Abdelhafid Bendahmane


Induced mutations in the TI1 gene encoding a major double-headed protease inhibitor in Pisum sativum L. can reduce significantly the inhibition of target enzymes

BAP GEAPSI; International audience; Trypsin / chymotrypsin inhibitors in the seeds of many legume crop species are regarded as antinutritional proteins often leading to a requirement for heat-treatment of seed products prior to their use in feed. A TILLING resource developed in Pisum sativum L. (pea) was exploited to identify mutants in the major seed-expressed trypsin / chymotrypsin inhibitor gene, TI1, where the inhibition of either or both of the target enzymes may be reduced. Three lines with missense mutations in TI1, predicted to affect activity through alteration of (a) a conserved cysteine residue, (b) the P1′ serine within the active site of the chymotrypsin inhibitory domain or (c…

research product

Etude du déterminisme génétique pour le choix du partenaire symbiotique en vue d’améliorer la fixation d’azote chez le pois

Prod 2018-276 BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience

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Characterization of the interaction between Rx and the potato virus X coat protein and identification of genes required for Rx-mediated resistance

International audience

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Achievements from GLIP functional genomics platforms

Format du poster : N° W212  Format du poster : N° W212; absent

research product

Pea TILLING platform

Includes the Final Dissemination Event of the EU Grain Legumes Integrated Project; International audience

research product

TILLING resources in pea: a valuable tool for functional validation

Prod 2019-88t BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience; Since 2004, two INRA teams (UMR Agroecology Dijon and IJBP, Versailles), both partners of PEAMUST, have created 3 EMS-induced mutant collections in the framework of European or French ANR projects. The genotypes chosen for these collections have specific agronomic traits according to the research subject. For example, the Terese rms3 and -rms4 branched genotypes (Rameau et al., 1997) are well suited to the study of shoot architecture in relation with strigolactone and the lines easy to grow and to backcross in glasshouse conditions. Caméor, an early cultivar with high seed protein content, is the reference genotype for the pea sequencing pro…

research product