Linda Pasta
Thrombophilic Genetic Factors PAI-1, MTHFRC677T, V Leiden 506Q, and Prothrombin 20210A in Noncirrhotic Portal Vein Thrombosis and Budd-Chiari Syndrome in a Caucasian Population
Thrombophilic genetic factors PAI-1, MTHFRC677T, V Leiden 506Q, and Prothrombin 20210A were studied as risk factors in 235 Caucasian subjects: 85 patients with abdominal thrombosis (54 with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) and 31 with Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) without liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma) and 150 blood bank donors. Seventy-five patients with PVT/BCS showed associated disease or particular clinical status (46 PVT/29 BCS): 37 myeloproliferative neoplasm (20 PVT/17 BCS), 12 abdominal surgery (10 PVT/2 BCS), 10 contraception or pregnancy (6 PVT/4 BCS), 7 abdominal acute disease (6 PVT/1 BCS), and 9 chronic disease (4 PVT/5 BCS); ten patients did not present any association …
C4BQ0: a genetic marker of familial HCV-related liver cirrhosis
Source Department of Medicine and Pneumology, V Cervello Hospital, Via Trabucco 180, 90146 Palermo, Italy. lindpas@yahoo.it Abstract BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Host may have a role in the evolution of chronic HCV liver disease. We performed two cross-sectional prospective studies to evaluate the prevalence of cirrhosis in first degree relatives of patients with cirrhosis and the role of two major histocompatibility complex class III alleles BF and C4 versus HCV as risk factors for familial clustering. FINDINGS: Ninety-three (18.6%) of 500 patients with cirrhosis had at least one cirrhotic first degree relative as compared to 13 (2.6%) of 500 controls, (OR 7.38; CI 4.21-12.9). C4BQ0 was signifi…
Competing risks and prognostic stages of cirrhosis: A 25-year inception cohort study of 494 patients
Summary Background Morphological, haemodynamic and clinical stages of cirrhosis have been proposed, although no definite staging system is yet accepted for clinical practice. Aim To investigate whether clinical complications of cirrhosis may define different prognostic disease stages. Methods Analysis of the database from a prospective inception cohort of 494 patients. Decompensation was defined by ascites, bleeding, jaundice or encephalopathy. Explored potential prognostic stages: 1, compensated cirrhosis without oesophago-gastric varices; 2, compensated cirrhosis with varices; 3, bleeding without other complications; 4, first nonbleeding decompensation; 5, any second decompensating event.…
Octreotide compared with placebo in a treatment strategy for early rebleeding in cirrhosis. A double blind, randomized pragmatic trial.
beta-Blockers and sclerotherapy prevent long-term upper digestive rebleeding in cirrhosis but they seem ineffective for early rebleeding. We compared octreotide with a placebo for the prevention of early rebleeding in cirrhotic patients. After control of acute upper digestive bleeding, 262 consecutive cirrhotic patients were randomized to octreotide 100 microgram subcutaneously three times a day for 15 days (n = 131) or to the placebo (n = 131), in a double blind pragmatic trial in which beta-blockers and/or sclerotherapy were allowed together with the experimental treatment. Separate randomization and analysis were performed according to whether patients were eligible for beta-blockers and…
PAI-1 4G-4G, MTHFR 677TT, V Leiden 506Q, and Prothrombin 20210A in Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis: Analysis of Individual Patient Data From Three Prospective Studies
There are no univocal opinions on the role of genetic thrombophilia on splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT). We defined genetic thrombophilia the presence of one of these thrombophilic genetic factors (THRGFs): PAI-1 4G-4G, MTHFR 677TT, V Leiden 506Q, and prothrombin 20210A.To evaluate the frequencies of these THRGFs in SVT patients, we analyzed individual data of 482 Caucasian patients, recruited from 2000 to 2014 in three prospective studies. SVT was defined as the presence of thrombosis of portal (PVT), mesenteric (MVT), splenic (SPVT), cava (CT), and hepatic vein (Budd Chiari syndrome, BCS). Pre-hepatic SVT (pre-HSVT) was defined as PVT with or without MVT/SPVT, without BCS. Post-hepatic SV…
Thrombophilic genetic factors PAI-1 4G-4G and MTHFR 677TT as risk factors of alcohol, cryptogenic liver cirrhosis and portal vein thrombosis, in a Caucasian population.
The thrombophilic genetic factors (THRGFs), PAI-1 4G-4G, MTHFR 677TT, V Leiden 506Q and Prothrombin 20210A, were studied as risk factors in 865 Caucasian patients with liver cirrhosis, consecutively enrolled from June 2008 to January 2014. A total of 582 HCV, 80 HBV, 94 alcohol, (82 with more than one etiologic factor) and 191 cryptogenic patients with liver cirrhosis had been consecutively enrolled; 243 patients showed portal vein thrombosis (PVT). At least one of the above THRGFs was present in 339/865 patients (39.2%). PAI-1 4G-4G and MTHFR 677TT were the most frequent THRGFs, statistically significant in patients with alcohol, cryptogenic liver cirrhosis, and PVT: respectively 24 and 28…
Prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding from portal hypertension in cirrhosis: rationale for medical treatment.
We updated meta-analysis and critical descriptive analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) assessing the value of beta-blockers in preventing first bleeding (prophylactic) or rebleeding (therapeutic) and on survival of patients with cirrhosis. Both the methods of Peto-Mantel-Haenszel and DerSimonian-Laird were used to assess the heterogeneity and obtain cumulative estimates of treatment effects; the L'Abbé plot was also used for a visual assessment of heterogeneity in the direction of treatment effect. Seven prophylactic and nine therapeutic RCTs were analysed. beta-Blockers uniformly reduced the bleeding risk and revealed a trend toward improved survival in non-ascitic, well-compensat…
Clinical states of cirrhosis and competing risks.
The clinical course of cirrhosis is mostly determined by the progressive increase of portal hypertension, hyperdynamic circulation, bacterial translocation and activation of systemic inflammation. Different disease states, encompassing compensated and decompensated cirrhosis and a late decompensated state, are related to the progression of these mechanisms and may be recognised by haemodynamic or clinical characteristics. While these disease states do not follow a predictable sequence, they correspond to varying mortality risk. Acute-on-chronic liver failure may occur either in decompensated or in compensated cirrhosis and is always associated with a high short-term mortality. The increasin…