Raphael Barbau
OntoSTEP: Enriching product model data using ontologies
The representation and management of product lifecycle information is critical to any manufacturing organization. Different modeling languages are used at different lifecycle stages, for example STEP's EXPRESS may be used at a detailed design stage, while UML may be used for initial design stages. It is necessary to consolidate product information created using these different languages to build a coherent knowledge base. In this paper, we present an approach to enable the translation of STEP schema and its instances to Ontology Web Language (OWL). This gives a model-which we call OntoSTEP-that can easily be integrated with any OWL ontologies to create a semantically rich model. As an examp…
Enriching standards-based digital thread by fusing as-designed and as-inspected data using knowledge graphs
Abstract Realizing the digital thread is essential for linking and orchestrating data across the product lifecycle in smart manufacturing. Linking heterogeneous lifecycle data is critical to maintain associativity and traceability in a digital thread. Recently, researchers have successfully leveraged ontology models with knowledge graphs in engineering domains for threading different lifecycle data. One of the most successful of such efforts is OntoSTEP which enables the formal capture of information embedded in the STandard for Exchange of Product model data (STEP) data representation, or ISO 10303. Meanwhile, an emerging inspection standard, called the Quality Information Framework (QIF),…
Toward a Reference Architecture for Archival Systems
Long-term preservation of product data is imperative for many organizations. A product data archive should be designed to ensure information accessibility and understanding over time. Approaches such as the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model and the Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories (ACTDR) provide a framework for conceptually describing and evaluating archives. These approaches are generic and do not focus on particular contexts or content types. Enterprise architecture provides a way to describe systems in their potentially complex environments.
Towards a Reference Architecture for Archival Systems: Use Case With Product Data
Long-term preservation of product data is imperative for many organizations. A product data archive should be designed to ensure information accessibility and understanding over time. Approaches, such as the Open Archival Information System Reference Model (OAIS RM) and the Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories (ACTDR), provide a framework for conceptually describing and evaluating archives. These approaches are generic and do not focus on particular contexts or content types such as product data. Moreover, these approaches offer no guidance on how to formally and comprehensively describe archival systems. Such descriptions should include the business activities that a…