Polizzi Gabriella

Promoting cruise ship as 'tourist destination' on Television: the case of Italy

Destination image is one of the elements that most affect tourists’ decision-making processes (Baloglu and McCleary, 1999). Since a distinctive image can differentiate a destination from its competitors, destinations usually compete also via images (Urry, 1990). In this regard, cruise tourism is no exception, since “image is what sells cruises” (Klein, 2002). Over the past 30 years this has led to significant growth in advertising activities aiming to promote the cruise ship “as the destination in itself” (Wood, 2004). Similar trends can be observed among Italian cruise lines as well. Among different types of promotional texts, the importance of the visual ones in shaping the ways tourist r…

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Assessing the Performance of the Italian Translations of Modified MEIM, EIS and FESM Scales to Measure Ethnic Identity: A Case Study

Measuring the ethnic identity of linguistic minorities is a research problem which can be tackled departing from a clear operational definition of the construct. This paper will present the performance of the Italian translations of various scales widely used in the relevant literature, which have been modified for the aims of this study and used in research conducted in 2016 in the ArberesheMunicipalities of Piana degli Albanesi and Santa Cristina Gela (Province of Palermo). These scales consist of modifications of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM), Ethnic Identity Scale (EIS) and Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (FESM). The psychometric properties were analysed for all th…

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Analysing Tourist Destination Image through Topic Modeling

Topic modeling has become one of the most used methods to analyse textual data, proving able to “discover” hidden dimensions (topics) which characterise a corpus. This methodology can be used fruitfully to analyse complex phenomena like tourist destination image. With this aim in mind, this paper discusses the use of topic modeling over TV commercials which have been broadcast by four of the major cruise lines operating in Italy in recent years.

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Preventing Male Violence Against Women Through Communication: A Comparative Analysis of the Television Campaigns of the Italian and Spanish Governments

This paper shows some results from a large study, which aims to identify what representations of male violence on women and what communication strategies for preventing and fighting the phenomenon are emerging from the national campaigns implemented by European Union Member States. In particular, the study aims to test the hypothesis that, as it goes from newcomer to intermediate to early-bird countries, governmental communication campaigns tend to become more tailored to specific target groups of population and more differentiated in terms of types of male violence addressed, modes of representation of violent acts, types of target groups, frames of male violence adopted by national govern…

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