Iouri Bernache-assollant
Is Andy Murray More British Than Scottish? It Depends on His Success! Game Outcome and the MOATing Effect
Prior research indicates that when we shared a part of a social identity with others, we tend to include or exclude them from our in-group depending on their success and failure. In this research, we investigated the extent to which this strategy (i.e., MOATing, “moving others away/toward the in-group”) is used for self-enhancement as compared to self-protection. Our experiment included a stereotype measure that assessed whether others were perceived as more typical of the in-group or the out-group. The results generally replicate those of prior research and suggest that MOATing primarily serves a self-enhancement function. We discuss theoretical and methodological implications.
Casual spectators and die-hard fans’ reactions to their team defeat: A look at the role of territorial identification in elite French rugby
This research investigated the role of two foci of identification (team and territory) on identity management strategies used by sport followers in the particular context of elite French rugby union. In study 1 which dealt with casual spectators (N = 153), the results corroborated numerous studies conducted in the North-American context and showed that team identification constitutes a strong driver for offensive and loyalty reactions. In study 2 which dealt with die-hard fans (N = 64), it appeared that team identification seems to be the best predictor of team loyalty strategy whereas territorial identification seems to be the first predictor of offensive strategies. Taken together, the st…
Segmenting sport spectators: Construction and preliminary validation of the Sporting Event Experience Search (SEES) scale
International audience; This study's goal was to create and test a tool for identifying different types of sport spectators. Based on four types of sporting-event consumers – aesthete, interactive, supporter, and opportunist – we developed the Sporting Event Experience Search Scale (SEES). We conducted an empirical investigation involving two sporting events with both live and mediated types of attendance. Although the first validation step failed to support the four-type structure for the mediated context, the scale appeared to be relevant in a live-attendance context. The SEES scale should therefore allow sporting-event managers to analyse the nature and then the expectations of sport spe…
Measuring Sport Spectators’ Coping Strategies: Preliminary Validation of the Sport Spectator Identity Management (SSIM) Scale
International audience
Sport Spectators’ Segmentation
International audience
The impacts of legitimacy appraisal of defeat on supporters’ identity management strategies: Testing the role of emotions
Emotion is a central feature of many competitive sports. In this regard, re- search revealed that defeats have powerful impacts on athletes who can feel deep- ly distressed or annoyed. Comparatively, relatively few studies have directly ad- dressed the emotional experience of supporters associated with losing teams. This is surprising when taking into account the negative consequences of emotions on intergroup relations (i.e., fans riots). To fill this gap, it is crucial to identify to whom these emotions are addressed. In this study, we proposed that the ob- ject of specific emotions would trigger the use of specific identity management strategies depending on the legitimacy appraisal of t…
Yellow and social perceptions of racing cyclists’ sportspersonship: Proposing an inter-contextual analysis
Through inter-contextual designs, the present set of experiments sought to explore whether the colour yellow would impact on social perceptions of sportspersonship exclusively in relation to competitive cycling. In Experiment 1 (N = 149), a silhouette image of a cyclist on a yellow background yielded lower perceptions of sportspersonship in comparison to grey or to the context of motocross, regardless of the colour. That interaction was conceptually replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 146) while changing measures (i.e., adaptation of the World Anti-Doping Code) and the context of comparison to sprinting. Furthermore, female and male observers' scores did not differ significantly thereby suggest…
Competitive Cycling and Doping: Proposing a Functional Analysis Based on the Color Yellow.
The authors demonstrate in three experiments (N = 241) that yellow impacts on social perceptions when associated with competitive cycling. In Experiment 1, the image of a syringe evocated competitive cycling and doping more strongly when presented on yellow as compared with gray. In Experiment 2, a performance improvement scenario yielded more discredit of a depicted racer and higher suspicions of doping when ending on a yellow frame, as opposed to a gray one. In Experiment 3, the image of a racer wearing a yellow jersey (instead of a gray or a white one) yielded the lowest scores on measures of suitability as a role model and attractiveness of sport participation. Moreover, no significant …
Les groupes de supporters ultras à Marseille: Des modes de gestion identitaire différents?
Cet article propose une etude des modes de gestion identitaire chez deux groupes de supporters ultras francais, les South Winners (SW) et le Commando Ultra (CU), qui soutiennent la meme equipe de Marseille. La Theorie de l'identite sociale et celle de l'auto categorisation constituent notre cadre d'analyse. Nous avons degage les caracteristiques socio-structurelles de statut, de legitimite et de stabilite des SW et du CU a partir d'informations socio-historiques. Quarante recits de matchs entre 1997 et 2003 diffuses dans les fanzines des deux groupes ont ete analyses a l'aide de la psychologie sociale du langage. Les resultats obtenus nous ont permis de mettre en evidence des strategies de …
Basking in Reflected Glory and Blasting
This study examines, in soccer fanzines, two identity-management strategies—basking in reflected glory (BIRGing) and blasting—of two groups of highly identified soccer fans with allegiance to the same team. Results show strong support for the BIRG phenomenon among both ultra fan groups but little evidence of the blasting phenomenon among either group. The implications of these findings are discussed in regard to social identity management among sports fans.
Spectators' Identification with French Sports Teams: A French Adaptation of the Sport Spectator Identification Scale
International audience; Due to the works of Wann and colleagues, spectators' identification with teams has taken on a central role in the study of sports spectators' thought and behavior. However, no research in this area has measured identification with sports teams in the French context. Two studies attempted to develop a valid and reliable French version of the Sport Spectator Identification Scale (SSIS) developed by Wann and Branscombe in 1993 to measure team identification. In Study 1, 200 physical education students completed a French translation of the SSIS and several questions concerning their involvement, investment, and evaluation of the team's future performance. Results showed …
Stratégies de gestion identitaire et supportérisme Ultra : Une revue critique selon la perspective de l'identité sociale
ResumeLes comportements de soutien des supporters ultras de football a leur equipe sont un phenomene qui fait souvent l’actualite. Se basant sur les principes theoriques de la perspective de l’identite sociale, cet article se propose d’analyser en quoi la litterature actuelle sur le supporterisme constitue un outil efficace pour comprendre les reactions des supporters ultras du football europeen souvent qualifies d’extremistes. A premiere vue, il apparait que la grande majorite des travaux sur le supporterisme provient des Etats-Unis (presque 65 % des publications sur les strategies de gestion identitaire) et a ete realisee sur des etudiants encourageant des equipes sportives universitaires…
Examining a negative halo effect to anabolic steroids users through perceived achievement goals, sportspersonship orientations, and aggressive tendencies
We investigated the social image of anabolic steroids (AS) users grounding our analysis on the achievement goal theory of Nicholls. Our main goal was to explore how an athlete's acceptance of AS use would impact on the way that athlete will be perceived by others. Non-AS-using participants reacted to one of two scenarios portraying a male athlete either accepting or refusing to engage in drug use behavior. The results suggested that the acceptance of anabolic steroids yielded an unfavorable social image--perceivers inferred a predominant ego orientation to characterize the AS-user's motivation as well as weaker sportspersonship and a stronger proclivity for reactive aggression than instrume…
Understanding the consequences of victory amongst sport spectators: The mediating role of BIRGing.
Prior work on the relationships between team identification and spectators' reactions to one's team victory has largely neglected the potential effects of mediating variables. In this research, we proposed that the process of Basking in Reflected Glory [BIRGing - the tendency to reduce the distance between oneself and one's team; Cialdini, R. B., Bordon, R. J., Thorne, A., Walker, M. R., Freeman, S., & Sloan, L. R. (1976). Basking in reflected glory: Three (football) field studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 34, 366-375] would lead spectators to almost take ownership of victories and share its benefits, thereby impacting their sense of national belonging in a positive man…