Gaspare Giancontieri
Rheological Behaviors of Waste Polyethylene Modified Asphalt Binder: Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Testing Results
This article investigated the effect of waste polyethylene (PE) on the modified asphalt binders' rheological behavior from a statistical point of view. The interlaboratory testing results from the RILEM Technical Committee 279 Valorization of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads Task Group 1 were used for this purpose. First, an unaged 70/100 penetration graded neat binder was selected as the reference material. Next, a single 5 % content of waste PE additives (PE-pellets and PE-shreds) was mixed with a 95 % neat binder to prepare two PE modified binders. Then, dynamic shear rheometer-based temperature-frequency sweep tests were performed over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies…
Investigating Tools for Sustainability Assessment of Road Pavements in Europe
Sustainability assessment (SA) is a method to support decision making processes through the evaluation of system effectiveness, environmental integrity, economic valuation, and social implications [1]. SA can be carried out through the application of life-cycle-based techniques for quantitative assessment, or by performing a mainly qualitative approach via sustainability rating systems (SRS). In the field of civil engineering, many SRS have been proposed, all based on assigning point values to actions that are determined to contribute to the overall sustainability of the project. However, only few of these systems can be applied specifically to compare road pavement technologies and/or main…
Life Cycle Management delle pavimentazioni stradali
Ormai parola chiave della nostra società, la sostenibilità è al centro di ricerche e dibattiti. La comunità scientifica si impegna da anni nella definizione di strumenti e metodologie comuni per riuscire a quantificarla, proponendo standard e linee guida basate sull’analisi del ciclo di vita, come il Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), di prodotti e processi. Nell’ambito dell’ingegneria civile esistono procedure standardizzate a livello internazionale per svolgere esercizi di Sustainability Assessment; queste risultano ben strutturate per gli edifici, meno dettagliate invece per altre opere, come le pavimentazioni stradali. Questo lavoro presenta il risultato principale del progetto “PavementLCM”,…
Rheological properties of asphalt binder modified with waste polyethylene: An interlaboratory research from the RILEM TC WMR
Funding Information: The RILEM Technical Committee on Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads (TC 279-WMR) and the members of Task Group 1 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also like to thank Nynas AB and Swiss company Innorecycling for supporting the interlaboratory activity by providing reference neat binder and PE-pellets, PE-shreds additives. The contribution of the Swiss National Science Foundation ( 205121_178991 ) to the Swiss partners is also acknowledged. Funding Information: The RILEM Technical Committee on Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads (TC 279-WMR) and the members of Task Group 1 are gratefully acknowledged. The authors would…
RILEM TC 279 WMR round robin study on waste polyethylene modified bituminous binders: advantages and challenges
inter-laboratory experiments were designed to evaluate the impact of plas- tic waste blended directly in bitumen and to assess the properties, using conventional and advanced bituminous binder testing. The blends tar- geted 5% of plastic waste in 95% bitumen, using two types of polyethy- lene (PE) primary (pellets) and secondary (shreds) waste. The experiments showed that the addition of PE waste to bitumen does not alter the chem- istry of the bitumen, the blending is physical. The DSR results indicate a strong dependency on the testing temperature as at low temperatures the composite material bitumen and PE behave both elastically whereas, at higher temperatures, the bitumen becomes visco…
Machine learning techniques to estimate the degree of binder activity of reclaimed asphalt pavement
Part of this research was funded by the project RTI2018-096224-J-I00 that has been cofounded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, inside the National Program for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, National Subprogram of Knowledge Generation, 2018 call, in the framework of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, and by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund, with the main objective of Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. Part of this work was financially supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research with the research Grant PRIN 20…