damaged genome. Sequencing and controlling the digital process of four micro-scale species networks (p53/Mdm2/DNA damage; p21mRNA/cyclin-CDK complex; CDK/CDC25/wee1/SKP2/APC/CKI and apoptosis target genes system) paved the way for unravelling the participants and their by-products having the task to execute (or not) cell death. The results of the proposed cell digital multi-layers g…
Study of hydrogen-air non-premixed combustion
Adaptive BEM for Low Noise Propeller Design
A potential-based Boundary Element Method is presented for the aerodynamic and acoustic design of propel- lers at on- and off-design point conditions. Using an adaptive method, a family of airfoil sections is selected to produce the required performance (thrust, torque and efficiency versus advance ratio) at different cruise flight levels. Climb condi- tions are also considered in order to check the off-design point performance. Once the available airfoil data have been stored in a database, the code processes the families of airfoils to generate a complete geometry for a propeller of the specified performance with an optimized noise emission. The computational scheme adjusts the blade geom…
Simulatore a piattaforma circuitale-digitale per la riproduzione funzionale e virtuale del funzionamento di cellula umana per applicazioni di laboratori di biologia e ricerca biologica
BEM Formulation of the Trailing Edge Condition
This paper deals with a BEM formulation of the trailing edge condition to determine the potential flow field around an airfoil. It is seen the trailing edge condition is not sufficient to give an unique solution. It is necessary to assign a further condition to eliminate the nonuniqueness of the solution. The approach allows to adopt a discretization into superior order elements. Some preliminary applications show the validity of the formulation.
Boundary Element Formulation for Unified Analysis of High-Speed Trains
Una formulazione agli elementi di contorno per l’analisi unificata aeroacustica ed aerodinamica di un treno ad alta velocità
Digital control circuitry of cancer cell and its apoptosis
This study, through a typical aerospace systems architecture, suggests an engineering design of a human cancer cell circuitry in which a digital optimal control matrix is assigned to repair the DNA damage level and/or to trigger its apoptosis. Here, the conceived machinery is proposed taking into account the state of the art in cancer investigation. However, it could be further generalized. The most recent studies on cancer pathologies give a predominant role to the oncosuppressor protein p53 and its antagonist, the oncogene Mdm2. Experimental and theoretical approaches are in agreement in deducing a “digital” response of the p53 when genomic integrity is damaged. Once DNA damage is present…
Computer active control of damping fluid of a racing superbike suspension scheme for road safety improvement spin-off
This paper describes in detail a computational investigation of a newly-conceived scheme of hydraulic active racing motorcycle suspension and its design application based on a computer-aided control of damping fluid. Through ad hoc tests on a full-scale model setup and the theoretical approach of a non linear 8th-order suspension scheme, this study gives enhancement of the damping fluid active control on the feedback branch of the entire control system for significant improvement of the suspension response to typical road inputs. Briefly, the fluid flow in suspension dampers - generated through well-suited high-pressure hydraulic circuit - shall be conveniently controlled in direction and m…
Risk Assessment of Fuel Quantity Indicator Replacement in ATR72 Aircraft
Aircraft maintenance activities are rife with opportunities for error. The concurrent in-flight failure of all of the engines of a non-scheduled airline flight and the following list of human lives highlight one of these opportunities. As commonly recognized among flight operators, each flight safety agency follows the criteria of the International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 16 in which all the evidences of the technical investigation pave the way for avoiding future flight accidents or incidents. On the other hand, when the Italian penal procedure code was applied for the Tuninter aircraft ATR 72 (identification code TS-LBB) crash at issue on 6 August 2005 near Palermo (Italy), the…
Abstract A method for the prediction of the acoustics of a propeller in the flow-field of a wing is presented. The method is used to study the noise generated by the unsteady loading induced on the propeller as it passes through the wing flow-field. Both the aerodynamic and acoustic methods are previously proven techniques, the aerodynamic method being based on a combination of free wake analysis and a three-dimensional boundary element method, while the acoustic calculation is a full-surface, moving medium form of the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings equation. Calculations are presented for a reference case of a four-bladed low-speed propeller in forward flight. The acoustic predictions are supple…
Risuonatore Acustico Biomorfo Triplanare
Triplanar Biomorph Acoustic Resonator
A numerical investigation on the effects of blade frequency mistuning on the acoustic emission of a rotor cascade in subsonic flow is shown. A numerical method has been developed and implementd to obtain the mistuned rotor aeroelastic response and the associated acoustic waves. Both the aeroelastic and acoustic models are based on a linear unsteady small perturbations theory. The dynamic aeroelastic coupling between bending and torsional responses of each blade and the aerodynamic coupling among the blades are included in the formulation.
Explicit Kutta Condition for Unsteady Two-Dimensional High-Order Potential Boundary Element Method
An explicit unsteady pressure Kutta condition is discribed that was directly and efficiently implemented in a time domain high-order potential panel method so as to ensure the pressure equality on the upper and lower surfaces at the trailing edge of the airfoil at each time step.
Digital control circuitry for the p53 dynamics in cancer cell and apoptosis
Abstract Experimental work and theoretical models deduce a “digital” response of the p53 transcription factor when genomic integrity is damaged. The mutual influence of p53 and its antagonist, the Mdm2 oncogene, is closed in a feedback. This paper proposes an aerospace-based architecture for translating the p53/Mdm2/DNA damage network into a digital circuitry in which the optimal control theory is applied for obtaining the requested dynamic evolutions of some considered cell species for repairing a DNA damage. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of such digital circuitry design to detect and predict the cell species dynamics for shedding light on their inner and mutua…
BIE-based aeroacoustic design procedure
A propeller low noise design procedure based on boundary integral equation is presented. The aerodynamic field is computed via a potential-based boundary element method for lifting body while the aeroacoustic emitted field is calculated on the basis of the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation. Families of airfoils sections are aerodynamically processed to select the ones that meet the requested performance. Successively, the airfoil sections characterized by the lowest noise emission, among the previously selected ones, are chosen to built the propeller blade. Eventually the whole propeller aeroacoustic performances are analyzed. A propeller low noise design procedure based on boundary integra…